
18.The sight

As the drone flew away from the island I could see wales in the water playing with their cubs.It was such delightful sight as the ones in the outside world were unfortunately unhappy as the humans hunt them down still for their meat and oil even tho it is forbidden as their numbers are going down.

But that is not the only reason why the fishes are dying out.The damn water pollution got so bad that I stopped going for a swim as I feared that some of that stuff would end up in my mouth.

But here they seem to relax and happy.I was happy to see them like this.I lowered the drone,slowed down and followed the wales as they seem to have the same direction as I did.they didn't seem to be bothered by a strange bird flying around their heads.

I remembered that I can't do this for a long time as the battery would be used up so I turned the speed up and rushed again to the island.I choose to go bit higher ins sky as to have a better view but it still took me some time till I saw the shadow of the next island.

I guess it will take another 10-15 min to get there.As I looked I heard the two lovebirds chat while I saw them coming over.

''You two are on time.I am close to the island I told you about.But it was huge before I Don't know how much of it survived.I really hope there are some people that survived.Maybe they could answer us what really happens here and why is there a countdown...''I said with a sigh.

''Don't worry,mam.I am sure we will get some answers soon.''Adam said while looking with worry on his face.Even tho I feel sometimes that these two are oversweetening their relationship I still feel Adam is the best of all the bunch of man so far. Accept that, he was quite reliable when needed.Good catch.

I looked at Chi Chi and saw her crunching her eyebrows as I scrutinized her boyfriend.I went closer to her and whispered as low as I could ''Nice catch'' and turned around as nothing happens.

I could see her surprised and happy with my words.She pridefully looked at him and gave him a huge smack with her lips.I glared at her, but she totally ignored me. Matter of fact he gave it back and started to say all those sweet things as I stopped them grudgingly.

''Take room!!!''I yelled and pointed finger at the window.''Please.Don't do that around me...ahhh...goosebumps...single lonely woman here people.I will get sugar sickness if you guys continue.''I said while trying to rub off the goosebumps of my skin.

They started laughing and she hugged me and cutely looked at me.

''Mom, are you jealous?''she said while laughing.

''Yes.So what?Will you guys stop and look at this in peace or will you go back in the house and keep being all sugary.''I said while looking at the sight that opened at me.

The sight of the island made me happy and sad somehow.Like going back home even by knowing its not your home.Makes no sense but that's what I felt in this moment.Like seeing a friend that I couldn't see for years.

As the drone approached the island and I slowed down its speed.

It was nothing like in memory.There was indeed a huge island but it was almost barren.At least this side was like scorched.I trembled with the whole body and started fearing the worst.As the drone flew over the island, I could see devastation caused by unknown force. Unknowing to me the tears flowed down my face as I saw the disaster.

My eyes were almost glued to the place that thieved with life.

I sped up the drone again because I saw that there is no life on barren stones.I hoped that part of the city survived.

As the drone approached the place where the city was I saw ...nothing.Just water.There was a hole full of water.Then I remembered that the city was indeed the port and is probably under the water now.

But the dome might have survived like the one we are now under...I flew around the spot but I couldn't see anything.After all, it is probably deep in water.

I could see few more island around so I flew there and saw on some islands forests and seas and animals but not on the one I saw humans.

I went up with the drone and gave controls to Adam to bring it back as I went back to my tent to think about it.There must be answer...but what to do?I started worrying as I had no answers at this moment.

Chi Chi saw my mood but she knew at this time is better to let me think.She went to Adam as they went silent as well.I guess they hoped for answers as much as I did.

I stayed silent for a long time and looked at the bubbling sea.It was time for tide and water seems to be getting closer and closer.The sounds of the sea calmed me down.

It was already evening when they came to ask me to have dinner with them.I just waved my hand as I didn't feel hungry.My stomach felt upset and started hurting me.It happens every time when I get upset over something.

Chi Chi told me to go to sleep and I did so.They went back home and as soon as I saw they are gone I stood up and went to the sea.I took my shoes off and slowly walked down the beach in deep taught.The water refreshed me a bit but I still felt so heavy and sad.

As I walked I arrived at the brook.I looked at its water and remembered that I still didn't take a bath.I got used to taking bath here.

Looking for the best spot I saw perfect one near the river bank a bit upstream.I took of my clothes and went in.The cooling sensation made me feel comfortable.I stayed in the water for a while and then I felt that stickiness again on my skin like before but this time even more than before.

Is it because I ate meat, or because my feelings went rampant today. Unfortunately I didn't have any aloe now so it took me a long time to clean up the stuff of my skin with just water.

Sigh,I really enjoyed that meat, but I guess I shouldn't eat any as long I play around this island.

I came to conclusion that food from the outside world is like poison in my body so it tries to get rid of it in any means.Is that reason my stomach hurt as well?Am I fool?I really need to reconsider my food intake...At least for now.

As I finished my bath I put my clothes on (ofc I didn't have towels) and was about to go back to the tent.

Suddenly I heard rustling in the bushes and turned around to see what would come out...

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