
Words and Actions (Part 4)

"I understand that your cooks are amazing, Grandma, but I'll never understand how they can prepare so much food on such short notice every time we come to visit you." One bite was all that it took Lith to realize how hungry he was.

Reattaching his arms, healing his wounds, and the alterations in his life force had drained most of his strength.

"It's a secret of the trade, dear." Salaark would never admit that it was just her midnight snack that her chefs had prepared for the play, not for the guests.

The delicacies from the Desert opened Solus' stomach as well and she discovered to be famished. Once she was finally full, the ground below them shook a little.

"Was that an earthquake?" Rena asked.

"No, it was me." Solus replied while using her breathing technique on herself. "Our prolonged fusion seems to have affected me as well. My mana core has become brighter by a few shades.

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