

  Chapter 15 True Experience

  The rule changes in the Killing Capital did not bring Fang Chen any bad effects, but instead brought him greater benefits.

  The change in the rules caused greater chaos and killing, so that there were more dead people, and he could absorb more.

  And the negative aura has also increased, which is an evil thing for others, but it is good for him.

  As for Bibi Dong, who was "living together" with him, she seemed to have become a house girl without leaving home.

  Of course, it's not that Bibi Dong has become lazy or depraved, but conditioning.

  Fang Chen could see that since Bibi Dong had been out of retreat for almost a month, she had been in a state of "rest". In the past half a month, he had obviously felt that her breath was becoming stronger.

  If he guessed right, it should have something to do with the Rakshasa god.

  But this has nothing to do with him. His main task every day is to go out for a walk, mourn the dead and fallen, come back to purify the air and suck in the negative aura from those special vegetation, and finally practice swords.

  The swordsmanship inherited by the first Martial soul is still very awesome. Not only does it look good, it also helps him a lot in actual combat, especially the body skills contained in the swordsmanship, which has allowed him to avoid many deadly attacks.


  After exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, Fang Chen put the long sword into the storage ring.

  This sword is not his martial soul, but a trophy. The first martial soul has not been released since entering the killing capital.

  "What's the name of this swordsmanship?"

  Just as Fang Chen closed the recruitment, Bibi Dong, who appeared on the balcony on the second floor at some unknown time, asked softly.

  Today she is wearing an embroidered light red dress, leaning on a precious wooden pillar on the edge of the balcony.At this time, she was less noble and more delicate than usual. Although she was still wearing a veil, her perfect figure was enough to make people forget.

  "Oh, this swordsmanship is called...'Fighting Sword Tianya'."

  Fang Chen swallowed, looked away and said with a smile.

  There is no specific name for this inheritance of swordsmanship. The "Hero of the World" belongs to Shuibing'er. If you have others, just change your name.

  However, what he didn't know was that the addition of the name to this swordsmanship brought Bibi Dong a lot of touch.

  "Fight the sword to the end of the world..."

  Bibi Dong whispered to herself, looking up slightly into the distance, a picture slowly appeared in her mind.:

  A man carrying a long sword with his beloved, walking through the mountains, rivers and wild forests, has had the red dust and the crowd, happy enmity, free and easy,...

  There was a look of longing in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared and was replaced by indifference.

  "This is the capital of killing, not a place for self-cultivation. If you are here to practice, you'd better accept it and resist it."

  As if remembering something painful, Bibi Dong left the balcony without a word.

  Fang Chen didn't notice Bibi Dong's expression, but was awakened by her words.

  Yes, the original purpose was to come to the killing capital to enhance soul power, but isn't this a place of experience?

  If you just improve your soul power, don't adapt to the killing here, and lose the momentum and murderous aura, what's the difference between it and salted fish!?

  Looking at the stunning color that slowly disappeared from his sight, he suddenly remembered a sentence in his heart, "Woman, you caught my attention... Bah, thank you Sister Dong for your guidance."

  If you have a decision, you have to start acting.

  It just so happened that Fang Chen was an activist, and he arrived in front of the killing field in a short while.

  Goal, ninety-nine games!

  When I want to go out one day, I will challenge the hundredth game.

  However, before he entered the room, suddenly three ragged and wounded people knelt down in front of him and cried loudly.

  "Boss, help, woohoo"

  "I'll go, why have you changed like this?"

  Hearing the voice, Fang Chen recognized the three people in front of him, who were his subordinates in the outer city, "Audio-Technica".

  Why do you recognize it when you listen to the sound?It was because the three of them had dense wounds on their faces, and their clothes were torn apart. It was not miserable.

  "Boss, the rules changed, we were rushed to the inner city, and we were poisoned by others as soon as we came."Chen Gousan cried, the scabs on his face were about to crack.

  "Okay, get up."Fang Chen was speechless, it is worthy of being a paradise for the fallen, anything can happen.

  "I'm going into the killing field, you guys wait outside, if others want to move you, just report my name."

  He learned from Bibi Dong and became a little domineering.

  It has been two months since I entered the inner city, and I have completed the feat of eighteen wins and ranked in the top 100. The name is still loud.

  "Audio-Technica' is naturally grateful, and they feel that with Fang Chen, they seem to have become a lot more normal.

  In just half an hour, Fang Chen left the killing field.

  This time he let go of his mind, and the one he killed was hearty, and an evil spirit appeared on his body.

  "Congratulations, boss, for a great victory!"

  Chen Gousan and the three of them once again played the role of licking dogs and subordinates, "Boss, we just found out that there is a battle in the west of the city. Do you want to go over and have a look?""

  "Very good, you are still clear-headed."

  Fang Chen smiled slightly and took out a large bottle of the Bloody Mary award that had just been collected in the killing field and gave it to the three of them.

  "Thank you, Boss Xie."The three of them were furrowed by his faintly red eyes.

  "Let's go."

  Four months later.

  Killing field.

  "Hurry up, the mourning king has a duel today."

  "Let's go, I'm going to see the battle of the Mourning King!"

  Many people rushed into the hell killing field in a hurry, eager to grow wings and fly in quickly.

  It is true that the battle of the Mourning King ended too quickly. From the time he entered the inner city to the present, the duels he participated in for half a year have never exceeded two minutes from the beginning to the end.

  If you are not happy, you will not be able to catch up with watching his exquisite murderous skills.

  "I'll press a bloody mary for one minute!"

  "I pressed three cups for thirty seconds."

  In the stands, some of the people who participated in the war opened before they played, and all people paid attention to was the terrifying king of mourning.

  In half a year, he won 60 consecutive games, breaking the record of the Jade Raksha, and also breaking the record of the fastest since the emergence of the suicide capital!

  Although this is because of changes in the rules that have prompted more people to participate in the war, this does not hide the horror of the mourning king. Many people even tattooed the mourning king on their bodies.


  At this moment, there was a commotion in the audience.

  I saw below, a huge field with a diameter of 100 meters, ten people walked out in a row.

  It was Fang Chen, who was thin, who was walking in the front.

  After he appeared, the audience shouted the words "Mourning King" like a tsunami, wave after wave.

  Fang Chen, on the other hand, has already become accustomed to it.

  He just looked coldly at the nine people who quickly pulled away and surrounded him in the middle, two soul saints, two soul emperors, and five soul kings.

  A mortal situation that seems to be on the outside!


  In the next second, the bell for the start of the duel sounded.

   New book issue, seeking collection, seeking tickets, thank you all

  (End of this chapter)

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