

Chapter 351 Vulcan Douluo: Huh?speak!

  The people who came to contact the Shrek team by the Xingluo Team and the Heavenly Soul Team were all people with very special identities.

  The princess of the Xingluo team is for a long time. This time she came to Mingdu as the leader of the team, and the person who came to the Heavenly Soul team was the same as for a long time. She was actually a princess, the princess of the Heavenly Soul Empire, Vina.

  For a long time, Zhu Ziyang and Zhu Ziyang are old acquaintances, after all, she is just Shrek Academy, which she left only a year ago.

  The princesses of the Heavenly Soul Empire, Vina and Zhu Ziyang, met for the first time. As a princess of a country, Vina's appearance is no less than that of a long time, but unlike the long-standing generosity, Vina's temperament tends to be gentle and quiet. Quiet.

  "Ziyang, long time no see!"After walking into the room for a long time, Zhu Ziyang's eyes lit up after seeing him, and he said with joy.

  "It's been a long time since I saw you, Your Royal Highness."Zhu Ziyang responded with a smile.

  "Are you Zhu Ziyang?I've heard so much about you!Hello, this is Vina."For a long time, two women followed by him, and the girl who walked side by side with for a long time said out loud, with a quiet smile on her face.

  "The pearl of the heavenly soul, Princess Vina, I have heard so much about you for a long time."Zhu Ziyang responded with a smile.

  "Your Royal Highness, please sit down and say."Ma Xiaotao stretched out his hand and asked the two princesses to sit down, and said.

  Xu Jiujiu and Weina sat on both sides of Zhu Ziyang and Ma Xiaotao, respectively, while the woman who came with the two princesses stood behind Weina. Obviously, she was Weina's entourage.

  "I wonder if the two Princesses have any instructions for visiting?"Zhu Ziyang asked knowingly with a smile on his face.

  When Zhu Ziyang and Weina heard Zhu Ziyang's words for a long time, the expressions on their faces solidified a little, but as princesses, the etiquette education they received from childhood immediately restored their expressions to nature.

  Vina glanced at her for a long time, and when she saw that she didn't mean to speak, she frowned and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to get to know you, Tianjiao. After all, we are all from the Heavenly Soul Empire!"

  "Hahaha, then I am really honored!"Zhu Ziyang said with a smile.

  "In this way, there is nothing wrong with it?That being the case, then please leave the three of you and don't disturb our rest."Ma Xiaotao sang with a white face on the side, her pretty face gloomy, and she directly issued an eviction order.

  At this moment, the two of Yujiujiu and Vina were embarrassed. After looking at each other, they both saw the helplessness and dissatisfaction in each other's eyes, but they were helpless and did not dare to attack. After all, they are begging for others, even if they are princesses, they need to lower their voices.

  "Ahaha, Sister Xiaotao is still so straightforward."Xu Jiujiuqiang smiled and said, "Then we won't sell Guanzi, Ziyang, please forgive me for offending, but we need to communicate with your accompanying elders, because it's important!""

  For a long time, it was not clear that Zhu Ziyang had reached the realm of Douluo and took over as the Lord of Tianyuan Pavilion, otherwise she would not have said such a thing.

  In fact, not many people in the entire mainland knew about this matter, because Xuanzi had only been the head of Tianyuan Pavilion for three or four years, and no one would have thought that he would step down so soon, and he still gave way to a hairy boy who had just turned 20 years old.

  "No, just talk to us directly if you have anything, we can plenipotentiary represent Shrek Academy!"Ma Xiaotao continued to sing with a white face, and said coldly, very unkind.

  "This..." Xu Jiujiu and Weina were obviously a little unbelieving, looking at Zhu Ziyang and Ma Xiaotao suspiciously.

  Although Zhu Ziyang is extremely talented, he is young after all. They can't believe that he can make the decision. You know, the two of them are just megaphones that are pushed to the front desk. It is the people behind them who really make the decision.

  "Huh!"Ma Xiaotao was very upset by the suspicious gaze of the two of them. She snorted coldly and said, "If you have something to say, get out of here if you have nothing to do!""   

