

2 days after Garcia defeat, Border Town.

A covered wagon stopped in front of the gates of Border Town, catching the attention of the guards on the wall.

"Who are you! Identify yourself!" A guard yelled to the driver, a young woman with long black hair tied into a pony tail and golden eyes with a big sword on her back.

"My name is Ashes! I'm the bodyguard of my friend inside the wagon, Hero." Ashes responded while thinking, '... Let's pretend that i'm her bodyguard until i'm certain that we are safe.'

Seeing almost a dozen of strange long tubular objects apparently made of metal on the wall, Ashes thought frowning, '... What is that?'

"... You're lying." A female voice sounded behind Ashes.

Turning around seriously, Ashes saw a smiling blonde female appearing from nowhere.

"... You're are a witch." Ashes said slightly surprised seeing the guards calmly watching as if it was normal.

'... Strange... Looks like i need to investigate what is going on.' She thought while watching the blonde witch silently.

"My name is Nightingale and indeed, i'm a witch. Just like you and your friends inside the wagon." Nightingale said calmly.

After entering the town, Ashes was surprised seeing no hungry people on the street. Every person she saw was smiling from ear to ear, as if this were their happiest day alive.

'... This town is in the corner of the kingdom. How is this possible that everyone is happy?... From Tilly, i remember she mentioned that this town was under Roland Wimbledon's rule, that idiotic dumb prince...' Ashes continued thinking; The more she thought, the more confused she became.

While walking towards the castle, Nightingale said to Ashes, "I know why you lied earlier. It's because of the church, right? you don't need to worry about them here."

"... Is it because of the strange things on the town's wall?" Ashes asked seriously.

"Yes and no... Thanks to Roland, we don't need to worry because everyone accepts witches here." Nightingale responded.

"Roland? That Roland? The Idiotic Prince?" Ashes asked surprised and confused.

Looking at Ashes coldly, Nightingale said, "it's better to you to stop calling him like that. Everyone in this town, including me, admires him."

"Oh..." Ashes responded not very concerned.

Entering the castle and leading them to Roland's Office, Nightingale said while vanishing, "... He is inside."

'... Weird ability.' Ashes thought while entering the office with the other four.

Seeing the young man with light gray hair and eyes sitting in a chair, Ashes immediately knew he was Roland Wimbledon. But seeing other witches on the office surprised her. She saw a witch with green hair and half of her face covered with snake tattoos, a witch with long flaxen hair and lake-like blue eyes and another witch with fresh and neat short blonde hair.

"Here is today's report!" The witch with short blonde hair said while handing over a document.

"Good Job, Lightning." Roland said while tapping Lightning's head.

"... So, we see each other again, Ashes." Roland said to Ashes.

"... So you still remember." Ashes said smirking.

"How could i forget... you beat me up so much that day." Roland responded distressed.

"Who told you to touch my butt... you deserved it." Ashes said calmly.

"... Fine, Fine... So what are you doing here. Did you escort this group here?" Roland said to Ashes while watching Hero's group.

"... A witch named Calista said to come to Border Town. She said the same to them." Ashes responded while pointing towards Hero's group.

'Calista huh...' Everyone on the room smiled.

"Calista cured my friend! The least we could do was trust her." Annie commented.

"... Calista is unpredictable as always." Roland said.

"Let's go to the back garden to full introductions." Roland said to everyone while leaving the room.


Black Money auction, City of Glow, Kingdom of Dawn's capital.

Inside a room in the Black Money auction, Calista was distressed, 'I'm here over a month and i can't find No.76 aka Phyllis...'

"Miss Calista, a new attendant will soon come for you." A maid said respectfully.

'New attendant?' Calista thought, but seeing the new attendant enter the room, she almost fell from her chair.

'When i search i can't find and when i give up searching, she came herself!' Calista thought while seeing a blonde young woman with a mask.

"... I'm under your service Miss Calista." No.76 said bowing respectfully.

Sensing noone near the room, Calista said, "It's a pleasure to finally know you... Phyllis"

The next moment, No.76 that was bowing disappeared and a punch was already in front of Calista's face.

Evading the punch, Calista said, "Calm down, such violence is meaningless."

"... Who are you and how do you know my name." Phyllis said glaring Calista.

"... You and your sealed friends need help. I'm your help... Taquila Witches." Calista responded smiling.

Hello there, thanks for reading.

StrangeGodcreators' thoughts
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