
Return To Battle City

As we were almost at the gate of Battle City all I had in my mind as I patted little light, other than making sure I still had the purified crystals that I left for certain situations, was… getting some actual real sleep!

After all, while I did go on a streak of almost 4 continuous days of sleep after getting affected by the 'Blood Burning Curse', it was a half awake sleeping session as I actually experienced a part of what seemed to be a dragon's life, not to mention the fact that it was another 'ground sleep' which only made me more expectant of a sleep at the super comfy bed provided by the 'Hotel'.

I did have my own bed situated inside the ring, but I had tasks to be done which I decided to prioritize before I returned to battle city and using the rest of my time having some fun sleeping, and of course some quality food!

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