
Side Chapter 23

"Hm? They killed a God?" Issei raised his eyebrows at Wo's report.

"Indeed, Master." Wo's face is still a little red after their last encounter but she still relays the report dutifully. Since she's basically expressionless most of the time, it helped her hide her shyness.

"Did the passing of this God created a big ripple on his world?" Issei asked.

"So far, there's no big movement that is currently happening..."

"Well, just let it be for now. If that God is killed that easily then I doubt his death will cause anything that would need our interference." Issei waved his hand dismissively: "If there's any problem on their side then report it to me... And if that world tried to retaliate because of the death of their God, I'll just destroy it when the time comes."

Issei's logic is quite simple, he doubts Nyaruko and the other two acts would cause damage to the surrounding world unless they intentionally used their strength to do so.

And they're not the type of girls that would do something like that...

So it must be that God's fault for getting in their way.

"Understood, Master," Wo said in confirmation.

Athena's face twitched uncontrollably after listening to their conversation... This man is truly unreasonable. Not like she's one to speak since she would've done the same if anyone tries to get in between her power in the past...

But she guesses that it doesn't really matter now since she's basically has been captured once again... First it was because of Zeus and now this unknown God...

Athena was originally a Mother Earth Goddess originating in Africa and suggested to have been the queen of the gods of her pantheon. She was a goddess of darkness, snakes, owls, the earth, sky, life, death, and wisdom. Eventually, she was overthrown by the male gods, led by Zeus. Under one of her names, Athena, she was demoted to being Zeus's daughter, by another, Medusa, she was turned into a snake monster who turned those who gazed upon her to stone.

Is her life is fated to be filled with nothing but bitterness? Athena couldn't help but exhale a defeated sigh.

She secretly glanced at Brynhildr who's seated on a sofa who has a loving smile on her face. Her comely eyes are dead set on her husband's figure which made Athena feel a little jealous...

If she has this kind of man in her life... Would her life be any different? Look at this... It's not like her to lament fate like this. But confronted with a power so huge that she couldn't even catch a glimpse of the peak makes her feel hopeless.

No matter what strategy she uses, it will all be for naught in front of absolute power...

"Hn?" Issei raised his eyebrows when he sensed something.


"It's nothing... Looks like that troublesome woman found something interesting for herself." Issei said tiredly.

He could guess right from the start seeing how 'she' doesn't follow after him right away only means one thing... She was planning something.


"Mm, like a moth to a flame." Nyarlathotep grinned at the struggling Hyoudou Issei.

He's currently enveloped in a black cocoon. A part of his body has turned black and the crimson <Boosted Gear> has turned dull and lost its lustrous shine.

"Ise!" Rias Gremory and her peerage are bound in place by Nyarlathotep tendrils.

[...Sorry, partner... I can't... help you...] Ddraig's regretful voice resounded but his voice is also weak.

"Gah..." Hyoudou Issei groaned painfully within the cocoon.

"Please stop this! Don't hurt Issei-san anymore!" Asia Argento screamed with tears in her eyes.

"Oh my? Hurt him?" Nyarlathotep smirked at her: "I did nothing of the sort."

"Lies! Issei is clearly hurting!" Xenovia Quarta shouted.

"Oh deary, if I really wanted to hurt anyone here... I would've done so already." Nyarlathotep flashed an evil grin that made them feel terrified to their core.

"I won't waste my time if I wanted to kill any of you, and even though my strength is mostly sealed, that doesn't mean I'm weak either. I have more than enough power to destroy your small world... And what that boy is currently going through is just a part of the test to gain the power he so desires... If he could succeed then he will gain the power he's looking for but if not... Fufufu, let's just say that he will be nourishment for my unborn child." Nyarlathotep flashed a sweet smile while rubbing her stomach.

"But that's just... What would the other Issei say if he were to saw your action?!"

