
Dude, she's a lady

Jaden froze the second she stepped out into the back area. She'd been surprised to learn most of the girls who'd been released from the hospital so far were down at the banquette enjoying the food... and the others' company. But what had been even more shocking was stepping out to see the warm caresses and tender hugs of the prince and a beautiful silver-haired man. She studied the man for several long minutes, noting his delicate features and the bright, vivid aqua eyes that reflected up at the prince. The man looked vaguely familiar, but she couldn't quite place the face. {He was most likely there the night the other girls and I were rescued... but...} Her eyes searched for the large tattooed man who was usually with the prince. He was chatting with a man with stark white hair and breath-catching silver eyes. Her attention moved back to the prince as he pulled the beautiful man into another tight embrace and kissed the top of his head.

"That's the prince's ex-lover... the one he threw me to the side for... You better watch out that the same doesn't happen to you." Gigi bit out as she followed Jaden's gaze to Russ and Jos.

Jaden arched a brow but didn't take her attention off the pair. "I appreciate the warning but it's unnecessary. The prince and I have an arrangement... that seems as if it will work out better than expected..." The last part she said more to herself than the girl beside her.

Gigi gave an indignant snort as she took a long sip of the champagne in her hand. "Suit yourself, but don't say I didn't warn you. As for me... I'm on the first boat away from this shit show."

"Hum... safe travels then..." Jaden said as she watched the two identical tattooed men and the white-haired man approach the prince and silver-haired man. She tilted her head to the side as they all seemed unaffected. The silver-haired man wrapped his arm around one of the tattooed twins as the other clapped Russ on the back. "How strange..." She muttered to herself.

"Congratulations... I suppose..." April said as she walked over to Jaden. "I mean he seems nice enough and not bad to look at... plus you'll not have to worry about him forcing himself on you..."

"If we go through with this outlandish plan of his, we'll still be required to produce an heir." Jaden replied as she continued to watch the group.

"Even so, I bet he would be kind about it or maybe even offer artificial insemination... ya know since he's gay..." April said as she watched as well. "You should go over and talk with them, get to know them better."

"And what are you doing? I wouldn't have pegged you as the social gathering type." Jaden asked as her attention moved to the plates balanced in April's arms.

"You're right about that! I despise these things, but Mei was hungry but wouldn't come down for her own plate."

Jaden's brow arched. "Did you at least make one of those plates for yourself?"

April shrugged. "I figured I'd take what they didn't want."

Jaden frowned. "Before you go back upstairs, make a plate just for yourself."

April sent her a quirky smile. "Yes, my queen!"

Jaden rolled her eyes. "Please don't..."

"Haha, might as well get used to it now if you're to marry the prince." April said as she turned back toward the buffet tables.

Jaden narrowed her eyes on the girl as she made her way back to the food. With a heavy sigh, she turned her focus back to the odd group ahead of her. A few others she recognized from earlier was now gathered around them. "I suppose April is right... I should get to know these people better..." She made her way over catching the middle of a conversation.

"So where is Andy tonight?" Jos asked.

Peg chuckled, "Had to work late, but the news I came with made the solo trip worth it!" His eyes moved around the group with excitement. "I located ALL Ferny boy's off-shores accounts! I've gotten most of them transferred into a fund, and Andy should be finishing up with the last of it as we speak!" He clasped Russ on the shoulder. "Dude, there should be enough to rebuild 85% of the island!"

Russ nodded, his eyes wide in disbelief. He turned excited eyes to Ry and then down to Jaden. "Did you hear?" He asked her. "I say we start with getting the girls settled since most of the money was probably for the shady shit you guys were forced into. Then the rest we can use to start on repairs of homes and businesses!" His attention moved back to Peg. "When will the funds be available?"

"Most of them are now. I'd say we can have the rest released within the month. It's just a matter of proving your right to the money with a few of the banks, but with my hacking skills, if you find yourself in need of the funds sooner, they'll be there." He said with a wink.

"That sounds great..." Ry said giving Russ a slap on the back.

