
Check on the kids (3)

Ron admires Aiden and how knowledgeable he is. His advice is spot-on. But that can also mean one thing… "It sounds like you are talking from experience."

Aiden made a face and nodded faintly. "I messed up so many times than I don't wish to remember. More than once, it was a close call, and I almost lost Sarah because I was rash and stupid, and I didn't think how my actions will impact her."

Aiden saw that Ron is looking at him expectantly and he picked one example. "Last summer I found out that one dangerous organization is after me."

"Voronins?" Ron guessed.

Ron knows that they are investigating them and soon they will start attacks. Until recently, generals had information about the upcoming attacks, but no names of the organizations were mentioned. It was for kids' safety.

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