
All In A Day's Work

So, after much elaborating, I've decided to go with a name that represents something to me. The only thing I know, which is that I'm a Husk of what I was. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I mean, look at me. I'm willing to do these weird things for a God, and yeah, I've been forced into this, but every shut-in wants to go to a different world every once in a while. Or so I'd think.

So, I'll be Hollow. You know, because I'm hollow inside.. Yeah, great.

Well, speaking of which, did you know that the visuals for the status screen are very nice? Never too bright or dark, and no matter where you are, you can see it, yet it doesn't blind you when showing up in the dark, or give you a fright. Very subtle details there, Gods.

[System Status

Name: Hollow

Tier: 0.0

Affinity: Neutral

Points: 0

Psychical Proficiencies:

◊Claw Proficiency 0◊

◊Fang Proficiency 1◊

-Claw Proficiency 0 Extras-

Elemental Proficiencies:

>Host is lacking in Elemental Proficiencies<

System Evaluation: Currently, there's a Tadpole stronger then you. Step your game up.]

I've had too many unknowns in the past few hours, and I'd like to get what I know out in the open. From asking the System questions, to it notifying me, and to what the God's said, it all has to be in the open for me to fully absorb.

Firstly, Tiers aren't just single numbers, but always represented with a Decimal point and number behind it, telling you how strong someone is in their Tier. Simple, right? A 3.5 is stronger then a 3.2, and a 3.1 is stronger then a 2.9. I think that's relatively simple.

The hard part is the Points. What the hell am I going to do with points?

'System, what are points?'

[The point system is the currency the Gods and other Entities assigned as currency, to mark your achievements and use them in exchange for items, favors, or other things from your God or other Gods willing to acknowledge you.]

'Yeah.. right? So, how would I use them, there being no Shop and all?'

[The Host is currently incapable of seeing or opening the Shop, but it will be unlocked after gathering 100 Points and identifying a Den, upon which will be Host's safe zone.]

'Den...? Don't I have one? And I like the sound of that.. 'Safe Zone'..'

[System Shop Excerpt]

[The Den: (Cost - 100) Every System has a Den, Cave, or other environment gifted by the God they've been chosen to Represent. This can only be upgraded once you've firmly claimed a piece of Territory within the God's Playground, and the upgrades will remain unknown as it will do the Host no good to rush to claim Territory. This Safe Zone will be adjusted according to immediate needs and God's preferred proportions.]

Okay.. well, that sounds very useful. I can't help but think how it'll differ from my current little Den. The Den (current, of course), not being fully explained as before is actually incredibly convenient. Observing the surroundings, and the occasional 'animals' I see going across the path outside, it's obvious no one has any interest in such a low rate place, as there's no immediate water source, there's always a Predator lurking, and being at the bottom of the hill it contains no Vantage point.

Although, none of those are necessarily good points, they are, as said, VERY USEFUL. Seeing as no true predator would stoop themselves so low, unless they were hungry and knew that a wolf that smelled like mud, piss, and grass was below them. Yummy.

Moving on, I can tell my Nose is really special. I've never had a feeling of being overwhelmed by so many scents before, to which it hits the point of my Nose not wanting to register anything. After the few hours of my previous antics, it's finally starting to kick in. Although I can identify these separate smells, I can't really match them to any creature. Yet, I can tell which are stronger then me, and which are weaker yet live in a group (which, is still stronger then me), and even to the extent of how long ago they were there.

After peeping out of my Den, and making sure there were no animals near by, I went to the most obvious path and looked at the clear tracks, and started to smell. They were all relatively stronger then me, but I couldn't gauge how. But it somehow caught my interest that they're all going the same way, and it's been like this all day, so, I decided to go for a very short investigation.