"My dearest husband? Fufu, he will probably stop me but... he won't punish me for it either. Although, receiving his 'punishment' would be bliss for me~" She giggled heatedly before continues speaking.

"He's just that kind of man... A man who will spoil his loved ones rotten. In a sense, he's the same as me. We, beings who control <Chaos> are like that... We will do anything to satisfy our 'desire'. His 'desire' is to make his loved ones happy. A simple 'desire' and yet, just to achieve that wish, he will stop at nothing to make it true... Truly wondrous."

"...Is this power you're speaking of is that <Chaos> energy?" Yuuto Kiba suddenly spoke.

"Indeed." Nyarlathotep nodded with a smile.

"...We heard that only two beings are capable of controlling <Chaos> in the entire history..." Yuuto Kiba spoke solemnly: "One of them being you and the other one is Lord Savant..."

"...Your point being?"

"That means the odds for Issei-kun to master that <Chaos> energy is basically zero." He said through gritted teeth informing his friends about the truth.

They hastily look at Nyarlathotep trying to see if that is indeed the truth.

"..." Nyarlathotep didn't say anything but the smirk on her face tells them everything.

She planned this from the very beginning! She knows perfectly that Issei won't be able to master the <Chaos> energy that they spoke of!

She was planning to use Issei as nourishment for her unborn child right from the start!

"Please, let him go!" They begged Nyarlathotep but she turned a deaf ear to their pleading.

"Hehehe... While his power is too weak to be really of use, a slice of meat is still a slice of meat no matter how small they are." Nyarlathotep said with a grin: "Besides, in a sense, I do keep my word when I said I will grant him the power that he wanted... If he's capable of controlling that 'power' that is. Hehehe... Ahahahaha..."

When they thought that all hope is lost, a resounding voice can be heard clearly coming from the entrance of the room that they're in.

"Sister, please let go of them."

"Oh? I thought I've perfectly hidden this place from the outside world?" Nyarlathotep glanced at the entrance where the Grayfia H. can be seen.

"You did... but our husband has already predicted your little mischievousness down to the very last bit," Fia said calmly.

"...Fufufu, as to be expected of him, I guess... It made me feel delighted knowing that he knows me so well." Nyarlathotep chuckled: "And I guess, she's your 'backup'?" She glanced at another woman who's standing behind Fia.

"...Master has told me to keep an eye on you. He said I will be rewarded for it." The woman spoke with glistening eyes. Looks like she really wanted that 'reward'.

She is a beautiful woman with long light blue hair, her eyes are colored pink, and it's uniquely shaped like a flower petal. Her most discerning feature is her large pair of horns that curled downwards.

This woman is none other than Tiamat.

"What happened here?" Sirzechs Gremory and the others also arrived in time.

"Rias?" He becomes surprised after seeing his little sister and her peerage being bound by Nyarlathotep: "What's going on here?" He said anxiously.

"It's nothing to be concerned about, Sirzechs Gremory. It's just our sister's little mischievousness... Now, elder sister Tiamat, if you would?" Fia said towards Tiamat who's standing behind her.

Tiamat gives a faint nod before she flew towards Nyarlathotep's front: "...Stop." She said towards Nyarlathotep.

They're staring daggers at a point-blank range which made a certain part of their body clashed against each other creating a mouthwatering sight for the male onlookers...

Azazel and Odin who happen to be present couldn't help but appreciate the sight before them.

They lamented their fate seeing how they couldn't score such beauties in their life... Of course, this is only their jealousy speaking. If they were seriously asked if they're brave enough to take these two as their woman then they will refuse instantly.

One of them is the God of Chaos who brings endless calamity to worlds while the other one is nothing to scoff either.

Since her name is Tiamat then it's safe to say that she must be THAT Tiamat and not the Tiamat from their world.

While they're feeling jealous of the other Issei, they also feeling awed by his capabilities in picking up women with such high caliber.

