
Unleashed contract

Jay was dying, she was sure she was fucking dying!!!

There was not a single soul, no one around. Not like it would help anyways. At the point, she didn't care whatever the remedy to get herself relieved, she would accept anything.

Any worst possible shit!!! Any fuckery in the whole world would do. Beatings, drugs, rape or suicide...

But she had neither of those to carry them out.

No one knew, and thus ......no one cared!

Whatever Travis and her brothers did to her, will never make her approach them even if it means on her fucking life. Claiming to have protected her, it will only make her die eventually. And Ace, predating on so many lives just to keep her living. This is the law in her life. It's clear who was justice in her world.

The actual person wronged ...…. wasn't with her anymore.

She missed him.

She fucking missed him!

She realized, how much she needed Ace.

Even a slight glimpse of him in flesh and blood could have helped her, but......…

"The burden you carry, with that beautiful crestfallen face …. seems like everything the world can't hold up"

Jay fuzzily raised her head, forcing herself to the direction of overly familiar effect of the voice. Her eyes, they're hallucinating if she swore that she saw Ace right in front of her ...…. correct? They won't betray her at such a state ...telling that won't be right.

She blinked twice drowsily, closed to passing out ...and they proved her wrong.

It's not him!

But the chill through the winds assured her at some point that it was him. For a moment she thought that he would actually keep his promise. However, Jay was too deep in her state to recognize anyone. The voice had that charisma to catch her attention, directing her zombie self.

"Don't you feel it? That useless heart overflowing to explosion?"

"I know it all ...…. deep inside, even you are disgusted"

"The climax will kill you any soon now"

He went on with his ancient words, none of which reached Jay even a little. She could only feel the abnormal miasma around which was oddly familiar, triggering her more and more. Somewhere inside, she felt angry to the core but her condition prevented her from even her senses to work properly. Blood dripped from her lips as her eyes were hovering and struggling to keep open.

And suddenly, she was mentally aroused to her limit.

Her climax delayed. The chronic tendencies started to sustain and persist painfully. It was either to hang on and suffer or give up and die. Unbearable and painful. Her limp arms and legs overflowing with drugged fluids, a feeling on ecstasy. Jay knew that if she could survive this phase, she would live. This hellish devastating phase!!! Worse than death!

This man...NO!

This creature, whatever the fuck he was …...he was causing it. It's his doing! That fucked up smirk says it all.

Jay forced her senses focused on him, and one look at his eyes confirmed that the man is anything but humane. That look isn't of one. Not even humans beyond humanity.

He is someone way beyond salvation, full of evil ......may be a demon, or worse?

Suddenly Jay screamed out a major sting of electrocuted pain through her brain! Clasping it harshly, she screamed out again. Her veins popping through her throat and face abnormally. Her voice getting hoarse as she let out another painful scream.

"You need to do what you needed before. Stop dwelling on your fucked up past and pathetic life, because he had ultimately betrayed you. Slash through that bullshit between you and him, and fucking what you need it"

Ace was mentioned!!! He fucking knew him? He just barked out nonsense to which he is completely oblivious. How did he ....

Jay's attention was grabbed finally.

She ignored her prolonging throbs in her head and veins and pushed her quivering voice her. Sounding confronting and broken enough.

- W-what's wrong, to fucking l-live?

- Exactly my point.

Jay eyes were unfocussed and confused, looking up at him pitifully.

- You know what to do to live, don't you? Have been doing it, for you ....

Fucking Ace again! He was literally asking her to die!

- But this time, I won't do it for you. You will yourself!

Jay's breathing hitched and slowed down, pausing at some point.

What the fuck did he just say? And how again this stranger knows everything of Ace?

The stranger spoke in a low tone this time, voice growing sterner and more direct," With the exact deal for you in return ...…. all you have to do ......is kill me".

Jay snapped. Her dam broke!!!

Not only he dared to raise shit about Ace, he interfered in their relationship contaminating it with his poison mouth. Ace gave it up all, even his fucking life without expecting a thing in return so that Jay could stay protected and safe. He never let her kill, not even touch a corpse. He had made her give the words to never try and attempt it. Sure, he is gone, and even his promise to return is an absolute lie, but the words she gave persisted. And this son of a bitch keeps on imposing that he had sacrificed for her pathetic self? He fucking loved her!! Something he never received back from her. But, is death that easy for him? Did he ever see death up close, speaking so insultingly of it?? Again, if it isn't human ...... doesn't give him the right to humiliate Ace!

Jay just had enough of him.

"Fucking dare you …...", she whispered gaining her voice.

Then she outbroke fiercely," STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH ME!!!".

"Messing around? Insane enough just to go around wanting to get killed? Not that free to waste my time. Open your eyes and look bitch! The miasma of your aura is so icy, it's freezing my bones. That piercing look in your eyes turns me on. The natural intent to kill, recognize it! Having it in you, just a wastage holding it back over a useless promise of a dead guy? Are you weak enough to give up halfway ...…? just like him?"