"Oh that reminds me, we've also gotten in touch with most of the families. Several have agreed to return now that Fern is no longer a threat." Before Peg could say more his cell phone rang. "It's Andy, I'll find you guys again in a little while."

"You have interesting friends." Jaden said stoically watching the white-haired man answer his phone in excited animation.

"I'm not sure if friend is the right word... but yeah, they're definitely interesting." He nodded to Ry and Arei. "You already know Ry pretty well and I guess it's obvious but that's his brother Arei... Jos..." Russ froze up as he tried to decide how to introduce her.

Jos could feel a blush creep up her neck. {Regardless of what he said next, it will come out weird... considering my current form...}

Arei chuckled as he pulled her against his side. "Your prince is so accustomed to being around us, he tends to water down introductions. I'm Areion, that's Orion, Pegasus... and this beautiful creature is best known as the Kraken."

Russ rolled his eyes. "I just assumed as eccentric as your dad is, I didn't need to specify exactly who you were." He turned his attention back to Jaden. "Would you like to meet the others?"

She shrugged as she glanced around the banquette area. Many skeptical eyes continued to follow them. "Maybe you should consider introducing your friends to your guests as well..."

Russ followed her gaze, taking note as most of the guest averted their gaze the second his attention fell on them. "You may be right. They seem very hesitant still."

"You may want to hold off on that one." Ry said with a slight nod in Jos's direction.

Russ held Jos's awkward gaze for several seconds before nodding. He turned his attention back to Jaden. "I'll explain later, but for now, how about I introduce you to my sister." When she shrugged again, he nodded to the others and lead her toward Shelly, Rin, and Poseidon.

Rin clasped Russ's shoulder and gave a slight nod to Jaden. "Congratulation, man."

Russ returned the gesture with his free hand. "Thanks man... though I'm still not sure how the hell this is going to work... not going to lie."

"You'll do fine. I mean look at me, I'm a dad..." Rin's eyes darted over his shoulder to where Poseidon was still rocking the baby and talking with Prometheus. "Though I swear that man has my son more than I do..."

Shelly turned with a giggle, lacing her arms around Rin. "What are you complaining about now?" Her sparkling eyes moved to where Russ and Jaden's hands connected. She sent her brother a mischievous smile as she stepped away from Rin and toward Jaden. She extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Shelly, this big idiot's sister and this is my husband Rin." She leaned closer to Jaden. "Blink twice if his is holding you against your will."

Russ rolled his eyes. "No one is being held against their will, Shell. We discussed this beforehand. I didn't just randomly make the announcement and force her to go along with it."

Shelly tilted her head with amusement. "Really? I'm surprised."

Russ fought against his growing irritation. "I'm not that big of an asshole."

"But aren't you?" Before he could counter, she through her arms around his waist. "I'm just teasing, chill."

"Prince Boosilis, there you are. I wanted to congratulate you. Though it wasn't what we'd expected, it was quite a good performance." Prometheus said as he stepped around Poseidon.

"Speak for yourself. I hope you don't expect your little act from earlier to go unreprimanded. You were told to follow the promoters!" Lamia bit out as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I would think the council would be happy for the kid." Poseidon said as he shifted the now sleeping baby to his shoulder. "He's the first ruler in history to bring so many different factions together under one roof." He nodded to the crowd. "Look around you, the prince and his kingdom now have support that couldn't be riveled by any other... oh but wait... that's what you're the most upset about isn't it? Are you afraid whoever it is you're working for behind the Embassy's back will be upset with you for not intervening in this?"

Lamia narrowed her eyes, biting back the words she really wanted to say. {The sea god is too perspective.} She turned her heated gaze back to Russ. "This discussion isn't over. You will be hearing from my office."

Russ nodded. "Do what you must, but it's not changing shit."

She glared at him. "We shall see..." Without saying anything else she turned and stormed off.

"What was that about?" Drake asked as he shifted to balance the plate the pissed off councilmember nearly knocked from his hand.

Russ let out a heavy sigh. "Fuck if I know. She's pissed because I didn't do as she wanted... I guess..."

Poseidon nodded. "It's important for individuals like her to feel control during times like this. She knows if she can't take control now, she'll never have it."

