
The Start Of The Journey

Leo slowly woke up and played the music of his choice in his room by calling it out loud so he could get pumped for the day. A new trick he learned thanks to Isabella. As he danced around his room his stomach started to gurgle and moan with hunger. He got dressed and headed downstairs. He looked around trying to find the kitchen but Isabella called out for him from the door at the end of the corridor. He walked inside to see a very large, long table with only two plates across from each other in the centre. Isabella was already sitting there waiting for Leo looking casual. Leo walked over and sat down. The plate is was pure silver and had a blank space of white at the edge.

He looked over at Isabella and asked. "Did you wait long?"

She shook her head, very seriously and answered. "No, I was practising archery outside."

She tapped on the white space at the edge of her bowl and a few times in mid-air until the plate slowly formed into a bowl. It slowly filled itself with milk and cereal somehow floated to the surface.

Leo looked so confused for a long period of time until Isabella looked at him. "If your confused tap on the blank space and select your food choice." He tapped on it and a yellow screen hologram appeared in front of him.

He asked. "Do you not see this?"

She shook her head. "Of course not, my people find it rude to see other people's food choice." He couldn't find it so he selected the custom option and created a Nutella sandwich. She looked at him in curiosity and asked in confusion.

"What is that your eating? Is it poisonous?"

He looked at her in horror, he had never met a person who never knew of Nutella.

"It's a Nutella sandwich of course."

As his mouth began to drool a little at the thought.

She asked. "What's Nutella?" He was so surprised she didn't know what Nutella was? "Are you insane? Nutella is so delicious, it's a chocolate flavoured bread spread and cautiously delicious." She selected a button on her plate and the cereal from her bowl and it once again turned into a plain silver plate. After a few more taps a Nutella sandwich appeared. She picked it up cautiously and took a slow large bite. Her eyes grew large and her mouth began to slowly drool as she continued to eat.

Later on, they packed up their belongs and the tent as they begin their journey. The walk would take 5 days and four nights on foot. As they began to walk for an hour or two the pair began to get bored.

So Leo asks Isabella. "What's your favourite colour?"

"Yellow." She answered. "What's yours?"

"Green, what's your favourite animal?" He asked.

"I've got too many. Deer, fox, giraffe and cheetah. What about you?" She answered

"Lion." He replied.

After the short conversation, the pair stopped talking until sunset. Isabella prepared the tent except the button was stuck.

"Hey, Leo!" She yelled at him from the campsite while he was by the river nearby. "The tents are broken!"

Leo walked towards her from the river. He looked down, he was much taller than her by two inches. "Well do you have a spare?" He asked.

"Unfortunately I do, except it's only made for one person and it will be really squishy." She said awkwardly.

Isabella and Leo's faces flushed red with embarrassment. After they both got dressed and went to bed, Isabella prepared the spare tent. It was a 2 metres square tall tent and was tall enough for Leo to stand. As they both crept inside, Isabella made a small tiny mattress on the floor. As they both sat down, they both fell asleep shoulder to shoulder and were both touching.

Leo woke up early to find himself in the position of hugging her. His face flushed red and he jumped outside the tent. He couldn't believe it, he was hugging a girl. Not long ago he thought girls had cooties and were grossest things in the world. It was so embarrassing and disturbing he couldn't help but run outside and make gag noises.

Leo touched the grass with his feet and it was so colourful and soft. He looked around the woods and noticed so many bushes. Until he heard a growling noise from the bush directly behind him and he turned around to face the terror.

What is the mysterious growling noise from the bush? Would you be embarrassed like Leo if you woke up in that position. Sorry for the hold up for this chapter and please comment thoughts, ideas and feedback. Have a nice day!!

Kate101creators' thoughts
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