
175. General Nokhud's Decision.

At the time of Dawn the next day,

General Nokhud and his men were slowly preparing to invade Winter city while General Endo and Darius were just right at the flanks behind the Dwarves.

Nokhud looked at Winter with a serious expression as he looked at the Shots and thought, 'If I succeed in this mission to get the Ballistas then the Position of the Marshal General would not be a dream for me. With the shots, my chances of succeeding are very high this time around. If it was anyone else I would have been very confident but this time it is the Mysterious Lord, John who has brought miracles numberable times. I need to be cautious, according to the intel we got, it is believed that they have a tool which can look far into the distance.'

When they were advancing slowly at dawn, their whole fleet saw a light signal in the sky which came from far away about 5-10 km away from them.

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