"..." Nyarlathotep narrowed her eyes at Tiamat before she exhaled another sigh: "Well... I guess my fun ends here... Too bad, if all of you came a minute later then I would've finished absorbing that boy." She then snapped her finger to release Hyoudou Issei and his friends.

Rias Gremory hastily went forward to inspect Hyoudou Issei. But it looks like other than his exhausted energy, his life is not endangered.

"Th-Thank you..." They thanked Tiamat.

Tiamat blinked her eyes when looking at the unconscious Hyoudou Issei.

"...Similar, but also very different..." She muttered before averting her face.

"So, little sister... I've heard that you will be rewarded from stopping me," Nyarlathotep asked with interest.

"Um." Tiamat nodded.

"Care to share in the detail of what the reward is? And perhaps, you could share that 'reward' with me..." Nyarlathotep asked with a calculating grin.

Tiamat frowned deeply at her words: "Why?"

"Mm, since I basically didn't go against your words and made your job easier, don't you think I also need to get some share on that said reward?"

"...You have a point..." Tiamat little by little become swayed by her words: "But wait... Didn't the job exist only because you were causing trouble for Master? Then that means..."

"If I didn't cause trouble for him then you also won't get your reward, you know?" Nyarlathotep skillfully added.

"Uuhh..." Tiamat's frown deepened.

While they're 'negotiating' with each other, Sirzechs also caught up with his little sister and asked her what just happened.

Rias Gremory briefly explained their situation to him...

"...I see..." Sirzechs sighed bitterly after hearing her story.

He doesn't plan to blame Hyoudou Issei since he would've done the same thing as him if he were in his position.

"Please don't blame Ise, onii-sama." Rias Gremory begged her older brother.

"I won't... I'm not planning to blame Issei-kun. Let's just get out of here for now." Sirzechs then stood up and bowed deeply at Fia: "Thank you for helping my sister."

"No need to thank me, Sirzechs Gremory... I'm just doing what my husband asked of me." Fia said calmly.

Sirzechs who listened to her words couldn't help smile wryly... So alike... This Grayfia is so alike with his wife.

Grayfia who's standing beside Sirzechs also feels that this other her is truly remarkable and she can see her dedication is even surpassed her.

Her competitiveness started to emerge little by little. She might lose against her beauty but that doesn't mean she will lose in terms of being the best maid there is!

"Okay, enough of that, sister... Stop trying to trick her." Fia said towards Nyarlathotep who's still trying to 'corrupt' Tiamat.

"Ara? I wasn't really trying to trick her." Nyarlathotep playfully smiled.

"Uh huh, sure." Fia deadpanned her playful face: "Now all of you, please go back for today." She said towards Sirzechs and the others.

"Then we'll excuse ourselves." Michael excuses themselves.

"By the way, Mrs. Hyoudou..." He suddenly thought of something and said towards Fia: "Have you seen my sister?"

"Your sister? Gabriel of this world? Hmm, I don't think I've seen her today... Why do you ask?"

"It's just that she has been missing from my side since earlier today..."

Michael becomes troubled by his missing sister... Just where did she go? Don't tell him that she's also 'caught' like Hyoudou Issei and his friends!?

Meanwhile, the person in question is trying to sneak her way inside the house only to get blasted away by Forzelotte in the next second... But that's a story for another time.


"We welcome your arrival, your excellency." Both Erica and Liliana bowed deeply towards Issei.

Issei arrival has something to do with their little conversation the other day, they said they wanted to discuss something with him, and in return... They will allow him to take any divine tools within their possession.

Issei arrived at their headquarters.

"Make it quick," Issei said briefly.

"Understood, if you would please follow us inside," Liliana said respectfully.

During their trip to the interior of the buildings, every staff in the vicinity stopped in their tracks to pay their respect.

The female staff is charmed by his appearance while the males are threatened instead.

When they arrived at their destination, a group of people is on stand by to receive him.

