
Niklas thought

Niklas is staring at the plain white ceiling. He did not move, but just breathing calmly while lying on his bed. It already quarters past eight in the morning. He still laying like a mannequin on display unmoved and expressionless. Yesterday discussion about his mother decided to bring back the young woman back flashback in his mind. Why mother seems to care a lot about her? Does mother know about her and Luther or there is some sort of secret that I don't know? Moving his hand towards his forehead. The position seems to make him more comfortable to think about the young woman or should I call her Xeal. Rubbing his eyes and slowly breath outs, Niklas then wake up slowly from his bed. The bedsheet just a little crinkled on where he lies. Glancing over the alarm clock near the nightstand. Already half-past eight. When do you think seriously time sure flies does it? Carefully pulled and straightening back the bedsheet he then walks into the bathroom. I will try to cool my heads first before going down for breakfast. Whatever happened I must show my support to mom. This will help mom settle down her feelings of guilt and calm her down. Whatever happened after that I will deal it with my powers. Niklas takes his towel and moves towards the bathroom. A few minutes later the sound of water from the showerhead falling faintly heard in his room. After a quick shower. He then drying his hair with the towel, then open up his cupboards and skimming through all his cloth. Spotting grey hoodies, and a stripped sliver sweatpants he then changes. Nikky are you up already!!?? The shouting from downstair echo into his rooms. Yes, mother, I will get down now, just wait for a second. XEAL.... a name that he thinks he should or shouldn't mention to his mother while walking downstairs towards the dining table. Niklas thought just remain in his mind as he sees his mother teary eyes while holding the phone, in such a low voice as she still over the phone. But Niklas seems to understand what happened. She finally wakes up from her sleep.

Sorry for not be able to update. As there is a very hectic schedule in my life so my leave days also become the day where I spent time to do house chores. I know it sounds like an excuse to not update but I will find a solution to write it every day but it will be in a short 300 words like the first volume or more depending on my schedule on that day. I hope that you can support me and consider my works as one of your collection.

Hanatsukicreators' thoughts
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