
Character bio part 2

Name lily:

Appearance jet black hair pretty much v's hair purple eyes and pretty pale.

Power anime diary: writes date time and year after finishing a anime gets a power downside infinite knowledge of each planet she gets a power from for every show one worlds worth of infinite knowledge is put in her head that she can never turn off. this can be dulled out like white noise if she has someone to love and for them to love her back it's still there but much less overwhelming without love.

Basically she's a goddess after a few finished series due to the knowledge factor.unlimited amounts of power to absorb through her diary.

Height : 4'5


Sex: male

Apperence: jet black hair blood red eyes pale,hair half shaved like the ghoul mask maker in Tokyo ghoul. Semi short hair.

Diary:currently unknown

Age: currently unknown somewhere in his teens by the looks of it.


Senza nome:

Sex : male

apperence : if you look at him you could tell he looks like a mobster,tan and has green eyes,muscler and well built. Blackish brown hair. Short hair.

Diary: currently unknown

Age: unknown

Height : 6'4

Chapitre suivant