
Bad awakening?

***Sharid's homeworld, a certain red light district.*** 

I scratch my head while I look at Sharid who is playing with her younger sisters. They are treated like toys by her. Does she even realize her own actions? 

Sharid's mother is still on the couch while mumbling some incomprehensible stuff. 

Abruptly, Sharid turns towards me. "That's right Aengus! Do your thing! You know? The present!" 

Aaah. I almost forgot. "Sharid, I still don't think that this is a smart idea. Father said that he enchanted it. Who knows what abilities the thing has now." 

I summon the box with the legendary cat costume anyway. I don't care. Whatever will happen, happens. They will learn soon enough how dangerous Angrod's toys can be. 

Unfortunately, I personally know that fathers magical and technological toys can be quite a problem if he didn't intend them for common usage. 

"Look! Mom!" Sharid grabs the box out of my hands and presents it to her mother. "We got our family heirloom back!" 

The eyes of the older woman show surprise and then pure bliss. "That's wonderful! I don't mind losing one heir if I get the heirloom back!" She grabs the box from Sharid. What a cruel mother! Casting aside one of her children for a piece of cloth! 

"The Sacred Treasure is back in our hands! Look kids! Can you appreciate that craftsmanship? The fine fur?" Mother shows the headband on top of the box to Soel and Niel. 

Soel recovered a while earlier from almost suffocating between Sharid's huge mountains. 

"I want to see it!" Niel reaches for the box, but Soel is faster. "No! Me first! I suffered the worst at the hands of big Sis!" 

Niel has an unhappy expression but doesn't object to her sister. There seems to be a silent understanding on that matter. 

Soel opens the box and extracts some arousing pieces of cloth with tiger stripes and cat paws. A tail with a dubious method of attachment is also included. 

"What's this?" Soel looks at the tail with an innocent expression. 

"Oh my. Looks like the set was modified by the Thief...." Sharid's mother has a troubled expression now. 

After looking at the thing with my own eyes, I have to admit that I am starting to get doubts about my father. 

But from one moment to the next, the tail comes alive in Soel's hands and starts wriggle like a snake. "Wah! Creepy! Is it supposed to do that?" 

Then the tail finds an entrance into Soel's sleeve and starts to crawl inside. "Kyaaa! Get it off! Get it off!" 

"W...Wait! I will help! Wah! It's strong! Hold still!" Niel jumps to her sisters aid. 

I watch in awe as the tail vanishes completely inside Soel's clothes. Their mother and Sharid also join the fray in an attempt to remove the legendary equipment. 







"Nyar! Get it out! Nya!" "I am trying, but it's wriggling too much!" 




"Stop that!" "I cyan't control it. Nya!" 


"NYAARR!!" "Ouch! Nooo! No whipping!" "It does that on its own! Nya! Or do you think I would whip myself intentionyally! NYAA!" 






I turned around and decided to look the other way when Soel's clothes were ripped apart by the tail, which had conquered her... well... father... what can I say? Your creation defiled those young women.... 

I am ashamed of you. 

Did you even attach some sort of mental control to that thing? Soel suddenly started to speak with strange noises when it claimed her... 

What did mother do to him in order to deserve that kind of punishment? 

The screams and moans lasted for a little while longer. I steeled my mind and watched the wall during that time. 

"Aengus, you can turn around again! I got it off." Sharid informs me of the successful removal of the tail. 

Niel and Soel are sobbing in a corner of the room. "I have been defiled by a toy!" "But it felt good sister. I am ashamed of myself." 

Probably someone should try to calm them down. Sharid has the wriggling tail in her hand and a strange expression on her face. 

Her mother is giving me a mournful look. "Take that thing back! It has no place on this world!" 

"~Gehehehe...~ Then I will take this legendary piece! You can have the rest of the suit." Sharid stores the tail away inside her magical bag. 

I hope this won't become a problem later on, but I can guess why she wants to have it. "Sharid... you are drooling again." I step towards her and wipe the drool out of her face. 

"~Do you want to rent a room?~" Sharid gives me a mischievous smile and pulls me after her. 


It's morning and Sharid gave me the best night of my life. We reserved a room of her mothers brothel especially for us and went wild. 

Haaah... to do it in a place like this. I have fallen deep. Even if I had my fiancée as my partner. 

I look out of the window while lying on a comfortable bed. Sharid is right beside me. She is sleeping and when I watch her sleeping face it's hard to imagine her true character. 


A few screams from outside the window draw my attention and I get up to take a look. What's outside freezes me for a second. 

The street is a scene out of hell. People are fleeing for their lives while being attacked by demons and being devoured like cattle. 

"Sharid! Wake up! Demons!" I scream at Sharid who shoots up with a drowsy face. 

I get suited up while I ready my resolve and grab the sheathed crystal sword which I got from my father. But something comes crashing through the window. 

It's one of those monsters! Why is there a demon outbreak here? Did someone find and play around with a sphere? Why now! 

The monster jumps at a dumbfounded Sharid. But I jump towards the thing and cleanly slice the head from it's shoulders while unsheathing my sword in a smooth motion. My sword hums with satisfaction as it sucks the mana out of the creature. 

"Sharid! We have to get out of here!" I point towards her clothes and she hastily gets dressed. But instead of using a pathway to escape, Sharid runs out of the room. 

"We have to save them!" Sharid is around the corner before I can stop her. But I follow anyway. 

We can't stop the demons without crystal weapons. And my sword is the only one which is available at the moment. 

At the next corner, I catch up to Sharid who is watching horrified at the lifeless corpse of the receptionist. She is lying in the corridor in a pool of her own blood. 

I grab Sharid's hand. "Stay with me! Those things are dangerous! They can kill gods." I start into the direction of her family's rooms while I pull her with me. 

"But what chance do the people of this town have if they can hurt gods!?" Sharid asks with a shaken voice from behind. 

I don't answer the question. It should be obvious that the mortals don't have any chance of resistance. 

Another demon blocks my path and I take the mindless creature out. It's okay as long as they don't show up in big groups. 

As I reach the door, I kick it and storm inside. Two of the monsters are inside and they jump at me with bloody claws. 

But Sharid storms past me while kicking the first enemy with pure physical force. It's blown apart in a shower of red blood and organs. 

I slice down the other creature and take a look around to assess the situation. The room is a mess but there are no more enemies. 

Then I see Sharid kneeling over the bodies of Niel and Soel. Her mother is lying beside the door. I wasn't aware of her when I hurried inside. 

This is the worst outcome ever. But just when I am about to grab Sharid's shoulder to get out of here, the door bursts open and a flood of the horrifying things spills into the room. 

I fight the reflex to blow them apart with attack magic, but it wouldn't be of any use. So I forcibly pull Sharid onto a pathway with me. Just away from here! 

To Chimera! To get help! If I ask father, I am sure that a whole army would be dispatched to deal with this issue! Maybe we can even save the souls of Sharid's sisters and her mother. 

But it's useless, since they are mortal. They won't be the same people any more! Sharid offers no resistance while I pull her with me.

Something snaps and I am pulled from the pathway! That shouldn't be possible! Since when do those monsters have the ability to interrupt someone from using a pathway! 

My stomach heaves as I am forced back to reality. Being forced off of a pathway like that is by all means unpleasant! 

I am in a dark place now. This isn't Sharid's home any more! As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I become aware of eyes. We are surrounded by demons! 

My sword! Sharid is left to me, she is unconscious. To my right, the sword! I reach for it, but a foot kicks it away. 

"Ssssooo, Who do we have here?" 

"If it issssn't a niccce little prrrrey which my minions brrrought me?"

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