
The call part 2 part 2


My phone started ringing but I'm kinda hesitant to pick it up...mostly cuz I still wanted to have a chat with Kyire about what happened earlier.


(After checking my phone I realized it couldn't be ignored but wifefu is lifefu...)

"Nero? ....Were you gonna ask me something?"

She did her classic lean over and head tilt while looking me in the eye. Normally I'd just scoop her up and smooch her sweet little face but I need to lecture her but Dante ugh later you adorable ray of fuckin sunshine.

"Uh I kinda gotta take this..."

*I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my head*

"Oh Dante again is something wrong with the mission? If you need to I'd be totally fine with helping lily chan out"

She smiled that dam smile at me I swear it's like her cuteness rays are clawing her way out of doing something wrong...are all chicks like that?

"Uh well nah it's complicated...I gotta take this...hey Kyrie?"


"...can you actually go check on lily"

"But your dads with her by now isn't he I mean he literally just took off at the speed of light"

(Honey my uncle is fucking her cock block my dad with religious bull shit)

*kyire blinks*

She clearly don't get what Nero meant. Nero quickly thinks up a plan to distract kyire from having to over hear him and Dante talking about may or may not being permanently stuck in the depths of hell while also sending her to go cock block vergil.

"...hey you know how we bought that baby bible thing?"

"It's a baby name book...a-and well I'd rather not near the grav-"


*neros face is crimson*

"Not here babes...uh I meant go help lily with names"

"Eh oh oooo now I get it"

*sighs with relief*

(...that and being seens not my thing we in public)

~in hell~

Dante was making a face like he just saw something he couldn't unsee...also he's imagining them still semi close to his parents graves...

"Ima beat his ass when I get out of here"

~back to Nero~

I just got a chill for a minute and kyire is thankfully gone...I don't sense any demons with merciless intent nearby so I pulled my phone back up to call Dante back.

(Aw shit this was on the whole time? -.-ll uh Welp shit)

~at the shop~

Nannashi dropped one of the Windows he was attempting to replace after buying the supplies from a different dimension that had a local Home Depot since red grave didn't currently have one.

"Are you alright?"

V asked but then felt stupid for asking since nannashi is indestructible.

"I felt a disturbance in the universe..."

"I find you disturbing..."

V spoke in a whisper hoping the strange child didn't hear him. Nannashi of course did but giving zero shits chose to ignore it while hoping Dante would forget once he was reunited with lily if not he'd probably have to mind wipe whatever incident had just occurred from his brain.

~back to Nero~

Nero answered with a nervous hey. And began slowly walking towards the shop. Figuring the fighting was now done and lily and dad were probably there.

"...kid I swear I taught you better then that shit"

(...I'm screwed)

"...but I didn't do nothing"

(Am I making it worse?)

"...from what I heard you thought it that's just as bad! Your grandparents are probably disgusted right now! Oh god poor mom"

Dante rubbed his temples visibly pissed and concerned since all he can think of is his mom having some screwed up anxiety attack from what she had to witness her grandkid talk about doing. And not having her husband cover her ears for her since he's probably in purgatory or hel-...

(...shit I haven't seen dad since I was little -.- wonder how awkward it'd be if I go look for him and we talked)

The silence on the line made me wonder if his phone died and it made me panic a little because I wasn't sure what he'd called me for in the first place. What if that was it and he never contacts us again? Is he able to get back what can we do I mean crap the twins will be my age by the time a hell gate opens If that's how it works.

"Nero I'm gonna be blunt I can't get home"

There was a silence before I heard the kid screaming at the top of his lungs and punching holes in what sounds like brick walls.

(That takes me back...)

*flash backs to nero smashing his face in at the church*

*After Nero had calmed down*

"...I gotta tell her don't I? But the downside will she be alright?"

"...if she cracks she should be ok I mean your there and you said Vergil managed to get out, knowing lily she'd most likely stop herself before it's to late she cares a lot about us I doubt even if she's unstable she'd be able to make the final blow"

"...alright uh hey how's ya know the battery I doubt you can keep this up for more then a week, never mind just try to get back before dad did Kay?"

I hung up it was better this way. I needed to calm the fuck down some how I needed to figure out the least painful way to break someone dear to me's heart...

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