
From profit

When I was sleeping, I wake up after some time and when I looked at the bed, I could see that Sophia is still sleeping. While seeing her I moved my hand on her face and when I moved her hair on the side I started looking at her face. 

While I was doing it I don't want to get up but as I was doing it I done while some heavy problems started calling me. While I get up from bed without waking her up, I walked there, and while I was there; I did what I needed. When I did with it I walked out and when I did it I walked to my room and when I take my phone I walked to the kitchen to start thinking about what I can do for breakfast. As I was thinking o opened the fridge and then I started taking out eggs. While I was doing it I looked at them and when I opened them I looked for something with what I can make them. As I was doing it I looked more and when I found a jam, I take it and while having an idea I started taking the rest of the things. 

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