
Green Hand to Red Knife

The son used the scalpel primarily on the girl's legs, feet and toes. He didn't know how to use the scalpel properly, so instead of rubbing it against skin like a rock against sandpaper, he was using it to smash, like a hammer against a nail.

The mother focused on the back. She first tied up the hair flowing down the dog girl's back into a bun. Then, she cautiously placed the scalpel on the rift of the dog girl's back, moving it up and down in slow oscillations.

Slowly, she started to increase her speed, stopping only after using her entire body's weight to add power and acceleration to the scalpel.

Her own hair was dancing wildly as she chipped away at skin on the girl's back, trying to reach bone; coupled with her twisted expression and exceptional body, she looked like a Goddess of Death descending to the mortal realm.

Compared to the other two green hands, the daughter was the calmest one. Her ideology was simple.

Leave no skin untouched.

With this logic, she made quick work of the girl's perky ass, ultimately turning it into two globs of red mush.

She also wanted to work on the insides, especially the cursed butthole, and be rid of it.

But she was stopped by the executioner.

The doggy girl wouldn't last long if her innards were affected, so he asked her not to take it too far.

The daughter could only stop begrudgingly.

After the son and mother were also finished with their parts, the dog girl's back no longer look like the the flesh of a living being. Numerous veins and arteries were visible, spraying blood into the air and looking very blue. In some places, even the bones could be seen.

The scene on the table looked like meat ready to be sold at a butcher's shop. The doggy girl was only barely alive, holding on to the last thread of life.

Before the trio could say anything, the torturer once again injected various supplements all over the girl's back.

He was explaining where the most important places to inject were to get the best results, so that the family could do the whole procedure by themselves in the future.

He spread the girl's destroyed ass cheeks apart and also inserted a few pills into her butthole. Injections were not as effective as these pills because these pills made it into the system much quicker.

He demonstrated a few times before even the son, who was only 3 years old, was able to properly insert the pills.

Then, without wasting another second, the torturer dumped her into a freshly-made herbal bath and roused her consciousness by dunking her head under the bath for a minute.

Every time she fell unconscious the same thing would be repeated. Except this time, even the wife and children were able to monitor it. The daughter roused her consciousness, the son injected her with vital medicaments and the mother administered the shock treatment.

5 more hours later, the family were still at it, not even the slightest bit tired.

This time, the torturer tied the girl back to the cross for a frontal body flaying. Of course, the children and the mother performed the entire thing, leaving the torturer quite jobless.

The children toiled for around 6 more hours, before leaving the dog girl to rest with the torturer and returning to their residences.

They flayed her with their own hands twice, and each flaying lasted for a total of an hour.

The time they spent monitoring the dog girl in the herbal bath was 10 hours in total. Coupled with the 6 hours they watched the torturer torturing her for, they stayed in the torturer's chamber for a whole 16 hours.

They were all really tired, but they still woke up early the next morning to spend another 16 hours torturing the dog. They did this for a whole week, and never did they feel any type of fatigue.

They were all in high spirits.

And it was only on the last day did they become dispirited.

As the old saying goes: "All good things must come to an end."

Seeing the family's disappointment, the torturer could only chuckle.

Looks like he'd nurtured 3 promising prodigies.

To better their spirits, he told them they could return to this room anytime in the future if need be; he'd be more than willing to fulfil their any request.

Him saying this was actually totally irrelevant, since it was his job to fulfil their requests anyway.

But since he's explicitly said out these words, the family was visibly appeased.

Indeed, his words were quite effective on the wife and the children, especially the children.

They were finally willing to put down their scalpels and admire the broken body in front of them. The torturer's previous words meant that they could return to this level without their mother, under the torturer's supervision of course.

The two, son and daughter, knew that they'd be visiting this place many times in the future along with their precious little doggy. The daughter already had many new lessons to teach and the son started to look at the equipment around the room that he and the doggy could play with.

The dog girl, currently unconscious, knew nothing of this. If she did, and if she knew the children's thoughts especially, she'd probably fall unconscious again in fear.

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