
I am a Jinchuriki

Kagayaku village.

Not long after learning about the abnormal amount of Chakra Capacity of Mr.Doten our team had to leave the Eastern board village of the land of fire and after knowing Mr. Doten can be an enemy in disguise even a shinobi Shikaku sensei and ai didn't dare to disclose the information to Hana and Izumi-san in words of signal it out.

So when I got the perfect chance I asked Izumi San to use her dojutsu and connect me in her Genjutsu world after which ai explained our situations to her before getting out of the Genjutsu.

After I recovered she also used her ge jutsu on Hana who got notified in the next second before giving me a nod as I assured Sensei of our preparation.

Finally, when we arrived a few K.M away from the Kagayaku village we a group of average and strong chakra surrounds us as I call out with a serious face "Sensei we have some company. "

"How many? " without showing any change in his expression Shikaku sensei asked me as the wagon moves forward.

"Three Chunin level chakra present on the 6, 3 and 9 of the o'clock while 2 Jounin levels at the 4 and 8 and finally 8 genius 1, 7, 12 and 2 o'clock 2 stationed side by side. " while speaking of the ambush my completion went serious when I felt Mr. Doten's chakra spiking to the sky as if there is no limit to his chakra before stopping when reached 20 percent of my chakra and almost twice of Shikaku sensei's chakra reserve.

Following the shift in my expression, Shikaku sensei and everyone in my team went cautious before I gave a nod indicating Mr. Doten has finally started showing his fangs and might attack anytime and as expected we didn't need to wait long for him to take action against us.

"Sensei? " while jumping away with Izumi–san and Hana I warned as a sharp sword edge cuts the horse that we were using to carry the wagon from Konoha into half the moment Shikaku Sensei left his spot on the wagon and if he was a second late then it can be declared he would be on the same condition as the horse.

"Why am I not surprised? " came an amused tone from inside the wagon before the sharp sword edge got retracted back inside the wagon without any other noise present in the area not even the sound of breathing came in my ear although I can hear the sound of my heartbeat getting after because of the excitement as if I am listening to the sound of war drums.

"What is the mining of this Mr. Doten? " breaking the long silence Shikaku sensei finally decided to ask with a serious face looking at the Wagon from which Mr. Doten is yet to come out.

"Come on do I need to explain everything to the best tactician of Konoha? " asked Mr. Doten with an indifferent tone as we only observed the wagon in caution but his sarcastic behavior never went overlooked by us which provides us with the information he is confident in whatever he is doing.

"Why did you make us guard you all the way here from Konoha? Is it just to attack and ambush us? " Shikaku sensei asked before going into his zone before he started his explanation without giving anyone to answer him as always "No that can not be possible because if you wanted to target us then you would not put a guarding mission.

After all, there wasn't a certainty that Lord 3rd will assign us to this mission.

Then why will a Shinobi who should be at the Jounin rank such as yourself need us as a guard if you hadn't had some alternative motive behind it?

And the only alternative motive I can think of is you are a spy from another village and for a long time you were gathering intelligence of our village and now that you are done gathering the information you are leaving the village.

If that is the case then the reason for you putting on a guarding mission means you were prepared to leave, however, you never had the opportunity and you were waiting for a path to get out safely without getting suspected for anything.

So the easiest path out is you made us guard you out of the village that means the village that needs to capture you is protecting you which means we will never suspect about you for anything when you are being escorted by us.

Am I correct Mr. Doten? "

(A.N: It was a pretty long explanation and I think I will try avoiding something like this in the future. )

"As I had expected from the famous Shikaku Nara of Konoha. " Mr. Doten declared with a satisfied tone as if he was expecting Shikaku sensei to understand everything and that means Shikaku sensei's analysis is right on spot.

"If you were using us to leave the village wouldn't it be wiser for you to let us escort you to your destination so we won't get to know your identity as a spy. " I finally asked the thing that was bugging me for a while why did he reveal his shinobi identity when the mission is almost over.

"That is because of you kid. " he announced from inside the Wagon with a serious tone making me confused "What did I do wrong for you to attack us? "

"No, no, no you haven't done anything wrong but you need to know my mission was to find out the next host of the Kyuubi. " Mr. Doten said with a calm tone as I ask in confusion not understanding what the Demon fox has to do with me or my suspicion was right all along "What does it have to do with me? "

"As expected Konoha has yet to disclose this to you but no worries I will explain everything to you. " Mr. Doten announced with a chuckle as Shikaku Sensei kept silent and when I turn towards him he gave me a nod indicating I should listen to what Mr. Doten has to say "You see kid my mission was to find the next Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi and after almost 5 years of hard work I discovered there is not one but two Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. "

"But the Kyuubi is? " Hana by our side whispered from the side in surprise.

"One entity if that is what you mean and you are right about that however it appears your village has discovered a way to split and put the Kyuubi into two and sealed it inside two people and one of them is none other then you Kid.

Yes, it is you Kazuna Uzumaki so can you imagine who is the other Jinchuriki of Kyuubi? " Mr. Doten announces with a crazy tone from inside making me turning towards Shikaku sensei who gave a nod in affirmation as I knew the answer and the answer to why everyone hates Naruto and me when we haven't done anything wrong to them and this also explains why Danzo wanted to have one of us brothers to work under him and now that I know he wants us to become his tool I will make sure the moment I discover the opportunity I will remove Danzo's existence from reality.

"So what if I am the Jinchuriki of Konoha? " although I am angry inside at the village and will trample everyone inside it with my power and the authority of ruling the village for their blindness in the future however the most important thing is to get out of this situation safely.


Hearing Kakuzu's indifferent tone even after knowing his identity as the Jinchuriki of Konoha not only his enemy but even his team got stunned because no one had expected him to disregard such a great matter.

"I am amazed by your indifferent attitude, but no matter how much you don't care I do care of your identity and am going to capture you to my village. " Doten announced from inside when the while area started getting covered by thick mist slowly.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough. "

Although the character is not that big, however, the information was big for me and the next chapter is going to get more exciting than this one.

So don't forget in leaving an opinion of years in this chapter.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts
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