

After the doctor examined nana and everything was okay they discharged her and they left the hospital she was still unconscious as for the little kitten after arriving at the hospital the driver took the kitten to vet hospital and she was okay too.

After arriving at the Ushiwaka's mansion....

They arrived at the mansion and this time Ushiwaka took her to the room that house maid have prepared for nana the little kitten was unconscious too Mr. takahiro was holding the kitten. Mr. takahiro called the house maid Mrs. Nakamura ume . She had served the Ushiwaka family from many years.

"Young master it's time for the meeting we should get going now" Mr. takahiro said as he looked at his wrist watch "Okay let's go and Mrs. Nakamura call me immediately if she wakes up and needs something and please take care of that little kitten too" he said while walking towards the door to leave "yes young master" she said and bowed .

It was evening Ushiwaka was back and was working in his study the little kitten was playing with a ball that Mrs Nakamura brought for her to play. Nana was still unconscious Mrs. Nakamura was in her room she saw that the girl was frowning is seems like she was having a nightmare .

Nana was dreaming about the her accident she thought she was gonna die when the car was going to hit her she wakes up there was cold sweat on her face she was breathing hardly "miss nana you are awake " Mrs Nakamura said "huh? where am I ? what is this place? " she asked surprising she looked around and saw it wasn't her dorm "Miss nana I'm Nakamura ume I'm maid of this mansion young master has told me to take care of you, you had an accident by our young masters car he took you to hospital and now you're at his personal mansion , looks like you had a nightmare please drink some water" she said while pouring a glass of water and handing it to nana .

Nana remembered that she was saving a little kitten and bumped into a car "oh um Miss nakamura can you please tell me if that little kitten is safe is she alright?" she asked Mrs Nakamura " yes she is safe and is playing with a ball outside" she told her "that's a relief " she sighed in relief "miss nana please rest I'll make something to eat for you " she said while giving a smile "thank you so much but I must go now I have to go to university " as she was about to get up she felt a pain her her left leg she couldn't stand still and fall on bed "no miss you should not try to walk right now " she said In a worried tone "but I can't stay here I can't be inconvenience to you " she said while trying to get up again.

"You are not inconvenience to us " a youthful yet mature voice came from the door Nana was startled and he looked at the way from where the voice came she saw a really handsome tall guy with beautiful black hair and deep black eyes he couldn't get her eyes off him . "Miss nana you were hit by our car now it is our responsibility to take care of you " "I understand but I can't stay here I must go" she said while again trying to walk but she feel on the bed again "Do you think you can walk in this condition please understand and stay here until your injury heals then you can leave " he said to her . Nana didn't wanted to stay but she couldn't walk she knew she couldn't do anything "okay then I'll stay but only until my injury heals after that I'll leave" "very well until then please make yourself at home" he said "thank you very much for everything" nana bowed .

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