  Ma Xiaotao's words were very unceremonious. Even Princess Vina, who had been told to be patient before she came, couldn't help blushing, and the woman behind her showed an expression of resentment.

  "Huh!"A sneer suddenly came from the room, Zhu Ziyang's expression moved slightly, but he didn't make any movement.A woman in a long red dress appeared in front of her for a long time. The temperature in the room suddenly dropped a bit, and a huge pressure was released from the woman and forced everyone.

  Zhu Ziyang and Ma Xiaotao didn't say anything. Weina and the woman behind her trembled a bit by this coercion. Weina's body sat straight subconsciously. This was a manifestation of tension and concentration. The woman behind her stepped back a bit, and both of them were filled with shock and vigilance in their eyes.

  The woman in red who suddenly appeared was obviously from the long-time party, because Long-time obviously wanted to speak, but her red lips hadn't opened yet, and a colder breath spread from behind Vina, causing the temperature in the room to suddenly drop by a lot, and then a completely different coercion rolled back, and the coercion that enveloped the woman in red pounced on the long-time side.

  Accompanied by the cold and pressure, there was one more person beside Vina, a person whose whole body was shrouded in a dark blue cloak, and her face could not be seen, and she could only barely tell it was a woman by her figure.

  Two titles Douluo!

  The red-robed woman of the Xingluo Empire is just an ordinary Douluo, while the blue-robed woman of the Heavenly Soul Empire is most likely to be a super Douluo from the point of view of momentum!

  The two titled Douluo appeared at the same time, and the purpose seemed obvious. They tried to intimidate Zhu Ziyang and Ma Xiaotao, so as to get out of the old man behind them.

  However, their abacus beads were undoubtedly misplaced.

  "Huh!"Ma Xiaotao's face became more gloomy, because the behavior of the two titled Douluo was undoubtedly a provocation to Shrek Academy, so she didn't need to be polite. After a cold snort, a more terrifying aura than the red-robed woman and the blue-robed woman swept across the room in an instant, and a blazing heat wiped out the previous cold, causing the temperature of the room to return to normal.

  The sudden power of Ma Xiaotao made the two titled Douluo unexpected. The aura of Ma Xiaotao's body comparable to that of Super Douluo made the two of them like enemies. The red-clothed woman was shocked, and the blue-robed woman also showed her face, her eyes full of surprise.

  "Are you two threatening us?"Ma Xiaotao's tone was cold, but the terrifying heat wave exuding all over her body made it a little difficult for Xu Jiujiu and Vina to sit still. The two titled Douluo also looked ugly, but what made them even more uncomfortable was still behind.

  "Hmm?speak!"Ma Xiaotao showed an impatient expression, and then the nine soul rings of six black and three red broke out of the sky, and the magnificent and terrifying brilliance sprinkled on the five of Vina for a long time, making all five of them stunned.

  The woman in red shook her body for a while, then said bitterly: "You, you are the new Vulcan Douluo of Shrek Academy?"

  When the blue-robed woman heard this, her pupils were also shocked. Obviously, she also knew the news, but like the red-robed woman, she didn't expect that the new Vulcan Douluo from Shrek Academy would be a young man under the age of 30!

  This makes them old guys how to deal with themselves!

  The atmosphere in the room was a bit stiff, and the five people on the Empire side were a little restless. They must not be able to do anything. But what's the matter with such a stalemate?

  "Well, Sister Xiaotao, I don't think the two seniors are malicious, they are just a little anxious, right?"Zhu Ziyang finally spoke, with a faint smile on his face, but his tone was plain but like a spring breeze, which made the awkward atmosphere in the room suddenly melt away.

  Ma Xiaotao put away the soul ring, and the expressions of the five of Vina suddenly relaxed for a long time.

  They began to re-examine the identities of Zhu Ziyang and Ma Xiaotao. They can really represent Shrek Academy!

   I arrived in Dunhuang at seven o'clock, so tired

  (End of this chapter)

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