
Chapter 22.

Rustle rustle rustle.

"Venerable master..."

Rustle rustle rustle.


Rustle rustle rustle.

"Venerable master San."

"Tsk, what is it child?"

"Why are we crawling about through the bushes like some sort of criminals hiding in the brush fearing for our lives?"

"Child, like I said before, love is a battlefield. You must always treat it like one and never underestimate the enemy."

"But… can't venerable master just do what your wife did before?"

"You mean making it so others cannot observe us?"


"Child I am being kind enough to teach you some very valuable skills in life. Are you trying to be ungrateful towards this great venerable master?"

"Please forgive this young ones lack of foresight!"

"Child, hush. Are you trying to get us caught?"


The child covered his mouth realizing his outburst was rather loud. Luckily it seems we were not discovered. Fudging amateur. I couldn't help but feel disdainful towards his lack of abilities.

Of course it never once occurred to me we were in such a predicament due to my own incompetence. If I were almighty like my powerful wife, would we be crawling about the ground like this and sneaking our way towards where that little girl was holed up at?

However, that was only one reason we were crawling about like this. There was naturally another unspeakable reason we were sneaking about on the ground like this. I was still hiding a certain little brother from the child's sight after all. Really, what is wrong little friend? Why are you so restless? If I even think of the earlier scene for a moment, my little buddy rises like the sun in the sky.

Little wife, I will definitely collect my just deserts for this in time.

"Child, we have arrived."

We made our way over to the little lass's cave while moving about in a prone position. Once we positioned ourselves outside her little hidey-hole it was time to patiently wait. We were like vipers watching for our prey with bated breaths.

We stayed like this silently. We waited several hours before the main actor came onto the stage.

She was definitely attractive enough to be called a fair beauty. With her white sect garments wrapped around her, it gave her the feeling of being innocent, but she looked slightly lonely. Her platinum coloured hair dangled down to her lower back. She stood beside the river that flowed outside of her cave looking off in a certain direction with a strange expression.

After some time a few words escaped her lips. "Why is it him and not me?"

What? What is that supposed to mean little girl? This strange uncle does not quite understand. Can you please elaborate?

As if answering my prayers the little girl continued with her thoughts.

"That damn brat. Why him? No, better yet. Why are you gay?! Damn it! All those years spent trying to get rid of that brat and I am still unable to do so. I schemed and schemed; manipulated elder Hitu all in my attempt to get rid of that stupid brat yet failed time and time again. I even go over to watch that brat while secretly finding comfort telling myself that he is much more miserable than I. That is the only consolation I get out of it all."

Holy mother of god. Is this the same girl I was told about earlier?

"Hah those stupid infatuated eyes don't make me happy at all! In the end I can't even get the fiance I love to look my way. Who care if some adopted dog shows you affection when your partner won't even look you in the eyes."

Mama mia! I think I made a grave mistake here. I could only look towards little Han, I could see him slightly trembling. It looked like he was completely choked up for air. It looks like he put the pieces together himself and found it hard to accept. Perhaps he was in the stage of denial at this point. It looked like he was at the brink of what he could bear to listen too.

"Venerable master, please excuse me."

The child ran off as quickly as he could making a loud rustling sound as he departed.

Kid, are you trying to screw me over here?

Crap. He's under the impression I am an almighty master after all. There is no way an almighty master would be troubled by being discovered just because of a little noise he made while fleeing.

The little girl turned in my direction after hearing the rustling of the bushes.

"Who's there?! Show yourself now! You dare spy on this little miss?!"

Her eyes were sharp like daggers and she shot her killing intent in my direction.

What the hell? It feels like a comfortable summer breeze just hit me. Is she trying to kill me or trying to make me feel pleasurable?

Realizing I was clearly stronger than her I managed to retain my composure. I returned her question with a calm voice. "No need to be alarmed, this old one was merely passing by."

I covered my face with the hood of the robe my wife had given me. I also deepened my voice to make it sound more ancient before stepping out of the bushes.

I gazed towards the little girl with a tranquil gaze making it appear as though her earlier words meant nothing to me.

The girl glared at me and said "why is an old man like you stalking a little girl like me?"

