
Chapter 49: Usopp’s Struggles

Amongst the many titan-like existences which litter the One Piece World, someone with the strength level of Usopp, even after the two years of training, can be considered as very insignificant.

Even then, everyone had their own charms, so to say. Their own ways of dealing with things....such as an over 8 feet tall Fishman that was chasing them with every intent to rip them apart.

Behind Usopp, not even a dozen meters away, is a Fishman named Chew.

Chew is a muscular, blue skinned, and thick lipped Fishman with hair that reaches down his shoulders.

His Arlong Pirates tattoo is on the right side of his shoulder.

Wearing a necklace, a striped blue vest, dark-brown leather pants, and sandals, Chew was chasing after Usopp's dust.

With all of his meager leg muscles that have been trained like a donkey for the past two weeks, Usopp ran for his life.

How did this come about, one might ask. Well... it's not a complicated story.

Right after Arlong went on a rampage and was intercepted by Luffy, the top brasses of the Arlong Pirates, namely Chew, Kuroobi, and Hachi, who arrived later, picked an opponent of their own.

Josh picked up a pebble about the size of a baby's fist and hurled it straight at Chew's face. After that, he acted oblivious and praised Usopp for the incredible headshot, thus, leading to the current situation where they are locked in a deadly game of tag.

Looking back behind him, Usopp's gaze met with the absolutely furious eyes of Chew. At this moment, tears fell down Usopp's face as he desperately ran away from the clutches of his opponent.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard if I live through this!!" Shouting his indignations which only sounded like further provocations to Chew, Usopp continued on with the deadly tag.

However, he knew that his stamina wouldn't last, and he couldn't escape from his opponent forever. It didn't seem like someone was going to come to his rescue either, and so Usopp gritted his teeth as he pondered for a way for him to win in a confrontation.

Turning around, Usopp pointed his slingshot at his opponent and fired!


The bullet which was filled with gunpowder exploded in Chew's face, however, once the smoke cleared up, the Fishman simply continued chasing after Usopp.

"T-that monster...!"

In the original story, Usopp was supposed to have his first real combat against the aggressors who wanted to do harm upon his home, however, due to Josh's intervention, he never got the chance to experience it.

Still, he was trained physically for a short two weeks. This allowed Usopp to be stronger than he should've been. If only slightly.

Although that indeed was the case, this was a problem of mindset.

Usopp didn't know how it feels to be under the pressure of someone who wants nothing but his death. He didn't know the feeling of utter desperation when up against someone who was vastly stronger than himself.

Thus, he ran. He ran and ran and ran. Even if his breathing became so quick that he felt like his chest was about to burst, he ran. Even if his legs felt like they would break immediately, Usopp still ran.

Only turning around occasionally to shoot a few pellets in hopes that it might keep Chew down, only to enrage him further.

Usopp was scared out of his mind. Scared that he would lose his life in a place like this. Scared that he might never meet Kaya again, and that he might never get the chance to brag to his father about how great a warrior he was once he met him.

"That's it! Huff..I left Gecko Island so that I can become a real brave warrior...huff...of the seas...not just pretending to be one..."

The sharpshooter muttered in between stifling breaths.

'If I don't fight now, I'd shame everyone I know. I love being on that ship...if I don't fight now, I wouldn't be worthy of calling myself a pirate!'

After a long time spent being chased all over the island, Usopp suddenly came to a realization. This realization momentarily filled him with confidence.

Not even Usopp knew how that could be possible. However, he did know one thing, if he did not defeat that Fishman chasing after him like a raging bull, Usopp would die. Worse, he would never be able to achieve his long cherished dream of becoming a brave warrior of the sea!

And so, Usopp decided that he was done. He was done running, it was time that he fought.

"You weakling, what are you muttering about?" Chew asked casually. Even though he also expended some stamina, as a Fishman, his physique was naturally much more durable than the current Usopp.

Some time had already passed since he started chasing after the long nosed, and so his anger quelled a bit. Still, he was quite annoyed about having to spend his valuable time chasing after someone so weak.

"I'm done. I've already decided." Usopp shot back.

He suddenly stopped his movement and dashed backward, straight for Chew.

