
Party animals

Mattie ran his hand over his dirty blonde hair as he shuffled awkwardly over to the table where Drake, Rin, and Shelly seemed to be in deep conversation. "Hey guys… Um… mind if I sit with you?"

Drake arched a brow as he turned his attention to the young vampire. "Of course, you can. Why would you even have to ask?"

Mattie's nervous gaze moved to Rin and Shelly for confirmation. "Is… is it alright with you guys?"

Shelly giggled as she nodded. Rin kicked a chair out from the table across from them before sending Drake a questioning glance. "Everything ok?"

Mattie nodded as he rested his hands on the back of the chair Rin had kicked out. He averted his gaze as his cheeks colored. "Yeah… It was just… well, a bit awkward earlier…" He risked a glance at Shelly. "I'm sorry… I don't mean to offend… it's just… some of the wolves…"

Shelly chuckled sweetly. "Are you kidding? I'm a dishonored princess to most of them." She leaned her head against Rin's shoulder and rubbed her large swollen belly to drive home her point. "Married a Gin, gave birth to one of his sons already, and pregnant with two more." She shrugged with a sarcastic laugh. "My pedigree is ruined in most of their eyes."

Drake frowned, his mind automatically thinking of April. "That's a harsh way of putting it."

Shelly gave a curt grunt. "Harsh but true." She shrugged again. "But what can you do?" Her sparkling eyes met Rin's. "Love is love, and you can't help who it's with."

Drake raised his wine glass. "I'll toast to that."

Rin clinked his nearly empty glass with Drake's. "Cheers!"

Mattie frowned as he continued fumbling with the chair. "Sorry… I didn't realize it was awkward for you guys as well."

Rin blew out a sigh. "It's not like we didn't know how our relationship would be received when we entered into it." He tightened his hold around Shelly as his gaze moved down to meet hers. "It was a large consideration on my part. I held back for years because of it. I thought I could be happy loving her from afar…" A bright smile curved his lips. "But let me tell you, I'd never been so happy with how stubbornly rebellious this one has always been. She never second-guessed me or our relationship."

Shelly smiled back at him as she cupped his cheek. "I thought my love for you had been one-sided for so long that the second I learned there was even the slimmest chance you thought of me as someone other than your best friend's sister…" She tugged his face down to meet hers, placing a light, lingering kiss to his lips. "I couldn't have held myself back even if I'd wanted to… and I'm so glad I never tried." She brushed the tip of her nose against his. "I love you so much."

Rin wrapped both arms around her. "I love you."

Mattie averted his gaze, his cheeks reddening. "Well… this is nearly as awkward-"

The sound of triumphant howls broke the soft music of the lawn. Drake seemed to perk up instantly. "Looks like the hunt is finally over." He pushed to his feet and grabbed a robe from the seat beside him, his eyes trained on the wood line of the forest. A prideful smile curved his lips as a small pack of wolves broke through the forest first. April instantly broke from the pack and strutted toward him. Drake didn't hesitate as he met the wolf halfway. He knelt on the ground, and the wolf ran happily into his arms, her tail wagging in excitement.

Mattie's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the pair. "This is normal for them?"

Shelly giggled. "Why wouldn't it be? They accept one another."

Mattie's shocked gaze moved to Rin. "Do you guys… um…" His cheeks burned red, but curiosity won out against good sense. "Uh… Interact like that?"

Rin shrugged. "Who am I to judge? It's not like I'm human… like Drake is human… Nor yourself…"

Mattie's eyes widened. "True…" He averted his gaze as he ran his hand through his hair. "Well this is a bit unexpected, but…"

"Bitches got some mother fucking rabbit skewers right here!" Raven called out as she and Chery walked back into the well-lit lawn bringing everyone's attention to them.

"More awkward-" Mattie's words were drowned out by more commotion. He watched in stunned disbelief as a medium-sized jungle cat broke the tree line in a fit.

"Mother fucker!" Naru flung the large rat he'd caught to the ground as he glared at the other's catches. He threw a hand out toward Raven. "How was I bet by a fairy?!"

Raven and Chery both covered their mouths with their hands trying in vain to hide their laughter. "I bet that's not the only area you're able to beat him out in!" Chery giggled her eyes trained on his naked body.

"Cover yourself, asshole!" Russ shouted. He had also shifted and was bent down beside Jaden. One of his large, clawed hands was gripping the wolf tightly to his body protectively as the other hand covered her eyes. Drake mimicked the action with April instinctively.

Naru's eyes widened as his hands quickly moved to cover his groin. "Well, you're naked too!"

"I'm not waving it in everyone's face like you, dumbass!" Russ barked back.

Shelly laughed hysterically as she buried her face into Rin's shirt. "Never a dull moment!"

Mattie arched a stunned brow. "What in the…"

Naru's gaze moved around the lawn until they fell on the other female wolves that were frozen by shock in place. A flirtatious smile curved his lips. "Hey girls. Like what you see? Not bad, right?"

