

Bathtub boy sees the sun and he suddenly has the urge to pee to such an extent that he turns around and pees like rocket blasting him straight towards earth. on the way there he becomes barisherab boi boi and also balls and also abul babul in disguise with big spicy siracha balls! he sees the moon coming closer and closer and once again got the urge to pee, yet he didn't and instead uttered these words. "Look at the mloooon"

he teleports to Tesco's express while being barisherab boi boi and also looking at the mloon causing many people to turn around as they peed together.

"I am milk" bathtub boy says to calm the crowd down and they nod in approval it's always alright if you're milk!

bathtub boy looked at the floor and the floor tilings were posters for Jaco Hara's political party, he looked at the walls and the bricks were posters for Jaco Hara's political party he looked at the sky he looked at the mloooon.

"how absurd Jaco hara!" bathtub boy was so angery he almost didn't become barisherab boi boi and wondered how he could stop Jaco hara yet couldn't think of a way. depressed, he went to marks and Spencers to buy free ranged eggs when he sensed an object moving towards him with great passion!

"omg it's Fitbit man spider man McGuire man!" bathtub boy became a mushroom cloud to appeal to Fitbit man's arsenistic tendencies causing him to stop on his tracks.

Fitbit man tried to thank bathtubboy for the brilliant display but before he could do that, his Fitbit became a boeing 747 and pulled him into space and back. "let's get going let's get running" Mr Choo Choo agreed to this "alright guys let's get ready thaaankyouu!"

bathtub boy hopped on Mr choo's head following him discreetly to a place that he actually recognised very fondly...vanarama.com headquarters omg!!!1!!!!! he held hands with Mr Choo and the vanarama employees in a circle of over a hundred people, each incredibly passionate and determined, and ascended into the sky in formation.

Jaco hara was busy typing on three calculators with his hands and nose tallying up the tax he had collected and laughing evilly when he suddenly noticed a stirring in the energy levels of earth. "Pillock!" he shouted in rage and jumped into his bmw

the circle of people ascended further and further into the sky and agitated the electrical balance of earth causing streaks of lightning and co-op American hard gums to fall onto the earth. bathtub boy then noticed a fluctuation in time and sucked Hitler the egg.

"pilla Aston villa; dilly Dalla dilly; I'm Jaco hara and I'll play with your willy!" a titanium pole descended from the heavens, however, this time it was so thick that it was atleast the size of Jaco Hara's pinky finger!

Jaco hara struck down on the vanarama company with barisherab boi boi in the middle laughing evilly come say "take off your clothes" say "barisherab boi boi?! could it be that you are from the Kleenex gang??!!"

"you have truly grown" bathtub boy nodded in approval of Jaco Hara's large titanium rod acknowledging that in these past millennia, Jaco hara could rival some of the strongest beings in the universe due to his collection of tax! the pole seemed to possess the power to rip apart the vanarama circle when suddenly all 100 vanarama employees began to pee on bathtub boy in the middle!

the crowd that had gathered was so large and many cheered in amazement of this beautifully spectacle, the vanarama employees T posed as they peed on bathtub boy further emphasising the energy of their pee and votes for Jaco Hara's political party went down whereas requests for good prices on vans went up!

Jaco hara was so angery he got on his phone and began to dial up a number ring ring but the phone wouldn't pick up gosh darn "why Mr Gloybraith not picking uppp???!!!!!" but he wasn't scared and instead laughed evilly as the pee pee energy of vanarama had brought about another powerful deity...

bathtub boy used breast stroke to swim through the pee he used front crawl and a propellor and a speedboat and was shocked to hear the words "alright kiddywinks" echo throughout the planet.

"barisherab boi boi you pillock melon and headrest don't you know how powerful my backers are now?" Jaco hara went to Waitrose to buy boneless muffins and enjoyed a free sample yuum!

Mr barrison descended from the sky at a a rapid rate, falling through the ceiling of the classroom and doing a handstand in the middle of the class! (but not before placing down a coat on the floor to protect his possibly thinning hair)

to this, the vanarama company abruptly stopped peeing and the votes for Jaco Hara's political party sky rocketed handstands were so cool especially when done by a dapper sir such as Mr barrison, bathtub boy dabbed twice increasing vanarama's van requests but Mr barrison put on his sunglasses and began educating the public on maths equations!

one by one, the vanarama employees fell back to earth and performed dapper handstands leaving only bathtub boy looking at the mloon and doing it to them in the air.

Mr barrison used his special aerodynamic head to fly towards bathtub boy in anger that he was sucking an egg but only now noticed that bathtub boys doing it to them pose was 1mm off the center. while this would lower the defense by trillions of times and would never be used by one that was defending against such a powerful attack. ironically, this brief moment of hesitation by Mr barrison and his kind heart allowed bathtub boy to finish off his bengineering coursework!

Jaco hara, seeing this, was so infuriated that he learnt the topic of electrolysis and began to use five telephones to call his allies. knowing that Jaco hara may have political party allies as powerful as Mr barrison, bathtub boy felt like swearing to god that he was about to say a curse word and knew that to stop the taxation of the entire universe, he would have to use a different method.

he peed in a balloon with such force that the balloon became the size of the earth and when it popped, forced bathtub boy to be launched to the moon where he had been feeling an interest towards for quite a while I go into the examination hall yeah and sit down to be fair but then... realise it's Tesco express??!!

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