
Chapter 20: That Damn Door

I spend the rest of the day hiding from Namjoon and Kyungsoo, aswell as shooting George dirty looks. I wanna freshen up but I can't remember where I kept my bag. Wait. Is it in the room I slept in? Jeez now I have to walk back in there and see everyone give me looks. Well none of you are that great either. I stalk down the halls like a spy hiding every now and again when I hear voices and footsteps fearing it might be them. I can't believe I'm acting this way but who wouldn't? What would you do if you met your biases and fainted infront of them. Oh wait..you can't relate..nevermind. I'm nearly at the door of the room when I hear that same annoying voice. Fear struck into my whole body and without thinking I hurried into the room. I should've checked first. Damn it. Once inside I press my whole idiot face against the door listening out for them. Finally his voice starts to fade and I turn to see my worst nightmare or could it be the opposite. There stood a surprised Namjoon ,his face was puzzled at me once again. I screamed in shock as I realised that he wasn't wearing a shirt..and damn,I must say I liked the sight. Despite that I hid my face with my caramel coloured hand. I could feel his presence coming nearer towards me and his surprisingly light footsteps walked until we were face to face. Well I think so ,as I could see his naked feet inches from mine. I dared not to look up. 'What..' his voice started of strong and and somewhat angry but quickly calmed down to his normal soft voice. ' What are you doing here,Joy? Are you okay. You seem a bit frightened.' I knew that I had to answer him and I could no longer hide. It was time to rebuild my walls and get my bad girl act on. It wasn't like me to be this shy and embarrassed all the time. With a strong clear voice I answer back,looking straight into his eyes ' Yeah I think I left my bag in here, I can't find it. Yes I am okay, more than okay actually not that it concerns you. Can we just forget the events of this morning and yesterday, I acted so out of character and order just because I happened to see you and D.O. Let's not bring it up again. Okay. Thanks.' I spot my bag , grab it and leave within seconds, not allowing his to get a word out. Closing the door , I take a deep breath in and out, tsh I've never felt this stressed before. I take a moment to regain myself and lean against the door. Oh boy, that was a huge HUge mistake.

The door clicks open and I find my myself in the arms of..you guessed it Namjoon. I had fallen on him when he opened the door. This must be a scene from a movie or something because I could never imagine this happening to me. For some seconds in the chaos we're sat on the floor together ,me on top of him and his arms secured around my waist. I wanted to stay there forever but that would be weird. He clears his throat to break up the awkward silence, that was my cue to get up. AND MAN DID I JUST MAKE ANOTHER MISTAKE.. As I get up my stupid STUpid butt smacked right into his nose. He groans in pain and laughs it off. I turn quickly and examine his nose carefully worrying over him. I didn't notice him staring at me and I didn't realise how caring I was being over his worldwide nose. Our sparkling eyes meet and and heart beats fast, at the same time I feel guilty towards George. I don't know why. 'Sorry' I say apologetically. I've messed up in so many ways and the day hasn't even ended yet. I need help,like mental help or something.

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