Looking forward to the path, and then outwards to check the other paths to make sure there's not a animal on it's way, I investigate the tall trees that cover the Skies, and notice that they have hundreds of differently shaped leaves on the same tree, and about half as tall there's plenty of grasses, weeds, and mystery plants (that my instincts tell me to stay away from, like a gut feeling), and as the sunlight reflects off of the leaves it hits something in the air that makes it glow subtle colors, like blue, light red, and so on. I decide that they should provide decent cover should I need to escape back to my Den.

Coming from logic, if I'm the bottom of the Food Chain, I should not rely on being the fastest creature around, because I definitely wont be. Hell, knowing how things work, I couldn't be more careful in trying to cover WHERE I was going, so any creatures upon the path who smell me won't be able to tail me (hopefully).

Getting used to this whole following tracks from the sidelines thing is really hard, especially moving into rough patches to not move the grasses around you and make an obvious disturbance.

Clearly getting more used to the rigid movements I was making, I started getting faster and faster until it was no longer a slow crawl to be careful, but prowl at a steady pace, as I approached a small line of tall grasses leaning my way, yet blocking any sunlight that goes through, and from this side I can see on the other end of the grasses there's an indication of a large clump of trees missing, leaving a large uneven circle that's visible from a small opening.

Lowering my front half subconsciously, I start moving slower, and slower, with my front legs tensing up storing all the power I had, I steadily crawled upwards to see more through the entrance, hearing clearly low Growls, Grunts, and the sounds of what I'd assume is metal clanging together, it created a really eerie environment.

And, once I got to the top of the small clearing, ready to pounce, I stop myself. There's... a noise. Something I wouldn't have heard normally, telling me that I shouldn't make myself seem aggressive. As if this isn't the place to do it, no matter how badly I want to strike, or defend, or run, I shouldn't. Water, slowly getting louder as if growing from a trickling stream to a raging river, the leaves that were obstructing my hearing are getting slowly pushed through.

Coming into my narrow vision, is a very tense environment.

Large Turtles, with a clean, blue gleam upon their shells with practically shining eyes ward off nearby animals. Red Foxes, with flames flickering on their tails and sparks from their fangs warn predators with low growls and prowling stances as others drink water. Deer that glow of Vitality move in a large Herd convening towards the middle, all drinking steadily, looking pure and Carefree.

Yet, from clear remains of what I'd assume are large Raccoons, Opossums, and a few Large Birds, I can tell that this isn't in any way a friendly environment.

And then I spot it. A large, blood red Wolf, with a piercing gaze and a slightly longer then normal pelt, casually lying down, warding off any animal who wants to infringe upon it's Packs rare time of relaxation. After all, every animal needs water. There has to be an order.

But only the Leaders of the groups can keep that order, and when it doesn't... well, you can tell from the animal carcasses lying around that it normally ends with the stronger ones on top. I look at the other wolf and feel Secure, something I've never felt from another human. Getting used to that feeling, I lose a little balance and stumble, pushing around the tall grasses that are hiding most of my body, as if making a sign saying "Hey, I'm Here!"

The large red wolf, and every other leader of a pack, herd, or group, glances at me, some hostile, some indifferent, and some apprehensive, but none of them thought I was worth moving for. Feeling those looks from all around, although the majority of weaker animals didn't notice me, I couldn't help but shiver, as an innate fear combed through my mind, smacking the side of my head and and making me dizzy, and unresponsive.

'System.. can you identify the Animals?'

[System can identify the Species of an animal, but without you having access to Mana, the Tiers of any animal above Tier 1.1 will be tagged with a question mark [?] and that Species main Elemental Affinity can be observed, but only if it's within simple standards.]

Okay.. so I know nothing of what the 'simple standards' of elemental affinities are, but that's.. cool, I suppose. Lots of questions for later, lots of answer needed..

'System, can you identify that red wolf for me?'

[System Observation]

[System Status

Name: Ares

Species: Blood Wolf

Tier: ??

Affinity: ??

