

Uss Midway Carrier

Kenny, the CIA Analyst, spent the last 40 days with the delta force and had been on their worst mission. They had traveled from the east coast of the US to the west coast and passed through 11 different cities. They had encountered the undead, crazy mutated animals, even fellow humans chasing them for help. However, no matter how much they had wanted to help and stay, they had a mission. A mission that was the top priority and couldn't be postponed.

After 30 days of hell, they had finally reached the west coast where the carrier was sitting. They stood in front of the massive body of the USS Midway. 

Commissioned on World War II 1940, it was a battleship with 120 aviation devices of destruction, a supercarrier.

Length: 295

Beam: 41

Displacement: 60,900 meters

Speed: 33 knots

Engine: 12 boilers, four Westinghouse geared turbines[2]


18 × 5"/54 caliber Mark 16 guns,

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