
Not A Question Of Honesty

"Here we are! It was starting to get boring."

Verhund finally reached the Guild's location, it was one of the constructions that occupied the most space in the city.

The place itself was quite inviting, proudly displaying the flags of the city, state, and country - though the fact that Verhund had no clue in regards to the city's name kind of ruined the mood.

The entrance had a pair of double doors in between normal ones, they would all be constantly in use by adventurers were it not for the chaos happening outside at the moment.

With the way things were, the place was mostly empty.

Verhund thought that he would be a great addition to the place right about now, so he patiently walked inside, openly observing the surroundings.

As an institution created by the government, the Guild did not want to look shabby or bland to others, much less the strangers it would definitely be receiving, creating a welcoming environment with plenty of things to look at.

The environment's mood was neutral, not too happy but also not somber. At one corner there were a few files of benches for sitting and waiting in case the place was filled, nice-looking paintings with simple aesthetics decorated the walls on the spot.

At another side were some doors taking people somewhere else, Verhund saw that it was actually a bathroom when a small group of people covered in blood opened the door to enter.

Onwards stood the counters, a pretty big line of them with several staff members awaiting guests, though they only had wry smiles and worried faces to exchange at the moment.

Above the counter stood a few pieces of paper revested in transparent glass with random letters and numbers, most likely passwords that the staff could somehow manually change.

Reaching the counter, Verhund was met with a brown-haired elf whose first impression was that of someone with a lot of patience. Perhaps they thought that he would be an annoying fellow to talk with?

"What may I help you with today, mister?" The woman gave a professional smile.

"Hi there, I'm Verhund. I would like to know how to enter the underground... err, the dungeon?"

"You must have seen an entrance that looked like a temple right outside?"

"I did see it. Is that the entryway?"

"It is, though you will be fined for entering whilst not being an adventurer registered in the Guild."

"Hmn, I see. Then can you tell me what this is?"

"A monster core? The monsters from the dungeon drop these when they die. Eh, have you already entered, mister Verhund?"

"Nah. Some ant-like humanoid suddenly appeared while I was on my way here. I just killed it. Outside the dungeon, though."

"Ah! It must be one of those that escaped the Twins' arena! You actually defeated one?"


"The Maya Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque. They are the ones who organized the Monster's Arena that opens during the Monsterphilia."

"Hum, yeah... Sorry for the question, but isn't 'Monsterphilia' a really bad name to give to an event? There is also already a word for something like that, it is teratophilia."

"Hehe, a lot of people joke about that, actually. But the festival itself is just about tamers dueling monsters in an arena. I think people only like the festival because it's an excuse for them to have a day off and eat something special."

"Makes sense, I guess. Anyway, is there a way for me to turn this thing in?"

"Ah, yes, there is. The situation is an emergency and adventurers are mobilizing, the Guild will probably have its hands full in a few hours. If you want, we could appraise the stone and bring in the results, the Twins branded their monsters in case a situation like this occurred, though they probably didn't expect for it to actually happen."

"Yeah, so much city damage must be troubling. At least I'm getting a good dinner tonight."

"Don't say that. People have actually lost their lives, you know?"

"Are the Twins getting arrested?"

"Arrested? What for?"

"For making the event yet still letting such a thing happen."

"Hush! Watch your voice! Don't speak these things in public!" She whispered in a startled tone.

"You see? That's the problem, you cannot accuse a divine. Were it to be a person, they would be jailed for at least a couple years before paying their way out. The Twins are probably just going to pay the victims and the government, give an apology and be done with it. Plus, if no one can make a comment about it because people died, no one will be talking about it, you know?"

Verhund didn't just stroll around aimlessly, his time was too precious for something like that.

What he concluded while walking about was that there were many faults to be had with this city.

There wasn't a single private news report trekking through the marketplace to write about the event, nor here in the Guild waiting for the institution's reports in regards to their movements during this situation.

