
Wait until we come back

When I walked to the bathroom, I could see some models there. While seeing them I just passed close and when I have done what I needed, I go out, and then I put lipstick on. When I have done this, I looked at the mirror, and when I changed my hair; I walked out, and then I walked to look where Meg is. As I was walking around, I could see her talking with someone and while seeing it I don't want to disturb her so I take juice as I don't want wine and while I started drinking, I go on the side. When I was there, I found a chair, and when I sit there; I drank a little of the juice. 

When I was doing it Meg comes and when she looked at me she said "so how it is".

"Boring I want to come back home," I said.

"It just started," Meg said.

"At home, I have more interesting things to do," I said while looking at her.

"Oh, Greg," Meg said.

"Yes," I said and when I looked at her she said, "why he stopped streaming at one point".

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