
Chapter 10: Always Welcome

After a long day of school Angie and Kia decided to walk home together.Kia then realizes that she had forgotten her keys at home and that would mean she would have to wait till her mom got home.Angie then offers Kia to state over since it looked like it will rain and she didn't want her to wait out side.On the way home Angie calls her mom and informs her that Kia had forgotten her keys and will be coming over. Angie mom didn't mind because ever since Angie began school she actually had people she hangs out with and actually talks to rather than before. It true that they moved a lot but this is the first time since they began moving that Angie had actually invited friends over.Before Angie always just stayed home and doesn't even invite friends over.

Once they were at Angie home,they were met with Angie little brother. He seemed a bit interested in the new person in there home because just like their mom, Trevor has never seen his big sister ever bring a friend over.After putting there backpacks down both Angie and Kia went to get some food to cook since it was a friday afternoon and they were hungry from walking home from school.Angie then decides to bake some nuggets and fries on the oven and decided to also make some punch for them to drink.After about 45 minutes the nuggets and fries finished baking and all three of them began to eat. As they were about to finished the door opened to a woman who seemed to have gotten wet from the rain.Angie then gets up and helps her mom with all the grocery bags she was carrying and tells her that Kia is still here.

Angie mom then looks at Kia and gives her a warm smile and telling her that it was nice to meet her.Angie mom tells Kia to stay for dinner since it looks like the rain will not be stopping any time soon.Kia likes the idea of staying over for dinner since she is not sure what time her mother will be coming home.After putting away the necessary groceries, Angie then goes to the living room with Kia and asked if she wants to watch a movie. To Angie surprise her and Kia both agreed to watch the Twilight movie.As Angie's mom cooked dinner she would steal glances in the living room every now and then and see both girls really interested in the movie they are watching.

Once dinner was ready Angie mom asks Angie to set up the table so that they may eat.After setting up the table they all sat down on the table and ate spaghetti.Angie mom tells Kia she is always welcome to come over anytime. Kia was so glad to hear that since she is always alone at home though Kia would never tell anyone that.After finishing up dinner both girls helped clean up and Kia soon went home after that.

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