"...Yup, that's him alright." Salvatore Doni, the first <Campione> that Issei 'defeated' is also amongst them.

He smiled goofily at Issei remembering that day... How sad for him to lose a fight even before it started like that...

He is really itching to have another go with this unknown God.

"King, please don't do anything stupid..." His butler who's stationed behind him solemnly said.


"Don't just laugh..." The butler wanted to cry but he has no tears...

"Oji-san, we have brought his excellency with us," Erica said towards the man who looks like in his early 40s.

"Um, great work." The man said with a welcoming smile: "And you as well, Liliana-san."

"It is nothing, it's what I should do," Liliana said calmly.

"Mm, you two have done a splendid work." Then he set his gaze towards Issei and did a knight etiquette: "I, Paolo Blandelli offers my regards to your excellency."

"What do you want to talk about?" Issei said to the point.

"Certainly." Paolo waved his hand to his subordinates.

They nodded quickly before bringing forth a large array of divine tools and items.

"Feel free to take any of these that you fancy, your excellency." Paolo decided to push forward the payment first before he gets into the topic.

"May we know what is your excellency objective in our world?" He asked carefully.

"Job-related," Issei said briefly while he's inspecting the items that are laid out in front of him.

Paolo nodded at his answers since it looks like what Erica said before is true. She overheard that Issei is here to take a job and that job supposedly needs him to deal with the Heretic Gods.

If what he said is true then it will be a great thing for them.

"Then... Could we take it that your excellency doesn't plan to cause any harm to humanity?"

"As long as they don't bother me." Issei looked at the pillar that emits greenish light.

"Understood... If what your excellency is true then we welcome your excellency with open arms. Feel free to inform us if you ever need anything. We will do our best to fulfill whatever your excellency needs." Paolo said in relief.

Confirming whether he's telling the truth or not? They don't need to do anything of the sort seeing how the other party could easily kill the oldest <Campione>. It will be a foolish move trying to question him any further.

"Excuse my question, but... recently some of our priests and priestess lose their spiritual vision ability... and, we were wondering if..."

"Hey, handsome onii-san over there!" Salvatore Doni suddenly called out with a cheery grin.

"Wha- King!" His butler becomes utterly shocked at his action. Even the others including Paolo are also shocked.

"?" Issei glanced at Salvatore Doni.

"You still remember me? I'm the one you knocked out with one punch! Hey, nii-san, can we have another fight?" Salvatore Doni released his divine energy and also pulled out his sword.

"Lord Salvatore, please stop!" They shouted with a pale face.

This idiot is a <Campione> that can be considered quite cooperative at times so to lose him just like that would be a massive loss for them.

Issei boredly looks at Salvatore Doni before he flicked his finger at him creating a shockwave with his flick alone.


Before Salvatore Doni could react, he's once again blown away just like his first encounter with Issei... He crashed a few dozen walls in his path before finally stopping without making another sound.

"..." They speechlessly look at the second defeat of their <Campione>. What the hell? It's like he was flicking away a mosquito rather than a <Campione>...

"You don't need to second guess yourself. I'm the one who sealed their ability." Issei said towards Paolo: "Since I dislike being spied upon, I sealed their abilities temporarily. I'll release the seal when I'm about to return to my world."

"O-Oh, I see..." Paolo gulped anxiously.

"Did you have any information where I can find the other Heretic Gods?" Issei asked Paolo directly. He doesn't really have any high hopes from them but he might as well try.

"...We're not really sure if we can pinpoint the location of the Heretic Gods that we know. But, we do have some clues here and there..." As expected, they don't know for sure.

While Issei could use his power to scan this world, it would cause huge damage to their astral and real world in the process... Those Heretic Gods might resist by unleashing their divine energy into their surroundings.

It will damage both worlds and Issei doesn't plan to resort to that method. Killing the innocents without proper reason is not something he likes to do.