Not expecting the weakling to actually face him upfront, Chew was caught off guard by the sudden shift in his movement. It was obvious that he also didn't see the black hammer aimed straight for his face as well until it was too late.

"Usopp Hammer!"

The sound of flesh being pounded boomed for a moment.

"You son of a...I'm gonna tear you apart!!" Chew roared with fury. Just as he opened his eyes to search for the one responsible, he was met with another sight.

"Rubber Band of Doom!"

Stretching a single rubber band to the maximum length, Usopp aimed it right for Chew's eyes, causing the other party to close them in panic.

"Usopp Hammer!"

Not willing to give up on the chance for another attack, Usopp immediately followed up with another hammer strike.

This caused another bump to appear on Chew's head as he staggered on his feet.

"Ughh..you filthy piece of—"

"Usopp Hammer! Usopp Hammer! Usopp Hammer!"

Panicking, Usopp quickly struck three more times for Chew to finally fall down with a loud thud.

"I-I did it! Yes! I am the great captain Usopp!"

Usopp spun around in joy and relief, he even got in a victory pose as he celebrated his assumed victory. However, that was a grave mistake because soon after he went off ranting about how great he was, Chew got back on his feet.

In his lapse of judgment brought on by the immense relief he felt from finally taking down his opponent, Usopp didn't notice a hand slowly creeping behind him, only inches away from grabbing his throat from behind.

"I, Captain Usopp, have defeated a fishm—gak! Ackk!!"

Indeed, it was a grave mistake. Not even letting Usopp finish bragging, Chew grabbed him by the throat, causing Usopp's airways to close up. Naturally, it also affected his speech.

"What were you saying!? Care to repeat that?" Chew said. There were multiple bumps the size of a melon literally glowing on his head even as he spoke.

"Guk..kik!!" Usopp was unable to utter a comprehensible word as he was being gripped tightly by the bulging hands of the Fishman. When he tried to forcefully speak up, the grip would only tighten even further.

Usopp felt as though the world was spinning around him, going round and round. His vision was beginning to blur, yet a strange sensation which reflected through his eyes overcame him.

"Hmph! That's what I thought." Sneering audibly, Chew pursed his already elongated lips in an upward arc.

The man within his grasp had annoyed him time and time again with his little tricks, an he even went as far as pulling a hammer out and slamming him with it repeatedly. How could Chew not get mad?

The Fishman had no intentions, whatsoever, of releasing Usopp from his grip.

Usopp struggled to the best of his abilities. Kicking his legs and pinching the man's arm. He even went as far as trying to bite Chew's hand, but to no avail. He wasn't getting out of this chokehold no matter what.

Just as Usopp was about to give up all hopes of escaping, an idea suddenly struck him like his hammer struck Chew's head.

Reaching down to his man purse, Usopp grabbed whatever he could get his hands on. Inside his bag were several different kinds of bullets, such as exploding ones, smoke bombs, and bullets that could set one on fire.

In desperation, Usopp just grabbed a handful of whatever he could find since he didn't have the time to select them properly.

However, the round balls simply fell through the cracks of his fingers. The carbon dioxide in his body had eroded most of his physical functions, and his strength was leaving him.

'It looks like this is really the end for me....how regrettable.' Usopp thought in sadness. His journey was just beginning, and now it was coming to an end so quickly. How else could one describe this, if not sad.

Gradually, Usopp's vision blurred even more before flickering and then...there was nothing but darkness.

Just as Usopp was losing his consciousness, someone came behind Chew and struck him on the back of his head.

As Chew was occupied with strangling Usopp to death, he did not pay attention to his surroundings. Besides, he wasn't expecting anyone to actually interfere with the fight.

As the force behind his head came unexpectedly, Chew accidentally let go of Usopp's throat.

"Cough..cough! Cough!!"

As soon as he was released, Usopp cough violently. Not even caring about anything else other than to take in as much oxygen as his lungs could hold. Clutching at his own throat which felt like snapping in two, because it was the only way he could think of to relieve himself of the pain.

"Are you sure these guys are reliable?"

Amidst his unending coughing, Usopp heard the feminine voice of someone asking doubtfully.

And here’s the next chapter. I might post another one before the end of the week, however, there’s a good chance that I might not. Just a fair warning.

HaremQueencreators' thoughts
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