- NO!!! no, no, no! I can't be like him, I won't be! I promised ...

- And he's fucking dead! The ones assigned to me beg me for it, claiming they're worthy ...not even close. Wastage of my service, weaklings! Are you …...one of them?

- Who are …they?

- The ones .... who end up getting their mind manipulated and discarded off if they fail to give me what I want?

- Fuck …. you!

The maniacal mind kept on provoking. Not once his voice faltered, his gaze weakened or his aura faded, as he made Jay cower to him eventually. He was by default intimidating from the top. His skills in whatever he was attempting, was overpowering Jay's will. Only a matter of time, and she knew she would break. The more she shouted, the more she was going insane. At this rate, she might end up finally killing him!

- I had my eyes on you. You're like a mirror, I can read your façade and lies openly. You are about to break out soon.

- SHUT IT! I WON'T BE DIVERTED; I WON'T KILL NO ONE! Never stoop that low ....

- What was that? So, you saw him like that too, low? Being the final sacrifice for you, and you saying this makes you lower than him. Such a hypocrite!

- St – stop …...!!!

- Get up! You know you want this; you can do this!

- I – I can't, I can't go against ....

- A dead person? Snap out of it!!! Stop pretending like you ever cared when he was alive. Those emotionless words are nothing now that he's gone. I'm not buying it!

- NO – no you don't know anything. A-about me, him, u-us!

- I know more than you, been there seen them, my whole life. That's why I can tell that you want it. Push him away already, get all over me! Kill me! Slaughter me, with the brutality you've been cultivating.

Jay snapped with an audible crack this time.

"MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!!! Told you to stop provoking ...…. else I will really kill you …."

"That's the aim babe", he said calmly, "Hurry, my powers are not immortal"

He paused looking at her, searching her face for words. The next choice of his words could completely flip the tables and he knew he would do it. His track was correct, finally able to through her shell forcefully. She was dragging attention towards him. She is needed to be pushed more to her limits. Her eyes were glaring red and flaming lava. Good cue! There was no detest or hatred in them, nothing! Just hours of pain, negligence and loneliness. She was holding back on a thin string. Her breath heavy and irregular in the frosty winter night. Foaming out sharply like steam. She was struggling to get up.

Beautiful, really breathtakingly beautiful!

- How much? How much can you kill me till you received content?

- Fucking PSYCHO!

- Aren't we all?

Jay fumbled on her weak toes. Her eyes slashing daggers through the stranger before her.

Her limbs had stopped shaking, a dark determination all over her face. Jaw tightened and blue veins prominent enough.

The creature produced a sharp shiny dagger from behind him tossed it at her feet. It was beautifully decorated with white roses and vines at the handle butt, the blade shining sharp.

- My gift for you. Whatever evil you've been feeding your whole life, give it all to me...….

Jay reached for the weapon.

Once she placed a touch on it, she held it firmly in no time. Momentarily forgetting herself and getting herself lost in the material. The hold felt as if it was just carved for her. It felt ecstatic holding an actual path for death.

All she could utter one word in her mind .... KILL!!!

The creature spoke again. In a tone of warning this time.

"Heed this. Everything comes with a cost! Even this. This deal, will have you stamp my contract with permanency. You'll be bound to me with no escape. Strength, depending on the brutality of the bloodshed I receive from you …..."

- I – I can't anymore. I need ...

- YES! Yes, you need this! I fucking need it too.

"Therefore proceed! I've been longing to look in to those eyes while you stab me, sell me your soul, cover yourself with my vile blood. The offer for you to turn back still stands ...solely said on Raven's laws. The cost can be heavier than you imagine ...…."

- Right now, it doesn't look like I care if I fall in the darkest pit of hell doing this, does it?

The sudden confidence and strange rudeness in Jay's voice startled the creature a little. Bipolar attitude? Her eyes were fluctuating her dilated pupils as she approached twirling the pupil between her fingers. An indecent smirk on her lips.

This transformation while holding a weapon ......was fierce and terrible than Ace himself.

She didn't care anymore, didn't remorse, Ace's promises, memories and sacrifices thrown beneath her feet long forgotten.

That's right!

Ace's not even here!

She shouldn't dwell on it any longer.

He won't be returning.

About time she learned her own remedy.

She'll just .... have to become him.

She'll surpass him!!!

If this maniac wants to die so bad, death is what he will get.

He smirked at her, pleased with his efforts and attempts and the approaching view. He smiled when Jay rushed at him with an invisible speed, with the uncontrollable beautiful blood lust and predator's growls from within her depth.

He just stood still and at some point, spread his arms out, eyes not fazing once.

An open invitation to kill ...…he waited!!!

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