
a day with his family

he excitedly asked " do you also like me huh ?? " I replied " I think we are good as friends. I haven't seen you as my boyfriend and it's so sudden and we are friends please try to understand " he replied " why we are just friends when I touch you comes close to you doesn't it make you heart flutter huh ? why don't you just a little space in your heart for me you are very small that you can easily fits in my heart " I said " Kim Yoel you are there " he said " then why can't you like me " I said " Kim Yoel I like you as a friend " he said " Okh I'll made you to like me " he holds my hand and dragged me out and said aunty said " Okh let's go " aunty and ji ah was walking in front of us and we both were walking behind them I whispered " leave my hand " he whispered " no " then ji ah turned and he left my hand and she said " oppa unni is it Okh if my some friends also join us " I said " no problem " Kim Yoel said " they can't " I glance over Kim Yoel and he said " Okh Okh they can come 😡 " then she started calling her friends then aunty said " walk fast " we went down on the school football ground and there aunty meets ha Rin parents and ha Rin said " how are you ji ah " she replied " fine and how about you " she replied " I'm also fine " ha Rin said " aunty it's so many day I haven't been with you let's hangout together today Okh oppa " aunty looked towards me and ha Rin said " ohh you are also here didn't your parents came " I replied " no they didn't came " she asked " why " I said " maybe they are very busy in their schedules that they forget me " she came and holds Kim yoel's hand I was looking at that and she said to aunty " why is she here " aunty said " huh ha Rin she is my Kim yoel's friend and they are bench mates and she is very good girl what if her parents are not here I'll be her guardian " ha Rin said " they are not just friends " Kim Yoel and I we both looked towards her and Kim Yoel said " ha Rin mind your words we are just friends " ha Rin said " but everyone knows that they both like each other she is his girlfriend " I was like I'm done I'm going back and aunty said " what why didn't you tell me about this from when you both are dating " I looked towards him and he looked towards me we both smiled 😌 while looking towards aunty and I said " it's been 2 months " Kim Yoel said " yeah it's been 2 months " then aunty said " means you lied to us " ji ah said " what oppa you are dating why didn't you tell me about it " I was like that's it and ha Rin said " aunty ji ah the school knows about it " and ji ah said " oppa unni why didn't you tell me about it " Kim Yoel said " we are it now Okh " I said " it's Okh ji ah " aunty said " why didn't you both tell me about it when we asked you " I said " au-- " Kim Yoel said " is this is a thing that we should say it on a speaker " ji ah and ha Rin both said together " when did you asked them " aunty said " in summer vacations she was living in our house on Kim yoel's birthday " ha Rin was in shock and said " what she was living at your house aunty " aunty said " yeah she were " ji ah said " ssly mom she was in our house " aunty said " yeah you don't know about it because you were with your dad in states " ji ah said " ohhhh " aunty said " keep quiet everyone I just want to celebrate it officially and I want to go out and celebrate I'll go and ask to dangshin ( honey ) wait for me " she went and ji ah said " oppa unni my friends are here I'm going to receive them wait for me here " ha Rin parents called her and she went we both were alone and I said " are you still upset with me because of " he smiled and said " I'm not we are good friends so do you like someone else " I said " no " he said " then it's good because you are going to fall for me " I said " I just don't want to do it more complicated or uncomfortable we are good friends 😉 " ji ah came with her friends and she introduce everyone to us do Yoon, ha Joon , si woon , Soo ah and ae-Cha I said " hello " and ji ah said " she is from india " they all said " unni noona we are very much big fan of Bollywood " I said " ohh " they said " yeah " then si woon said " noona ( older sister ) I have seen you somewhere " I said " it's my first time to visit Korea I haven't been here " then Soo ah said " you must have been confused her with someone else " and aunty came and there was a announcement and they said " hello everyone sorry for disturbance I am announcing that you all can go out of the school campus " everyone was very happy and everyone started leaving the campus and ha Rin parents came and said to aunty " can you take ha Rin with you actually we have something important to do sorry " aunty whole heartedly welcomed ha Rin and she hugged her parents and said " bye bye " and we were about to left the school and ji ah said " unni oppa are you both going out like this in school uniform go and get dressed " I said " it's Okh " Kim Yoel said " let's go ji ah " ji ah said " you both should dressed good it's like date for you both " aunty " yes go and get dressed in something good " ji ah friends said " is she is oppa hyung ( big brother for boys ) girlfriend " she nods her head she pushed me and Kim Yoel and we went into our rooms I wondered that what should I wear should I wear a dress or something normal would dress will be something over then I called Kim Yoel I said " did you get ready " he said " hmm almost " I said " Okh " he asked " what happen you got confused that what should you wear " I said " hmm " he said " just wait I'll come to your room Okh " I said " Okh " within few minutes he came and he knocked I opened my door and have to say this he was dressed like a gentleman black suit tie white shirt my gifted watch polished shoes and he was looking damn sexy 🔥🔥🔥in that outfit I said " hi " he said " hi " I said " looking good " he said " thank you 😊😊 Okh let me see you closet " I showed him and he looked towards me and said " now I'm also confused that what you should wear " he started sliding the hangers and he saw one red dress he said " wear this " the dress has 3/4 sleeves it was a matte red it was knee length and it has figure hugging until my waist and from waist to knees it has pleats on it I said " Okh thank you now let me wear it Okh go down and wait for me " he said " come fast Okh " I said " yeah yeah leave " he left the room " and I wore that dress and I wear ankle high heels boots which have lace and I just untie my hair and combed it and apply a very little make up as I apply light red lipstick and I applied eyeliner and I locked my room and went down....

sorry I couldn't made it earlier I was busy sorry

pci17creators' thoughts
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