
Remembering How I Ended Up Here

"YOU FUCKING IMMATURE BRAT!! You were jealous of me and that's why you killing me? Just because Princess Lunia and Samantha paid more attention to me? Where did you even get that Int Killing Dagger anyways?"

"Shut up, shut up, just shut up and die!!"

"Very creative Chris." I need to cast spells to survive. Can't seem to chant. "What the hell are you going to tell the rest of the heroes when you return alone?"

"While we were letting the rest of the group escape from the Beast Demon Lord's guards, you took on a fatal poison. In the end, you chose to use a sacrifice explosion spell to end the lives of the guards since you were going to die anyways. That is why I returned alone." I slump over to the wall behind me. My brown skin is turning grey. My thoughts seem to be accelerating

"Congrats, you actually came up with something decent..." I fall over. I can't seem to say 'for an idiot like yourself'. My mouth isn't opening anymore. At least the other heroes and support crew managed to escape from that beast type monster. They were clearly not ready to fight something of that caliber. I need to complain to whoever trained the other heroes. I didn't train with my fellow summoned heroes, so it is granted that I can't coordinate well with the others. Still, their co-op skills suck more than mine. How the hell did that happen. I need to complain to whoever trained them. Did I already think that? Yes I did. My body is stiff, I seem to have paralysis now. Where the hell did Chris get the Int Killing Dagger anyways? Those daggers are suppose to be really hard to get. Particularly since the Malde Kingdom banned the use of them after they heard that I was attacked by one. I hurt all over.

"Slow down your thoughts, I won't be able to remember them at the speed you are thinking!!!" Shut up Chris. Listening in to my thoughts, probably relishing what you hear. The pain is getting worse. It can't be from the damage transfer spell I used earlier to save Samantha's life. I already healed myself from that damage. That pain stopped around three minutes before I ordered the retreat. Maybe taking leadership of the group from Chris was the final straw for him.

"Damn you, I told you to fucking slow down your thoughts!!!" I can't even tell how fast my thoughts are going now. So this is the end huh. I die here, on a world that is not my own, dying for a people that are not my own, on a mission I was forced to take, separated from my true friends and my family. Man, I really wanted to make it home. If only I was able to complete the mission. Then I could have trained some people's intelligence to the point that the Space Cost Circle could be used to send us home. I don't even know the people I was summoned with. Isn't it a trope that you are suppose to at least be able to recognize the fellow summoned heroes? I literally never saw them before this world. How did I end up here in the first place. I guess it started on that fateful day. The day I was summoned to this infernal world of Racia.

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