
He came back

Naturally, life is cyclical. Day fades into night and turns back into the day as the sun rises. One season gradually gives way to the next. Over the passage of time, new generations are born and old ones die. The continuous succession of birth, death, and rebirth permeates nature even though our own lives seem linear. It's no surprise that our forefathers look at the seeming linearity of human existence and decided that life, like the natural world, was more cyclical than linear. So, there was a strong belief in reincarnation or transmigration. Which is known as Ilouwa by the Igbo. To them, death is but a doorway to a new life. We live today. We shall live again. In many ways shall we return.

It has now been over four market days since that last hair-raising episode with Osundu. He hasn't made any other statement about his past life and Ego has been thankful to the gods that her prayers have been answered.

They were in the market to get things that will be needed for the upcoming chieftaincy title she was planning on taking. She was browsing the stalls for a wrapper that will be-fit a woman of her status who will soon be addressed as "Ego beke of Umudibia". Then on the spur of the moment, Osundu who has been doing a selection of his own under the trader's table among the pieces of wrappers tightly grabbed his mother's legs, burying his face in-between, crying out loud like one that has seen a ghost.

Everyone present was shocked at the strange behavior that the young star executed. Ego quickly bent down and carried her son, who was still crying and hiding his face with eyes shut tight. She began asking him "Nna, what is it? What can I get you? Do you want some bean cake? He didn't reply and instead, he continued crying. The trader suggested she took the boy away from the place, that he was no longer comfortable. Ego acted accordingly carrying him away. Few feet away, he stopped crying; she then asked him why he was crying?

Osundu pointed at a man that was standing opposite the place, where they were previously purchasing things from, whispered into his mother's ear saying "He is one of the people that burnt me alive".

These words gave her horripilate, turning her skin to a goosebump city. Her legs went weak with fear; horrified at the image of people burning a human alive, wondering what Osundu did that led to such brutality. What could be so odious that would result in such punishment? The worst part of it was she could not even pin out the particular individual that her son was accusing. Even if she was able to identify the man, how can she ask someone that kind of question? On her way home that particular day, she made up her mind to pay a visit to the supposed past family, to confirm or refute Osondui's story. She needed firsthand information on what really happened and what kind of person reincarnated as her son.

One of the benefits of being rich is that you can get almost anything done as soon as possible provided you can pay for it even with little or no information. Ego was able to locate the residence of the past parents of her son in just two days. The next day, she and some members of her guards set out to Nnewi leaving Ndubisi in charge of everything including making all business transactions.

On her way, she made few stops to visit other farmers like herself to inquire for the latest information and advice, which was her way of staying ahead. She also did some philanthropic duties, giving aids to the poor and needy. All these made the journey longer making it three days before they got to the compound of Mazi Amuneke. They were giving a warm welcome suitable for a king. The woman of the house quickly drew a warm bath for Ego and her son; they were fed and given a place to rest.

That evening when the sun had gone down, she and her company were invited into the family's Obiri where the purpose of her visit was to be made known. Everyone was seated; palm wine and kola nut have been served. Mazi Amuneke stood up; addressing Ego he said "Nne, you are highly welcome".

Ego smiled, stood and responded "Nnayi thank you. My elders, I greet you all. I consider myself fortunate to be in your presence. May the gods continue to bless and guide you".

Everyone present echoed "Ishe!"

Still addressing Ego, Mazi Amuneke continued "So to what do we own this peculiar visit?" The people began nodding in agreement while some discussed among themselves. They have been wondering what has brought a woman of such wealth and prestige to their home.

Ego stood up again and began "Nnayi, thank you once again. If you have a skin infection, you don't wait till it is all over your body before you invite the dibia to take a look at it, you invite him immediately you start seeing the symptoms". They all nodded, with some saying "Eziokwu!"

She continued this time addressing Mazi Amuneke"My son Osundu has been making statements indicating you were his father in his past life; that his name used to be Onwuhara. He made mention of a sister named Ndidi and a mother named Uka". She stopped expecting some kind of reaction from the people but to her greatest surprise, none was fed her. So she continued "I decided to make this trip here when he pointed at a man in the market place and said he was one of the people that burnt him alive".

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