
Duties I Must Tend To

Li Xueyue's heart plummeted all the way to the ground. She wrung her fingers together to prevent them from shaking. Had Marquis Qin recognized her? 

Li Xueyue didn't look that much different from the young girl she used to be. Well, except the fact that she was now well-clothed and fed.

"Princess…you, you…" he trailed off before his lips pulled into a large smile. "You truly fit the image that the rumors portrayed you to be!"

Li Xueyue blinked in surprise. What?

Marquis Qin clasped his hands together and heartily laughed, revealing his teeth. The Crown Prince was a lucky man! He had all of these spectacular beauties to himself, and everyone knew how possessive he was. It was no wonder why. 

There was something special about the Crown Princess. Perhaps it was her soft and gentle presence that never matched her fierce, clear eyes. It was difficult to read her true intentions, much less, gauge her thoughts.

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