The only way people could receive news was through word of mouth or an announcement from the government. How could they be indignant if all they knew was that some Rando unfortunately died instead of the actual body count that surpassed thousands? Even if you happened to lose a family member and wanted to bring those who hold responsibility for this to justice, how can you actually succeed when everybody else just complains that you are too loud?

He had actually joked about it once, but aside from the gates, there were no guards to be seen anywhere else. What? Did they leave the city's security to passing adventurers, people who kill - even if only monsters - as a living, have not proven their mental stability nor actively patrol the streets?

Those big houses that are all so close together, don't they look beautiful, nostalgic yet foreign? How do they take care of all of the waste produced by hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people with early industrial or even pre-industrial technology?

This place was so big, surely they had a ghetto or slum somewhere where things were even worse? Verhund failed to see any kind of waste disposal team in the city, so maybe they had some sci-fi-ish plumbing system.

But if so, a plumbing system only? Why were they still using carriages and medieval weaponry? Surely the magic here wasn't so restrictive that the max they could do was a freaking sewer?

They might not have it now, but once they develop electricity, how will they deal with people wiring their neighbors' energy to use it without paying?

The government is not worried about the people, but the residents are actually worse, living in these conditions yet not questioning whether they could live better, Verhund has already seen worse but still wanted to express his disgust towards all of them.

Still, there must be a reason why the people here are all so quiet, so laidback. He would check it in time.

For now, Verhund handed his crystal over and watched as it was sent through some doors behind the counter, the place beyond was most likely for staff use only.

"What? Anyway, I'm honestly speaking on behalf of the Guild when I say that all that has happened is unfortunate."

"It's not a question of honesty, really. It's whether or not people want to fight or just be lazy. You'd be surprised if you knew how much other people really care about your 'honest talk'. By the way, can I sign up with the Guild right away or do I need something else?"

"Ah... Hum, hum. We just need your basic information on this paper here and everything will be done... sir."

"Hm? Just this? Name, age, race, and god's affiliation?"

"It is, though? Is there a problem?"

"If someone is a criminal on the run, how do you deal with things if they get caught while hiding as an adventurer?"

"Eh? That is... After signing in your name and age, you need to sign a contract that stipulates that the Guild will hold no responsibility for anything unrelated to our work, personal life and risk of death - inside and outside the dungeon - included."

"...Forget it. The Guild is part of the government, right?"

"It wouldn't necessarily be a wrong affirmation."

"Is the leader of the city a god?"


"Of course it is. At least the contract is only on paper..."

"Hm? Did you say something, mister Verhund?"

"Not at all."

"Anyways, the core was turned in and is confirmed to belong to the Twins, here is your reward. For the core, and stopping the monster."

"Oh, my, thank you. Now, night is coming and I need to eat before I'm beat, I wish you a good life, may you stay out of strife!"

Verhund said as he walked to exit the Guild, now an 'adventurer' and with money.

Just like his stroll through the city, the talk just now was not only for the sake of a philosophical debate that won't ever be translated into reality, he was just creating the ambiance. Understanding just how far this place deserved to have him go.

"C*u** **a*s,"

Verhund was, after all, a person too.

"**ke *a*h**!"

Different people will have different reactions to the same environment.

"Cau** C*a*s,"

Just put three people, a young boy, a middle-aged man and an old man in a place with only grass and a tree.

"M*ke *ayh**!"

The boy will get bored and find some ants to kill, the man will get worried and try to make a home, the old man will be calm and soon lay sleeping under the shade.

"Cause Chaos, Make Mayhem!"

Considering this, isn't it only reasonable that Verhund should try to confirm the situation to either fire up or calm down his mood?

While Verhund exchanged his happy-go-lucky smile for a haunting grin, the elf receptionist just remarked the new 'adventurer' as a 'stranger that was a bit too loud' and dismissed the one-way debate as some random fancy words.

Well, there was all of that but our Verhund just wants to be let loose.

We can't have that without a proper reason, though, we need the readers on our side so that we can wrap things up with a boom!

But seriously now, man... Where are the guards?

LostSoldier1creators' thoughts
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