"Stalking? Hahaha child you are not my type at all. You could not even touch the foot of my lovely wife. Children these days are far to overconfident. If I said I was passing by, then I was merely passing by. I didn't expect to hear such a funny story in passing though."

"A little girl neglected by her gay husband tries to draw his attention by killing or taking his love interest for herself. Going so far to make his love interest fall for you, aren't you quite vicious for such a young girl at the age of fifteen?"

"Hmmp, what does it have to do with an old fart like you?"

This little girl really knows how to act. She looks gentle on the exterior but is truly rotten on the inside.

How did she ever manage to catch the eye of an MC with such a personality?

But perhaps her personality isn't necessarily a bad thing. She seems like the possessive type. If I were to pair her with little Han, this little girl would definitely not permit him to cheat.

She also doesn't realize that little Han just heard everything.

Maybe I can make things a bit more interesting and add some spice to this little play.

If I can convince little Han that the battle has only just begun and make sure he does not give up on her, there may be a way to warp this little girl's twisted feelings.

Really though, what is with this strange twist? Shouldn't the MC being a lady magnet? They should be dropping to their knees and begging for it. Isn't that how things always play out?

But this little girl may be better than I thought when I think about it. She didn't go blindly falling for the little MC after all. She won't be a mindless zombie in a harem but the type to reign in her leash on him.

This little girl also seems to be rather talented. Surprisingly enough, she has actually broken through to become an 8th realm mortal only after a little over half a month. How did she manage to do such a thing? The only way would be if someone in the sect splurged massive resources on her, right?

Why are there so many little monsters around? First little Han, and now this girl Chu Yue?

There is no way there could be two MC's in one sect, right?

Then is she actually supposed to be a hidden growth type antagonist that levels up with the MC?

Are you freaking kidding me? The MC's first love is the hidden final boss? I'm actually confused right now. So is she supposed to be the shadow emperor controlling the story from behind?

However, things are different now. If the MC never met me, he would probably still be a 7th realm mortal.

That is to say… after meeting me, he actually has a chance to reverse the situation right away and take her heart if he plays his cards right.

If I never showed up, it is very likely this little girl would struggle against the MC in repeated pyrrhic battles. The two would probably be separated early on as they join opposing sects or factions in race for dominance as they head towards the peak of this mortal realm.

Hmm. How about I take her as a disciple. I can use her to put a leash on that little MC. It doesn't seem like my wife took notice of this girl anyways. She only seemed to notice little Han.

"Little girl, you should forget about Sai Hitu. He is a lost cause."

"Who are you to be saying such a thing?"

"Compared to your talent, he is not worthy."

"You old fart. You have no right to judge."

"He also can't appreciate you. He is your fiance yet has his eyes set on not another woman but a man instead. Child, in what way is that fair to you? Your talent is being hindered by the burden in your heart. Why must you suffer such loneliness because of his ignorance? You are free to live as you choose. Will you simply forever love a man that will not look your way? In the time you have been betrothed what has he done for you aside from pushing you away?"

"Will you just let yourself be a foolish woman who is trampled on by any man or do you desire the power to be able to attain all that you desire?"

"Shut up! Isn't it obvious I want my love to be returned? But how am I supposed to make him look my way when he likes men?"

"Why are you so insistent on him anyways?"

"He's the only man I've gotten to know since I was young. Of course I'm insistent on him, he is my fiance after all!"

"Little girl, what you feel towards him definitely isn't love between a man and woman."

"Yes it is! How would you know?"

"Because you are merely childhood friends. You simply feel a sort of dependance on him. If you spend several years apart your shallow feelings towards him will fade into dust."

Upon hearing my words this little sixteen year old girl was trembling uncontrollably while tears were constantly spilling outward from her eyes and trickling down her face.

Ah, conning children really is too easy. If you were a old codger, this would be a real pain. I bet when you're older you'll bury your head in shame when you realize how easily you were being played.

"So what if I'm dependant on him? I love him!"

"Then what do you love about him?"

"I love everything about him!"

"So you love that he is gay?"


She naturally couldn't respond.

"Little girl, you yourself know deep down you are lying to yourself."

