

Gong Xu was speechless upon hearing Senja's reason. So, why she kept two horses with her if she didn't even know how to ride it?

"You are really an unexpected little girl." Gong Xu smiled helplessly as he walked forward, scooped her in his arms and put her on the horse while he took the rein. "Grab here." He showed Senja where she could hold on so she wouldn't fall.

"Thank you." Senja said while trying to not lose her balance.

"What for?" Gong Xu asked as he jumped on his own horse, but kept the rein of Senja's horse with him, so he would be able to guide both horses.

"For coming back and saved me." Senja then added. "Again."

"I hope there will be no other time." Gong Xu said offhandedly.

No one knew, their accident encounter would be last for long time.


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