
Traitor Part 3

I rush toward the front line with my two rods. I focus on bashing the Skeletal Warriors' leg bones, enough to give the warriors a little breathing room.

"Alright! Keep retreating slowly!!"

It just takes me a few minutes to cripple the speed of these skeletons.


The warriors make a mad dash toward base camp. I'm assuming they have supplies there to help. The mages are walking toward Micheal with bags slung over their shoulders. And they have promptly stopped walking over a dozen yards away from Micheal. It's a wonder they made it that far, even with the support of their staffs. Seeing this, Micheal, Clarissa and Bestia start moving toward them. No one is paying attention to the fourth line which is now in sight. Excellent.

"Come on people! Get to those supplies!!"

I start moving faster than before. The warriors see that relieve is in sight and pick up the pace as well. Man, really got to love my Chaos Opportunist title.

Chaos Opportunist - Requirement: To create chaos on purpose, gain benefit, and get away with it. When making or entering Chaos, perception of others are altered to gain benefit and get away with it. Benefit given by others to you will be more than those without the title, so long as being rewarded for an equal amount of work. Chaos magic usable.

I was worried that Bestia's actions wouldn't be covered by the effect of the title, but it seems that they have...for the most part. Messing with the perception of others counts as mental manipulation and some are more resistant to it than others, though most I have encountered can't resist the title effect. Clarissa is one of two who has been able to resist it, hence her comments on Bestia's effectiveness. Luckily, I had based the Amelia persona around a loose cannon, high collateral damage yet effective solution idea. These warriors know that the Skeletal Warriors will never catch up to them, yet to them, my encouraging them to speed up is seen as me trying to get them to the relieve supplies faster.

"We still got the skeletal beast third line to go through, don't skimp on the potions. You can't put a price on your life". Perfect. Burn through the potions faster.

"Make sure that every warrior gets at least one potion!" Damn it Micheal. I was trying to get them to scramble and possibly break a few potions.

"I need a stamina potion and a health potion!"

"Give me two stamina potions!"

"Give me a health potion and a strength potion!"

"Give me an agility potion, stamina potion, and health potion!"

"Give me that potion in your hand, it is an intelligence potion, not a stamina potion!!"


This goes on until there are only one stamina potion left, four health potions, one agility potion. Since the warriors spread the potions out, they are only functioning between 30%-60% capacity. The mages only recovered enough to run away.

"Crunthlia help us!!"

"What is it man?"


Well, they finally noticed the fourth line. Skeletons Archers, which are now picking up all the arrows that were previously shot. This is the last line though. If they survive the onslaught that is about to occur, they will live to see another day. Probably. Maybe I will get Bestia to burn their lungs more. Or maybe make them go insane with chaos magic. So many choices. So little time to make up my mind.

This week I am changing the schedule to 3-5 chapters per week. This chapter and an auxilary chapter for today. Still owe four more and this week's quota as well. Support me on Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13313227

ShadowDccreators' thoughts
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