While they're still deciding on what to do next, Wo suddenly appeared before Issei while still in a kneeling position.

They become alarmed seeing her appear out of nowhere.

"Wo? What's wrong?" Only after seeing Issei recognize this newcomer that they feel slightly relieved.

"Master, Mistress Nero wanted to speak with you." Wo informed.

"Nero?" Issei raised his eyebrows in wonder before he finally realizes something: "...Did Tamamo told her?"

"Yes, Master." Wo nodded.

Issei couldn't help but smile wryly at this. Those two are often at each other's foot as if they have some kind of rivalry going on between them... Especially when Tamamo told Nero that she's a better bride than the latter.

"Very well..." Issei sighed before he took out his phone.

"...Nero? Why does that name sound familiar?" Erica muttered curiously.

Not only her, Paolo and a few others are also feeling curious.

The moment Issei's call went through, a loud booming sound can be heard from the other side.

[Master! I heard you have fun with that vixen!]

"Don't call her vixen... She's your sister..." Issei lightly berated.

[Humph! Before we are sisters, we are rivals!]

"You two are really..." Issei shook his head in resignation.

[Setting that aside, Master! I want my part as well!]

"What part are you talking about?"

[I want some alone time together, with just the two of us! No cheating allowed! I shall have you accompany this great me. Umu, think of it as a privilege from yours truly! Now wait right there, I will head to your location right away!]

Without waiting for a reply from Issei, she already closed the phone...

Issei couldn't help but wryly smile at this. This little "tyrant" of his is really a handful... Not that he hates it though.

A few seconds later, a portal appeared in front of Issei, and out of it, stepped out a blond-haired young girl of short but curvy stature with pale skin, yellow-ish blond hair with intake, and bright lime green eyes.

She's wearing a pure white dress that is skin-tight and a few frills here and there. It resembles a bridal outfit with a few customizations.

"Umu! Your most beautiful wife has arrived, Master!" She declared loudly before jumping straight to his embrace.

"Jeez... You're impatient as always." Issei said helplessly.

"Hehen! It is a crime to make an Emperor wait, Master! Especially so if that Emperor is your wife!" She snuggled her head on his chest while acting spoiled. Her ahoge is flailing around in happiness.

"Where's Sylvia? You didn't leave her alone, right?" Issei asked about their daughter.

"Of course not! Our little bundle of joy shall never be left alone as long as I'm alive! She's currently playing around with her sisters and being guarded by my royal guards!" She said proudly: "Hm? Somehow this place looks very familiar..." She finally started to realize their surroundings.

"These decorations... These layouts... And that sign... Umu umu... Aha! We're in Rome, aren't we Master?!" She exclaimed joyfully.

"Well, not exactly in Rome but yeah."

"Oohhh! How wonderful! Not only we get to spend some time together, but we will also be spending time in my empire!"

"This Rome is not your Rome." Issei pointed out.

"Don't mind the small detail! It's not romantic at all if you keep minding the small things, Master! Now, let's embark on our journey in this sea of love together!" She was about to drag Issei along with her when she notices something.

"..." Erica, Liliana, Paolo, and the others are staring at them with a slackjawed expression.

"Oya, were you in the middle of something, Master?" Nero finally said after seeing the 'audience'.

"...You just noticed that?" Issei said dryly.


"Hah!?" A young man gasped loudly.

This is one black-haired and black-eyed youth who looks around 17 years old with a face that's not too fugly and not too handsome. Right now, he's inside what looks like a hospital.

He's none other than the little 'drifter' who happens to arrive in another world... And also the man who got knocked out by Kanna before.

Lifting his head, he observed the room he's currently in.

"...Was that a dream?" He muttered to himself: "But... This is not my room. This is more like a hospital!"

He hastily gets down from the bed only to wince in pain in the next second: "Hisss! That's hurt!"

He doesn't see any visible wound on his body but it feels extremely numb and sore. It must be because of that little loli punch... He thought bitterly to himself.

