
The first Big Breakthrough.

Starting it off with slightly political news, but we can also refer to it as development news. With the profit bouncing up to 68k, it has never been a better time to establish another Salary raise. Although the salaries considerably large when you look at the fact that no civilian is making expenses, King Michael declared a 20 Gold Coin salary raise for anyone earning under 150.

What made this salary raise a bit easier, is the fact that two sets of crafts have already hit and gone above the 150 Gold Coin Salary mark. Obviously it is easier to do a Salary raise if less individuals receive that raise.

With this Raise, the first team of Fishermen and the first Platoon of Guards have gone above the 150 Gold Coin salary mark. Now, the employees that are left below it, mostly lurk around a 100 Gold Coin Salary with the Second Platoon of Guards earning the least a month (70 Gold Coins.).

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