
Ch 3

As I woke up my vision was blinded with nothing but bright white light, it took a few seconds to adjust my sight so I can take in my surroundings and when I did I was kind of disappointed.

I mean it is cool and all to wake up to an all seemingly infinite white room with nothing but an old guy on a sky blue thrown but it is SOOO cliché you know.

"Yeah I get that a lot *sigh* but thanks for calling this place cool as well" replied the old man.

As he said this I couldn't help but curse multiple times at the person and so on as he basically just read my thoughts without my permission and said to him "Hey old man f*uck off and stay out of my thoughts"

In my mind I was still pissed at the idiot who got me killed also the fact is every reincarnate well not everyone of them, but some of them would be rude to the gods they meet and they were not punished so for the meeting i was gonna use somethings from the books I read.

"Sh*t another one I'm getting seriously sick of this crap where is the respect I deserve..... you know what I'm gonna reincarnate you with your memories in tack and give you two wishes at first I was gonna just reincarnate you into the world you wanted but without your memoires and you can use your karma for perks to help yourself but this is a better idea hehehehe" the old man replied with an somewhat mad and evil chuckle.

"Well then thanks and that wasn't creepy at all so where do we start" I said while thinking i was right and what I should choose for the two wishes.

"Hmmm i guess the world, the wishes and who you want to be in the world or a new person yeah lets go with that but make it quick i still have more work to do" the old man said with impatience.

Ok ok geez pushy much i thought before saying my choices " well for the world hmm ben 10 sounds good" plus another one of my top 8 powers is in that world I can get it for free I though " also i can latter get the omnitrix as for the two wishes that is easy the first 1 is All fiction so i can have a fale safe in case i or my family dies and 2 make me a magi with the second true magic Kaleidoscope and being reborn in Benjamin K. Tennyson body as a baby"

"Ok fine, also your not greedy much are you well have fun with living your knew life in hell Haahhahah" the old man replyed with sarcasim and then creepy laughter that contained rage.

"Wait what, what hell are you talking about" i quickly replyed back with slight painic.

"You'll see when you get to the main plot also enjoy the extra gift i gave you this will teach you to disrepect people you damn brat" the old man said with glee and then waved his hand over me that sent me into my new life and world that would almost completely destory me if not for my creation's and lover's.

Finally done with the 2 part of the beginning only left to make a quick summary of what happened in this life till I switch worlds well to a parallel world

Thanks for reading and have a nice day sinning out

Alexia_Possiblecreators' thoughts
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