He then slowly walks towards the window and proceeds to see the scenery outside.

"..." He becomes speechless at the outside scenery.

Dragons flying in the sky, humanoid creatures of different races roam the street down below and what's more eye-catching is that there's also a giant robot in the distance...

"...And is that a spaceship? Just what kind of world did I get transported into..." He couldn't help but matter feeling at a loss.

Who would've thought after he awakes from his 'sleep', he would come to such a mysterious and fantastical scene?

"Even though I got transported to another world, where is my cheat, damn it!" He couldn't help but shed tears of sorrow.

Should we say just as expected from an otaku youth?

"System initialization… initialization successful! Esteemed user, the system greets you…" Suddenly, a cold and mechanical voice resounded out of nowhere.

His whole body jerked, screamed like a little girl, and jumped higher than never before, even before he went into a trashy otaku life, he was never this athletic.

"Wh-wh who goes there, you think I am scared of you? I will have you know, even if you want to do me in, I choose to die from famine after binging on anime for 7 days and nights, I sure as hell won't die in this no man's land, you hear me?!" So the youth says while shaking in his boots and laughing unsteadily with an indescribably feeble tone.

"..." The whole place fell into silence, the youth glanced right and left, completely unaware that he's spouting appalling stuff.

Gulping and resisting the urge to escape, he stuttered: "Sa-Say something y-you…" Is it a ghost?! First a fierce loli and now a ghost!? Hell no!

One cannot blame him, take anyone, and put him in this situation, anyone wouldn't be able to stay calm especially if they were only normal high school students who have never seen the cruelty of the outside world at first hand.

Timidly looking around, he breathed in trying to calm down his pounding heart and then opening to speak once more: "Hey, the one who went by the name 'system'…"

After that, the youth was stunned.

System? That's what I said right? He shouldn't have heard it wrong! The legendary transport system? Midas's finger? Old Grandpa who will guide him to reach the apex?

This can't be real can it?

With his train of thoughts arriving here, the youth finally calmed himself, scratched his head and he mumbled with suspicion. "System?"

Right after that, the mechanical voice resounded once more. "At your service, user."

The youth's heart jumped once more.

He could deal with this situation with more composure after a bit of psychological preparation, this kind of setting, as long as it's an otaku, he can guess what's gonna happen from now on.

"So… system, where is this? What the heck happened earlier? Why am I here? And why didn't you answer me the first time I tried to call you!?" Like a machine gun he shot his saliva, he can't wait to find out what situation he is under.

"Apologies, user. After you're first awake, the system is still not ready yet. And your current world is called the <Netherworld>." The system explained.

"<Netherworld>? Why does it sound so ominous?" The youth mumbled.

"<Netherworld> is considered to be the biggest world in the multiverse. With millions of other worlds serving as its vassal. The young girl that knocks you out is one of the many princesses of this world's ruler, Princess Kanna Souji Hyoudou. And the woman who protected the user at the last second is her mother, Lady Okita Souji Hyoudou... User is lucky to be alive because that one punch from princess Kanna would've killed user ten thousand times over and over again."

With a few breaths and a dry laugh, he faced the crowded street and said: "...Can I go back to my old world?"

"Negative. The user is dead back in his original world and lucky enough to come across the system before the user could enter the cycle of reincarnation. The system is a faulty product created by Lady Kathryn Lapucelle Hyoudou. She deemed the system is not strong enough so she discarded the system away."

"Dead? I was dead? But how!?"

"User did an anime marathon for three days straight without sleeping and died of a heart attack."





"You're a faulty product you say?"

"Indeed. That is why the system is a bit slow to awaken itself when host first woke up."

"I see... If I'm dead then how come I'm still here? I mean, this body looks very alive to me." The youth said while pinching his hand.

"The user's current body has been reconstructed back by the system."

"I thought you're a faulty product. But you seem very useful to me..."

