
I promise, there will not be anymore setbacks

Ku Wang looked towards Zhu Long and said,'' Brother Lin, Follow me. We were close to exiting this forest before you ran off but let's continue our journey. We shall head this way." It seemed like Ku Wang was irritated when he thought of Zhu Long running towards the demonic bull when it was going through it's Heavenly tribulation. It was out of nowhere and caused Ku Wang to be very confused, but he wasn't the only one who was confused at that situation, Zhu Long as well as confused when that happened. It was Old Yang who told Zhu Long to rush towards the demonic beast and strike when it was weak. He had also told Zhu Long to get struck by the last Tribulation Lightning. Even though Zhu Long had a lot of doubts about what Old Yang had told him to do, he did as Old Yang said. Although there was a lot of pain involved, at the end Zhu Long thought that he had benefited by that as he felt a small amount more powerful and Phoenix Cry also seemed to have evolved.

Zhu Long smiled wryly when he heard Ku Wang's irritated tone. He nodded and replied," I agree, so from now on, I promise you that there will no longer be any setbacks." Zhu Long said so as he was sure that Old Yang wouldn't interfere any longer and tell him to do anything else.

Ku Wang nodded with a smile on his face and said,"I hope brother Lin will stick to what he had just said. When we exit the forest, we will enter the Demon Continent of Lilith, also known as the Demon Military, mostly called that by the upper clans as the Old Demon King had used the continent to train his demonic army. Due to that, we will see a lot of demon camps that have human prisoners, some even being tortured for information or even fun by those despicable demons but I want you to hear me out .. Although this sounds harsh and mean, we should not be impulsive and try to save those, no matter the circumstances.. Does Brother Lin understand?" Ku Wang's voice was low and stern. He seemed to be very serious when he said those words to Zhu Long. Ku Wang then observed Zhu Long's expression, especially his eyes as a person's eye is the gateway to their mind and soul. He wanted to see how Zhu Long would react to his words.

Zhu Long was in a state of shock when he heard Ku Wang's words. He thought for some while and nodded towards Ku Wang."Sure, I will not get involved in anything for now on until we reach Qiang Wuhan's Mansion." The lack of change in Zhu Long's face and expression surprised Ku Wang. He expected Zhu Long to hesitate after hearing about there being prisoners in Demon's camps but to his surprise, there seemed to be no reaction than a small tinge of surprise.'You are a complicated man. Your expression shows that you are cold but deep down you show sympathy. But in this situation, there was no hesitation… Just what goes through your mind…' 

In Zhu Long's mind, he had thought through many situations to accept what Ku Wang had said.'Brother Ku is correct, When we are in the demonic continent, everything will be against us so when he show ourselves to the demons when trying to save the prisoners, it may complicate things and even cause for some powerful individuals to hunt after us. That would make things a lot more difficult. There is also the point that we might stumble into a powerful demon when we try to save the prisoners and could be killed. There is also another very important point… Our actions of saving prisoners could be a catalyst for the Human-Demon war, which is something that will only do harm.'

"I guess we should start to head out now." Ku Wang said as he jumped towards the top of the nearest tree. He looked around for a few seconds and jumped towards Zhu Long. "Brother Lin, Let's head this way." Ku Wang said as he pointed towards a small hill. Zhu Long nodded as he heard Ku Wang's words, he still seemed to be in deep thought but no one knew what he was thinking.

Ku Wang shook his head and rushed towards the hill he had previously pointed towards. Zhu Long slowly followed Ku Wang, without uttering a single word. By now, Ku Wang was used to Zhu Long's silence. It seemed like he rarely spoke.. But when he spoke, Zhu Long would speak a lot. 

As time passed one, The duo continued on their path. Zhu Long had noticed that the hill the two of them were heading towards wasn't actually small, it was actually huge, it was the distance that made the hill look small. 

After an hour, Zhu Long and Ku Wang had finally reached the base of the huge hill. From where they were standing, the hill looked enormous, as large as a mountain. "Brother Lin, after we cross this hill, we will finally exited the forest towards the demon continent of Lilith.

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