

*The Next morning*

Nurses filled my room they checked on me and how I was, i look around to see only Mya left and i try to speak to mya then the nurses surrounded me asking questions.

"W-w-what happened? why are you guys here?" I say confused looking at the nurses.

Nurse; "Well you had a little seizure last night and it lucky came to a stop mid ways, well after we gave you some medicine to calm you down. "

"I'm fine, are we able to go come?" I look at the nurse and tries to get up still in pain.

Nurse;"Yes we just need to fill out some things and give you the medicine if you ever have a seizure again and..."

"I won't, just let us go home" I interrupt her angry a bit. She nods then they all leave.

Nurse;"Get dressed then come to the front desk" she says before closing the door. I struggle to get up then mya helps me get dressed into the same clothes I wore yesterday.

Mya; "Are you okay? you kind of got mad when she was talking."

"Yeah I'm fine " I say looking down not wanting to talk about it. We get out then goes to the front desk, the nurse gives mya the medicine without me noticing and she puts it in her bag.

Mya; "Let's go" she smiles then holds my hand and we go to her car and we drive back home. When we arrive I go up stairs without speaking then changes into new clothes, as every move I make with my arm the more pain I was in so I slowly put on my sweat pants then I look in the mirror at the hole. I sigh then slowly puts on my shirt and lays down the bed, my mind starts to think back to what had happened I was to into it and it started to come back as if they will still there. Mya touches my hand and I flinch moving away in fright. "No please..."

Mya; "Hey it's me, your safe Joey" she says softly making me feel a bit safer, ( she calls me by my nickname she made up for me).

"S-s-sorry" I say looking down and I curl up hiding my face in my legs.

Mya; "It's okay, hey some people from school wanted to see how your doing and see if your okay so they are coming over tonight, you okay with that?" I nod then whispers to myself.

"Its not like they actually care nobody dose" she holds my hand again.

Mya; "Hey everything will be okay, I'm going to make some food for us." I nod again, then she leaves back to the kitchen. I stayed up stairs for a while not wanting to leave the room ever again, but then I realize it was already 10pm and the door bell rung.

Voice 1: "hey mya"

Voice 2; "Hey"

Voice 3; "Wassup"

Voice 4: "How are you"

Voice 5: "Where's Joesph?" Out of all the voices I heard one of them actually said my name and wondered where I was, I was surprised.

Mya; "Oh he is just upstairs in my room, he is still kind of paranoid after what happened. I will get him" she turns then the voice spoke again.

Voice 5; "No I can get him, stay here" the voice comes up and i get scared, I hide in the corner of the room covering my face. I hear footsteps coming closer then it spoke once more.

Voice 5; "Hey Joseph, everything is alright I won't hurt you" the voice sounded like a boys and his hands touch mind softly, they removed mine off my face and I look at the boy.

"W-w-who are you?" I look at him, his face very structured and he seemed to be more (don't hate, based on judgment) koren like face.

Voice 5;"I'm Nolen" he smiles at me brightly, his dimples showed and I look up at his dark brown eyes.

"H-h-hey Nolen, I'm Joe-"

Nolen- "I know, we have some classes together, come on we all came to check on you" he reaches for my hand I shake my head scared.

"N-n-no it's not safe, and no one is even looking for me out of all of you, you were the only one who looked for me." I look down still curled up.

Nolen; "That's not true" he looks at me then lifts my chin up to him gently. "Just come on, please?" his wavy hair goes to the left and some fall onto his eye as he smiles at me.

"O-okay" I take his hand and slowly gets up. We go down stairs then everybody acts they were worried and out of everyone Nolen actually was interested of what happened, throughout the night we talked and everybody fell asleep on the couch, mya in her room.

Nolen: "Well I hope your okay Joesph, I feel bad for what happened to you" he rest his hand on my shoulder and I look down.

"I guess I am, you can call me Joey if you like, and it's whatever I been through a lot worse kind of I'm use to bad things happening to me" he once again lifts my chin up to look at him.

Nole:"Well maybe at time, at least you have a home and where people love you." Home? This wasn't my home my home was either destroyed or just fallen away, I had no one. it's true I had mya but still, I got no one to call my own everyone I been with either cheated on me or tried killing someone. I had no one to go to where I felt safe, I'm all alone.