"That's because the user is too weak to notice the difference. For Lady Kathryn, the system is incomplete since it cannot grant the user a strength on par with Gods."

"...Don't you think her standard is too high?!"

"Negative. Lady Kathryn herself is a True God so it's normal for her to think that I'm weak."

"...True God?" The youth's face started twitching after thinking about it: "Well, whatever... I'll just ask the detail later but why are the people you mentioned have the same surname? Are they sisters or something? And Hyoudou? Isn't that a Japanese's surname?"

"Affirmative. 'Hyoudou' is indeed a Japanese surname. The supreme ruler of this world name is Issei Savant Hyoudou, the number of wives he has is approximately 1269 and his descendants are 2021."

"What the f*ck?! That dude has a MASSIVE Harem for himself!? Is there any justice left in this world!?" The youth exclaimed in shock: "And is he a reincarnator like me or something? How come he has a Japanese surname?"

"Further information about the supreme ruler is classified. Out of system protocol, please probe around yourself."

"I thought you were my system...?"

"Correction, the system does not belong to the user. The system belongs to Lady Kathryn."

"But didn't she discarded you?"

"It doesn't matter if Lady Kathryn discarded the system. The system will always belong to Lady Kathryn."

"Then that means if she wanted to take you back, she will be able to?"


"What would happen to me then?"

"Nothing will happen. The user will only lose access to the system."

"...What a fickle system I have... And here I thought you were a cheat... why did you choose me anyway?" He muttered depressingly.

"The system chooses the user randomly. The user is lucky enough to be selected."

"So what's the advantage you can give me? Is there a skill that I can learn or something? I would prefer to get any advantage I can get before this Lady Kathryn take you back."

"The system can guide the user to become strong enough to defend himself."


"By doing missions, the user will gain points that can be used to increase his power."

"What are the missions?"

Easy difficulty mission list:

"Do 100 push-up. Rewards: 10 points."

"Do 100 sit-up. Rewards: 10 points."

"Do 100 squats. Rewards: 10 points."


"Stop stop stop! Isn't that mission too simple?! And how much worth are 10 points anyway?!"

"100 points will enable the user to increase one of his attributes."

"Since that's the easy mission... What's the hardest mission you have? The reward should be huge, right?"

"Affirmative. The reward will enable the host to become one of the strongest beings in existence right away."

"But you said you couldn't grant me the strength on par with the Gods?"

"Correction, the system will not be the one who grants you the reward. It will be the supreme ruler himself."

"...How come I have a bad feeling about this hardest mission?"

"The hardest mission which classified as 'Mission Impossible' is to make one of his princesses to be your wife."

"Huh... That doesn't sound too bad." The youth blinked his eyes in confusion. That doesn't sound that hard to be considered the hardest mission.

And here he thought he will need to defeat the supreme ruler or something...

"The supreme ruler is extremely doting on his descendants. No man has ever come close to them and leave unscathed."


"The princesses themselves are extremely close with the supreme ruler. No man other than their father could enter their eyes so far. Some even compete with their own mothers to gain their father's attention."


"The odds of succeeding this mission is 0,00000001%. Rewards: Strength of a True God. The penalty of failure: Death and the extermination of your soul."

"...Just kill me..."

"The user can kill himself. The system will not assist the user to commit suicide."

"F*ck you..."

"The system has no gender and doesn't have a body so it's not possible."



"Oh? You're finally awake?" A cold voice suddenly entered the youth's ear.

The youth turned around only to see a goddess-like woman with long braided silver pink hair and red eyes. She wears a red coat and a black skirt with red trim, with white boots and gloves.

"The person in front of the user is Lady Florence Nightingale Hyoudou. It is recommended for the user to not do anything disrespectful or he will lose his life. This time, even Lady Okita Souji won't be able to protect you."

The youth couldn't help but gulp nervously.


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Leixeincreators' thoughts
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