
Sixth Phase

This particular phase is actually not too bad, because it's just like earth, if you're not the person who got the punishment. The people who got the punishment, are people who are always doing the most annoying thing, that is switching labels of products and selling fake products to thousands of people. The punishment is to swim for pizza, but you have to swim in a river, and the pizza is blocked with invisible glass. And the river looks like it's bloody, and it is..... because of the endless periods that women get, and people here are naked..... half naked, and they're always desperate for something. Like thirsty for something, REALLY thirsty, like when you send the egg plant emoji, and the peach emoji. Also, there are unicorns, and elves, and fairies guarding it, so it looks a little bit pleasant than the others. The river is very long and loops around every time a soul comes close for the pizza, or maybe they reset to the beginning of the river, and have to swim again, it also happens, that the pizza is moving in a rapid speed, to prevent anyone touching it. The river isn't that bad, it's spacious, but painful.

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