Psychical Proficiencies:

◊Claw Proficiency ??◊

◊Fang Proficiency ??◊

Elemental Proficiencies:

◊?? ??◊

◊?? ??◊

System Evaluation: Ares, although very menacing, and with a Medium standing on the Hierarchy, is arrogant, he also maintains his calm as an Alpha Wolf in consideration for his Pack's Future, but following the Bloodthirsty traits of the Blood Wolf, he's more then willing to rip to shreds any creature showing hostility.

Final Opinion: Indifferent]

Final Opinion? Sounds important, but if Ares stands in the middle of the food chain, why would that be indifferent?

'System, what is the Final Opinion?'

[System's Final Opinion is the evaluated emotion the creature shows towards Host through subtle actions, traits, and tells that every species has. System can also perceive emotions of creatures with lower intelligence through the eyes with use of the Mana sitting in the Atmosphere.]

Okay.. well, that's cool. As I look below, I can see most creatures are getting up and moving around, yet Ares and his little pack of, as I see it 4.. no, 5 wolves are lazing around basking under the still blazing sunlight. Different groups approach and leave as they get their fair share of water, yet they don't.

Considering the fact that I can ask the System, I don't really know what to ask. Why are they here? Sounds pretty vague. But all of the creatures in the surrounding seam to leave them alone, including insects and smaller critters which are usually ballsy. Finally, after 30 minutes of waiting and seeing these animals get their fair share, and my horrendously thirsty body, which I wasn't quite aware of until water became a thought, I walk out of the grass.

No animals in the surroundings really cared about me coming out, and I'm pretty sure most already knew I was there. Still, it was a great relief that none of them were primitive enough to start a fight with so many other predators there. As I approach the river, I finally have to make a choice, to my left around 7 meters away was a blood wolf slightly further from the pack, yet it still didn't make any hostile actions towards me, though when I tried to approach a little it Growled, warning me to stay a decent distance away, but it seemed as if it didn't harbor anything hostile towards me.

So, deciding to move forward and with no one on the right side at this moment, I do my equivalent of tip toeing forwards, as a little prance so as to create as little disturbance, and for the first time feel a dog's great pain. I can't stick my face in and drink as I'm not used to this yet, so I have to lick the water out of a flowing river.

It might seem simple, but god is it hard to drink a decent amount of water. But... this is by far the most invigorating drink I've ever had. Although I can clearly feel that I can take in a bigger fill of water, I also feel clearly hydrated, as if there's something in the water to satiate that thirst that I've been holding in.

As I finish up my longingly anticipated drink, the thirst subsides and I realize how hungry I am. I know, perfect, right? And as the sun is just starting to dim down, the Deer Herd leaves, and just as I'm starting to think that my first hunt is on, upon noticing the abnormality of the Deer, being they ALL have Antlers, and they look incredibly sharp, I decided to let the System check the smallest Deer.

[System Observation]

[System Status

Name: Unnamed

Species: Prided Deer

Tier: 0.4

Affinity: Wind

Psychical Proficiencies:

◊Antler Proficiency 1◊

◊Windwalking Proficiency 1◊

Elemental Proficiencies:

>This particular Prided Deer is incapable of currently using Mana<

System Evaluation: An innate skill of this Deer is to move with the wind and nature, having a natural grace while running, making them extremely difficult to hunt. The only downfall is their arrogance.

Final Opinion: Wary, Disdainful, Prideful]

Windwalking? I think that's the innate skill that helps them run. Still... sounds pretty badass. I mean I wouldn't mind being able to windwalk.

Well, shit. I suppose I'll need another plan. How the hell am I supposed to hunt something with everything being stronger, faster, or smarter then me?


I didnt want to leave you on a cliffhanger but really? 2000+ words, I've got to end it. I dont feel confident about this story but I'll probably do a rewrite in the future honestly, just to make it flow very smoothly. I've also got some things coming for ya :D Also, next chapter's the first hunt! Or, scavenge you could say. I mean hell, he couldnt catch the Fawn, let alone hunt one.

Grieving_Noblecreators' thoughts
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