
How to Treat Your First Contact

United Nations Research Facility, Frankfurt, Germany, March 19th, 2022

In the morning, Heinz is briefed by the higher ups on today's mission. He was given a very huge responsibility. Why? Humans are going to the other side.

Not only the guests in the VIP room are excited, but the whole world! The first man to cross the new world! Such privilege is given to Eric Dunwell from Great Britain, with his squad of men.

Eric Dunwell is an SAS Special Forces captain, his men are also SAS soldiers. He was assigned by His Majesty King Charles. He and his men were veterans in the Iraqi War, no battle he can't fight. No obstacle, he can't get through. Nothing can scare him. But being the first man to cross the other world really made him shiver through his spine. A spark of excitement accompanied by a small touch of fear.

"Sir Heinz Bismarck." As Eric shook hands with Heinz.

"Please call me Heinz." He replied then went on to chat with Eric and his squad.

Heinz also invited Eric and his squad to the VIP room to chat for a while with the guests. Eric also chatted with the British Prime Minister for a long while. Exchanging questions and jokes.

One could hear him say "Sir Prime Minister, if I and my men die in this expedition, I would like you to make me and my men a national hero, I want a 3 meter statue of me and my men in front of the Buckingham Palace made out of gold." He said jokingly.

The guests laughed

"Relax young chap. You're not going to die, I assure you. If you would die then I will consider carving your face on the Big Ben." The Prime Minister chuckled.

It was a a very lively room indeed.

After awhile, Heinz whispered something to Eric. Eric and his men nodded and proceeded to exit the VIP room.

Below, he and his squad were given a bunch of peculiar gadgets by the scientists in his backpack. He and his men were also given M16s, oxygen masks, and small cameras capturing live footage.

They were wearing their blue helmets with a huge 'UN' on it while wearing camouflage uniforms with tactical body armor.

The countdown started and a screeching sound can be heard.


The portal turned to a purplish color. And the men went inside.

Not to mention the news media and a bunch of cameraman were there. It was a truly historic moment. All eyes now watched from the live camera from Eric and his men.

As Eric and his men stepped down. He looked around the portal. And it was truly beautiful. Lush green forests and huge mountain ranges. He then took the initiative and said through the radio.

"One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."

Literally the same thing as Neil Armstrong, but this time, less anticlimactic, and less bouncing on the surface.

The sentence Eric spoken of literally made the world into an uproar. History in the making! Yet somehow, it felt a bit anticlimactic.

Still with his oxygen mask, he took a gadget from his backpack, a peculiar kite indeed! He then proceed to let the kite soar the skies while holding some cables, connecting to an instrument. After a long while, the reading showed.

"Oxygen percentage is about 21%, 78% Nitrogen, 0.93% Argon, 0.04% Carbon Dioxide! Incredible! Just like earth!" He announced. Which also was transmitted to the live television, and made the world widen their jaws in agape. How is it possible?!

He took a compass, "The mountain range behind the portal seems to be west, where the entry portal is facing dead east.

He then took off his oxygen mask and such a cold fresh air.

"Finally some good fucking air!"

His men then took off the oxygen mask. And also took out a bunch of drones. These drones would not be controlled by them, but from earth. How? The scientist currently are connecting a cable from earth through the portal, where an antenna is placed in the other world, 3 meters tall. It serves as a radio tower, which can reach the men and the drone.

They brought 10 drones, 2 drones were to follow the men, while the other drones explore the vicinity.

They then pack up and headed east. The men walked through the green plains, they saw flowers. Green, red, blue and many other peculiar looking flowers. The first animal they saw is a butterfly, flying among the flowers. They also saw ants and small insects, common in earth, but different then any other species they know of.

20 minutes passed by and they reached the forest. With lush trees and plants growing. But then, they were surprised.

"A tree that is cut downed! Plenty of them! It looked like it was cut by an axe!"

This spark a huge uproar on earth. They discovered a civilization! An alien civilization!

They then continued and a heard what appears to be someone or something chopping wood.

"De Bruyne, take and load you're tranquilizer gun, don't fire after I say so, the others, ready your weapons. Walk." Eric ordered. Then proceed to follow the sound.

When they saw the source of the sound, they were stupefied. People who watch the live footage dropped their jaws. The guests and Heinz in the VIP room were also shocked.

"It's human male. Not elves or dwarves like in fantasy novels, not what I was hoping what civilization looked though." Eric chuckled silently.

"Stay put, lower your guns, De Bruyne, if itthings goes ugly, shoot the tranquilizer gun. Not at me at him. Kapeesh?"

He then slowly approach the male.

While 10 meters apart, the male didn't notice Eric and continue chopping down a tree, and Eric is also having a bad time, not knowing how to start a conversation, their language are different of course so there is no bother for 'excuse me'. To get his attention he faked a cough.

The male with a surprised face suddenly looked behind and saw Eric.

"Yeri ya ope di?" (May I help you?)

"Hi!" Eric patted the male's shoulders. He thought that this is a universal sign of friendship, even another world.

"Eric." While pointing to himself.

"Place to sleep?" He slowly said. He then showed the action of sleeping and drawing a roof on the air. Hoping that this person understands and would give a place to rest presumably a village.

Eric also looked at the person, he was about his 30s, muscular, caucasian, black hair, literally not different than any human. He wears a ragged, medievalish peasant tunics.

People who looked at the footage were dumbfounded, but Eric, the first man to talk to this male, is trying to be calm.

The male, looked at this weird dressed fellow and asked.

"Di brießen?" (You traveller?)

Eric's men while hiding after hearing the man, whispered to each other "Sounds sauerkraut to me!" And then chuckled behind the bush.

The man while talking with Eric heard the small chuckling.

"Nya rige dile?!" (Who goes there?) While approaching towards the sound bringing his axe.

Eric who was also surprised then said "No no no no, they are my fellow men!" He proceed to stop this man from nearing his men.

The man after being stopped by Eric looked at Eric in disdain. Thinking there must be something wrong here. He then noticed a stick from Eric's back and become dumbfounded. He stepped back, and fell on his arse. Pointing at Eric's M16.

"De... De.... Bam draibu?!" (Boom Stick?!)

"Huh? This is a rifle, an M16 to be exact." He then took his M16 hanging from his back and showed it in front of this man, he hold it like he was aiming at something ready to fire, he was just showing off.

"Bam draibu! Ike Bam draibu! Sa Ziegler! Beße!" (Boom stick! It's a boom stick! A Ziegler! Fuck!)

The man then stood up and took his axe. Swinging at Eric.

"What the fuck!" He dodged the swings.



A distinct sound, made Eric happy, De Bruyne fired the tranquilizer gun and hit the man. The man suddenly got tired and collapsed.

"This asshole almost made my face carved unto the Big Ben!"

The people of earth watched this. Their hairs all standing with tense. Their heart pounding after what just happened. The camera was attached to Eric, so the viewers literally watched as someone try to kill Eric first handed.

Eric then radioed HQ. "Sir, as you can see we got an unexpected package. There seems to be a road up ahead. If we follow it, there might be a village. Send the drones there, we're heading back."

Eric and his man went back to earth bringing this unexpected male with them.

After their return, Heinz ordered the Navy Seals, Spetsnaz, GSG9, and other Special Task Force to enter the portal and guard the surroundings, while the engineers are tasked with building necessary facilities on the other world.

The Special Task Force troops are setting up perimeters, cameras, and watch points. While the engineers are currently surveying the area so that they can built a building later.

Meanwhile, the drones are currently overlooking the village.

Yo, I'll be posting in 2 more days. Enjoy, Please rate or comment, any critics would be good for me, Thanks

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