"Makes sense..." Drake said with a shrug, before moving his attention to Jaden. "How are the others doing?"

"The girls who have been released from the hospital are as well as can be expected." Her stoic tone faltered as she continued. "Two more girls from the hospital have passed..."

Russ gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as he shifted the conversation away from the recently deceased girls. "How's Mattie?"

Drake looked around the tables. "He's here somewhere-" His words caught as his eyes settled on someone across the yard. "Who... what the..." He set his plate on one of the tables closest to him. "Would you excuse me..."

Poseidon followed the young vampire's gaze. "Looks like we're in for some more drama tonight."

Shelly let out a heavy sigh as she leaned against Rin. "I know you've became friends with him... but I still don't trust him..."

Rin held Shelly tightly in his arms. "Me either." His attention moved to Russ. "Watch your back, man. Something just doesn't feel right about him being here still, especially if his brother has already been released."

Russ frowned. "You might be right..."

Jaden tilted her head as she watched the vampire depart with the others. "He had the opportunity to drain us all, they both did... but they refrained. It takes a lot of will to hold back when you're starving." She moved her attention back to the group around her. "I don't know what all has happened, but I don't think he's a bad person... and believe me, I've met my fair share of bad people."

Shelly frowned. "Maybe you're right, but it can't hurt to be cautious."

Jos had just taken a seat as she waited for Arei to return with drinks. She'd been fighting the urge to leave most of the night. Regardless to what Raven and the others had said, showing up as a male had only made things more awkward. A hand cupped her shoulder, causing her attention to jerk around. "You... What do you want?"

Drake stared down at her in shocked amazement. "I couldn't believe my eyes. I had to come over and see for myself. Is this your true form or can you switch at will?"

"What does it matter?" Jos asked.

Drake shrugged as he settled into the seat beside her. "I guess my male ego just needs to know whether I've been fighting to get thoughts of another guy out of my mind or..."

"Let me stop you there. My true form doesn't matter. I'm with someone, someone who loves me regardless of what the external shape my body takes AND someone I love dearly. I thought coming in this form would make it easier... but it seems I was wrong." She pushed up from the table. "If you'll excuse me." Having as much as she could take of the crowd, Jos headed toward the gardens.

"Wait!" Drake called after the silver-haired man that had captivated him attention for the second time. As he pushed up from the chair and hand on his shoulder pushed him back down.

"What did you say to her?" Arei growled down at the young vampire.

Drake swallowed as the massive, tattooed giant towered menacingly over him. "I didn't say anything... not really... I was just asking about her current form... his current form..."

"Don't bother her... It's because of men like you that she constantly feels like she can't be herself." He squeezed Drakes arm tighter when the boy tried to lift from the chair a second time. "Don't. bother. her."

Drake swallowed hard as the mountain of a man released his vice grip on his shoulder and turned away, heading toward the deserted area the silver-haired man had vanished into.

Jaden arched her brow as she continued to watch Drake disappear only a short time after the other tattooed man had left. {What was it about this silver-haired man? I mean he's attractive... but... does that really explain why the others seem to be throwing themselves at him?} She risked a glance up at the prince from under thick lashes. He seemed to be fixated on the area the men had disappeared. Was it because of the silverhaired man too? His hand had tightened on hers and was still holding firm. She was about to say something to him when Ry clamped a hand on Russ's shoulder again.

"You alright, kid?"

Russ frowned, sending Shelly a worried glace from over Jaden's shoulder. "The garden and gates are that way... You think Jos will be alright, or should one of us go..."

Shelly swallowed hard. "I... I don't think I could..." Her wide teary eyes moved to Russ. "Have... have you..."

Russ shook his head. "No, I've only used the back entrance..."

Shelly nodded. "We've only teleported... I..." She could feel tears trail down her cheeks a Rin pulled her into his arms.

Jaden looked between the small group in confusion. "What is over there?"

Russ swallowed hard. "The front gate and gardens... where our mother died, and we were nearly killed with her..."

I love misunderstandings of this nature hehehehe.

Hope you guys like the nom nom wolf girl chibi lol


Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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