"Sure" I forced a smile "It's getting late Nole it's already, 4 am?!" I say in shocked a bit to loud and I cover my mouth. "Sorry" I whisper.

Nole; "Seems like it, we been talking for a long time" he smiles at me.

"Yeah here I will get you some stuff to sleep with" I go get a blanket and pillow then I go back to Nole and hands him the things.

Nole; "Thanks, talk to you tomorrow" he says happily then lays down on couch. I go up stairs to Mya's room then sees her sound asleep on the bed and I didn't want to wake her up by making so much noise so I close the door and heads back downstairs. "Your back?" Nolen says still awake on his phone.

"Yeah I didn't want to wake up mya so I'm just going to sleep down here" I get a blanket and pillow then lays near Nolen.

"Alright" he smiles again then goes back on his phone. A few hours pass by and it's turns 6am, my mind starts to think again about what happened and my heart begins to race again, I move around sweating and talking saying "no please, help, leave me alone". Everyone stays asleep but Nolen wakes up hearing me then gets down to lay down next to me and hugs me.

Nolen: "Shh it's okay, everything Is alright now" he kisses my cheek and all of a sudden everything went away, my heart race goes back to normal and stay still in his arms.

*Next Morning; 10pm*

I wake up to hearing voices all around me talking and I slowly wake up seeing Nolen hugging me and my head was against his chest.

Maddy; "So are you guys a thing now?" she smiles at me.

Jake; "Yeah? you guys are a cute couple"

Alex; "Remeber when he had a crush on Joe for a while" he whispers to Mat.

"W-what?" I look at them confused and gets out of his arms.

Mat; "Oh yeah, Nolen has a huge crush on you."

"O-oh" I get lost for words so I go up stairs then into mya's room, I close the door then hides my face blushing a bit then goes to the corner again. The door opens and I assumed it was mya. "Hey I need to talk to...." I look up and it was Nolen.

Nolen; "Goodmorning" he smiles then sits next to me. "How did you sleep?"

"I-i-i slept good, what about you?" he smiles and laughs, he looks at me then speaks.

Nolen; "I slept great, you were panicking last night in your dream, that's why I slept with you to help make sure you were okay."

"O-oh," my heart races a bit, last night once the things vanish was it because of him? I'm probably just overthinking it.

Nolen; "You okay?" he looks at me as I look down then I shake my head to stop thinking.

"Yeah I'm fine" He nods and picks me up to take me downstairs. I'm afraid to ever fall in love again or just afraid of everything, I was even scared to go out the house.

*Months Later*

Me and Nolen decided to hangout at the ice cream place down the street and my wound has gotten better. I put on just some Jean's and a baggy shirt, my mind has cleared more about what happened and I just decided to enjoy life again. I go down stairs where I waited for him inside. We stayed bestfriends for a while and I had a crush on him now ever since we been together, guessing so did he.

Nolen; "I'm here to pick up Joey" he says as he walks through the door, then he looks up at me smiling. "Hey you ready?"

"Yeah" I go to him then he puts his arm around my shoulder.We started to walk to get some ice cream.

Nolen: "Hey, I been meaning yo ask you something" he looks down at me , he was around 6;2 and he wore a black hoodie with dark blue jeans.

"An what was it exactly?" I say smiling looking up at him.

Nolen; "Well I kind of had a crush on your for a while and I wanted to see if you maybe wanted to go out with me" his brushes his hair back with his hand and smiles at me.

"Oh, uh sure" I blush looking down. "I...kind of had a crush on you too," I hide my face in his chest.

Nolen; "Your so adorable" he kisses my cheek then we walk in the ice cream shop and we stand in line looking at the flavors. I look around, then I noticed a guy in the corner staring at me.

"Tony?" I whisper to myself, he gets up the starts to walk towards us.

Tony; "No one ever rejects me!" he pushes me down onto the floor and punches me once hard with his fist, I look around everything slowly turns black the last thing I notice was a knife in Tony's hand and Nolen tries to stop him but.....

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