
A Wall

The cheers and claps died down when they realized that Li Chenyang's arrow was still intact with his lowered bow.

Their puzzled eyes followed Li Chenyang's eyes until it landed on Xueyue who was preparing to sit back onto her saddle. That was, until a horrific event occurred.

An arrow flew straight towards her leg and before she could even dodge that, another flew towards her arm.

Hearing the "woosh" sound of arrows flying in its direction, Heiyue panicked and tried to maneuver his body to avoid the arrows to put Xueyue out of harm's way. The sharp and unexpected movement caused the poor girl to lose her footing. Everyone held their breaths as she slipped off her horse, yet no one dared to move—except the man rushing towards her when the first arrow whizzed through the air.

Li Chenyang urged his horse to gallop as fast as he could to Xueyue but couldn't get to her in time.

Xueyue squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself for the painful fall, but it never came.

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