
Spirit episode 6

//Early in the morning// *water splash* ehhh what am I doing here did I sleepwalk.hey zoom get up.yes prince kong.what happen and why all of us are here did something happened*curious*.okay as all of you see that you are on a river,because we need you to learned how to get up early.

_hei room_ [why isn't princess Hei here] *walks* ohh Sam where is Hei by the way.*looks up and down* at our bunker.

//Meanwhile// Kong, Hei isn't even waking up.*light on* I have an idea,let's put Hei at the river too.o yes what a nice idea*evil laugh* _Sam room_*sneaks* when I count to three we need to lift Hei up ok.(you awake me sick.huh serving a puppy more like serving a beggar)*sword buffering* *clench*1_2_.…... *Eyes opened* Uhh what the heck is this sword.*Hei woke up* huh hey why are you two at my room.oh nothing.ohh sorry you got hurt because of the sword[ehh.,where is Sam] uhhm where is Sam?.oh she's outside but why are you here by the way.ohh this is Sam's room but I need to say something to her and I ended up felling asleep,but sky are you okay.yeah but damn your sword can fly.ohh sorry it has a force.

//Meanwhile//Kong: so now that you are all here we will start making a line and all of you need to drop some blood and see your strength and spirit,so we will take an example by showing hei's spirit.*shocked* hey we didn't talk about this, please brother don't do this*puppy eyes*.n.ye[what am I doing uhh] *closed eyes* no you will take the example.okay *takes out knife*.okay now that we have put hei's blood we wi...*roars* *crowing* *noises* *barks*.*murmur*