
Cogs in the Machine (Part 1)

Killing a bloodline patriarch meant to make an enemy out of all their descendants or in Valtak's case, also all those he had helped, trained, and nurtured. Dragons weren't big on generosity but when it came to revenge, they were second to none.

"There is no misunderstanding." Lith shook his head. "The Tree targeted Solus and me to get their hands on the focus of my omni pockets and its content. If you don't believe me, just look at me with Soul Vision. Please, Aalejah, I need your help.

"You and Tezka are the only people I know to have ever been inside a Yggdrasill's Fringe. I need a safe way to bring everyone inside without getting dizzy or falling into a trap.

"I know that this isn't the same Fringe you came from, but after living as an aspirant Chronicler for centuries, you must know how the World Tree's standard defensive system works and what we can expect."

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