Mattie threw his hands up. "Nope! Not today! I'm out, again!" He turned away from the table and stomped off toward the back doors, shaking his head as he went.

Naru was about to move his hand away as he continued to flirt with the stunned wolves. Chary shook her head. "Oh hell no." She sauntered over to the closest table and grabbed a full bottle of wine. She tested the weight in her hand as she moved back out from under the canopy. With a flick of her wrist, she reversed her hold on the bottle and flung it at Naru, hitting him upside the head. A pleased smile curved her lips as his limp body hit the ground. "I'm clamming him as part of my hunt…"

Raven shrugged. "Seems fair… too bad he's still in human form…" She walked over and kicked his limp foot with the tip of her boot. Her gaze moved from his crumpled body to the wolves. "You girls ok?"

The wolves' wide eyes moved around each other before moving back to Raven and nodding in unison.

"Cool…" Raven's studious gaze moved around the lawn. Even the uptight wolves who seemed on edge and angry earlier were all staring in surprise. An amused smile curved her lips as she lowered to a crouch. She slapped Naru's cheek roughly. "Look's like you're not entirely useless after all…" She plucked the cape of her uniform off and tossed it over him as she shook her head and stepped away from his still limp body. She stood and glanced around the group. "Where's my wife? There's no way she'd be staying quiet if she were out here…"

"She went with Poseidon and Scylla to put the baby to bed." Rin called out as he released his hold on Shelly, a lingering laugh still echoing in his words.

Raven sent him a nod. "Thanks." She tossed up a wave as she made her way across the lawn. She couldn't help the brow that arched as one of the wolves cautiously approached Naru's body. Soon the other equally curious wolves joined the first. Raven shook her head. "I'm half tempted to stay for the rest of the show." She muttered under her breath. Another thought dawned. She whipped her attention over to Russ who was now garbed in the ritualistic red robe and was wrapping one around Jaden as well. "Oh yeah, by the way, Jos and Arei left earlier. You know how Jos gets when it comes to killing 'innocent' creatures."


Jos nestled against Arei as he laced his fingers into hers. A warm, satisfied smile curved her lips as she stared down at their connected hands. "I wonder how the rest of the party went?"

Arei blew out a breath of faux seriousness. "Oh, I'd imagine it was a pretty even split between old familiarity and new curiosity with a heavy sprinkling of chaos." He chuckled as he tugged the sheets over their naked bodies.

Jos smiled fondly. "I hate that I had to miss it. I was kind of looking forward to seeing how the hunt went."

Arei's brow rose as he tugged her face around to his. "And here I thought I was doing a fair job of distracting you…" he brushed his lips across hers. "Besides… I would have guessed you had enough excitement for the night."

Jos's expression became bleak and thoughtful. "Actually, all things considered, Artemis was a lot more chill than I'd expected her to be… She was… understanding… and easy to talk to… not at all like everyone has made her out to be…" Her distant gaze moved back to meet Arei's. "Honestly, I'd half expected her to try and kill me…" She laughed uncomfortably as she shrugged. "Perhaps another day, then…"

Arei pulled her tighter against his chest. "You know, the same could be said about you…" He traced her delicate features with the tip of a thick finger. "If anyone were to paint a picture of you based strictly on the description of the Kraken, this face… this person." He gently tapped his index finger against her chest. "Would not be what people saw. We all have the image we show to the world and our secret selves we only share with those we love and can trust." He tugged her face to meet his as he pressed his lips softly against hers. He studied her eyes. "Perhaps she felt comfortable enough with you that she lowered her usual guard."

Jos blew out a resigned sigh. "Or she's still gonna kill me… Either way…"

Arei chuckled as he shook his head. "Don't be such a pessimist, kitten. Everything will be fine, you'll see." He scooted them both down into the bed as he held her tightly. "Now get some sleep, kitten. You've had a long and trying day."

Jos nodded reluctantly. "Alright… I'm… I'm sure you're right…" As hard as she tried, she couldn't shake the ominous feeling that continued to linger into the night. A cold shiver shook her body causing her to snuggle tighter against Arei's now sleeping body.

"Love you, kitten." He muttered in his sleep as his arms enveloped her more.

"I love you…" She whispered back as she clung to his arm nervously. She forced her eyes closed, squeezing them tightly. "Sleep, sleep, sleep… just sleeeep…" She muttered to herself. "It's all in your head… Just lingering anxiety… 1 sheep… 2 sheep…" She peeked out one eye. "Where's a deity of sleep when you need one?" She rolled onto her side still in Arei's tight arms, but sleep didn't come until what seemed like several hours later.

"Wake up!"

Jos's eyes shot open as the familiar masculine voice echoed inside her mind. Her eyes darted around the room until they landed on the shadowy figure causing her to tighten her hold on the sheets. "Hypnos? Why are you here? Why not just visit my dreams like always?"

He pressed a finger against his lips as he pointed out the window. "Shhh. I'm here to warn you, to protect you as always."

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