"You simply want his attention because he will not look your way. Humans tend to want what they cannot have. If he were to look your way he would lose his value to you. You are just a spoiled child who has not experienced life."

"I… I am not spoiled."

"Yes, you are. Very spoiled in fact. So spoiled you cannot even acknowledge the fact you are rotten to the core."

"If you allow the rot to spread as it is, you will simply die a dog's death and waste all of your untapped potential."

I decided to strike while I had her rattled. "Choose little girl, I am not so kind as to give a second chance. Kowtow towards me and become this one's secret disciple or live on as you head towards a dog's death."

"Disciple?! To who? A perverted stalker like you?"

"Tsk. Children these days don't know what an opportunity of a lifetime is anymore. Little girl, it looks like you have wasted all the fortune you have accumulated in your past lives by giving up this chance."


Seeing me leave without a hint of hesitation it looks like the little girl finally realized she may have been too rash in her assumptions.

She called out quickly to stop me from leaving. "Wait!"

"I never said I declined, did I?"

"Child I already said I don't give second chances, farewell."

Not even giving her the time of day, I made use of one of my secret techniques known as, push and pull; hot and cold strategic tactic number one. I used it to the fullest of my abilities while I went all out with my posturing.

Finally all my hard work paid off and I heard the little girl plop to her knees while her head hit the ground.

"This foolish Chu Yue pays respect to master."

Hahahahaha. Hook line and sinker. If she could see the sinister smile beneath my hood I'm sure she would be scared witless. Altogether she prostrated three times and bowed her head nine times.

I couldn't help but think to myself that I snagged quite the cute little talented beauty for a disciple. Not bad if I do say so myself. Now I just need to hook her up with little Han and my plan to control both of these children will be complete. I should really consider turning deceiving little children into a profession. It really is a form of art, isn't it?

Of course, I can't reveal my true identity to her just yet. She did see me when I was joining the sect after all.

I let out a smile like a strange uncle and I walked over to the girl who had raised her head from the ground. She sat up with a straight back while she faced towards me. Her eyes were slightly moist from having her emotions stirred up so much. She is definitely vicious when it comes to love but she is still a little girl in the end.

I placed my hand on her head and told her, "good child. Cleanse your heart and let go of your hatred. If you overcome the burden in your heart, you will naturally advance by leaps and bounds."

I gently rustled her soft silky hair upon which she nodded her head slightly while looking downwards with a bit of a blush.

Is this still that vicious little girl from earlier? Why is she all docile and accepting now?

"I will be leaving for now. Just take my words to heart and cultivate in the meantime. When the time is right we will meet again."

"Already? So quick? But master, I haven't even gotten your name yet. How am I supposed to contact you?"

"My name? You can call me Sanji Shika. I'll let you know now, you won't find any traces of me in this tiny realm even if scoured every inch of it. I'm from beyond this realm after all."

"You need not worry about contacting me. I'll always know how you are doing regardless of your situation."

I said my final words before I walked away and disappeared into the dark of night.

Little did she know I was actually just laying prone not too far from her.

The little girl was left in a daze and she continued staring off in the direction where I had vanished.

After remaining silent for some time she finally said aloud, "could this be a form of love? But he must be a really old man! How can a young girl like me find a way to catch his eyes?"

WHAT? No no no. I don't think my eyes could have been any wider. Little girl, I am your master! Sorry, but I am married! This is not a story where I gather some massive harem. If anything, I'm about to dump you off to little Han as soon as I can.

I couldn't help but notice the cold sweat dripping down my back.

I was too afraid to turn around. It felt like there was some kind of raging beast glaring directly at me. If I made the slightest move I was scared I would be slaughtered then and there. All I could do was play possum until whatever was sending me a death stare cooled off.

Who am I kidding? Little wife, please forgive your foolish husband! I didn't mean it, I swear!

All I was trying to do was hook two children up.

I didn't mean to make things more complicated, I swear!

Damn it! Why do things never go as planned? Why do the heavens not have eyes? You damned heavens! You made this husband too suave, masculine and handsome! How can one man be so overwhelming in all three traits? I could only shake my head thinking the world was too cruel. How could it only create one of this magnificent husband?

It was like the heavens did have eyes in a certain way when hearing how shamelessness my thoughts were.

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