
Entering Necropolis

Afterward, the boar hat started its move. Well, Mama Hawk started the move after coming out of the ground and starting to walk. Jax was sitting on the wooden chair with his hands on his forehead while Meliodas was laughing at him. Jax had a headache after the drinking he did yesterday. He was no drinker in his past life so it was to be expected that he wasn't used to it at all.

Ater waiting for a bit he just let his head rest on the table in front of him while he closed his eyes. Too lazy to even move to his bed before drifting of into a deep sleep. Only when Mama Hawk stopped with moving his eyes opened again.

Disorientated a bit before regaining control while tyring to recall where he was but after a while he regained his bearing . So he slowly stood up and made his way towards the window where he saw the run down town. Where the group would meet one of the members, King. At that exact moment he heard Meliodas telling Ban to go get some intel. Ban could be heard complaining while he walked out of the Boar Hat. "I will be walking for a bit," Jax said while leaving through the same door Ban left. Ready to watch this play out between King and Ban.

If Jax wanted he could stop King from even attacking Ban but he felt that it was needed. Otherwise, there would always be friction between the two. Something that is never good in a group like this. They had to trust each other no matter what. Jax just sat at a high building where he had a nice view of the situation. Right now Ban was being stabbed by two kids when he first saw the kids or the girl in particular he was stunned for a minute before noticing it wasn't her.

Jax found this rather amusing while thinking 'i need to meet Elaine too to see what is so special about her that Ban Nii loves her so dearly'. A moment later a little boy with a spear came the instant he appeared Jax saw him and thought 'So King Nii has also arrived' in the next instant the spear created a massive hole in Ban's chest. While King just laid there on his spear watching Ban while saying stuff like, "Long time no see."

Jax just closely watched how King was using his weapon and how Ban doesn't even try to counter attack. King kept going on about the sin Ban did commit. Yet he didn't know the truth of the situation. Jax got slightly annoyed at King after a couple of times of stating Ban's sin. The thing he was thinking was, 'why is he so fucking sure of what happened' it was something that annoyed him. Ban didn't even have time to tell his story but King just assumed that what he thought was right. After a while Ban got ready to fight back before Meliodas appeared and hit him at the back of his head.

A slight surprise could be seen on Kings' face when Meliodas appeared a while later Dianne also joined the group. This time a slight blush could be seen on Kings' face while he decided to fly away. Jax could be heard saying, "now my entry is ruined" Jax had planned on surprising King too yet he already has flown away.

Inside the boar, hat Ban was cooking food for the pair of kids that tried to kill him earlier. Jax was just watching this with a smile.

This went on for a while before everyone started to walk outside eventually they reached a beautiful spot with beautiful flowers. When Dianne was about to make a comment about how beautiful the flowers where they suddenly all started to float. Jax just simply stood there while thinking 'so we are finally entering the Necropolis' in the next instant a whole new world appeared in front of their eyes. A world made of massive crystals that looked amazing.

To be honest it was quite a beautiful sight to see. Jax was admiring the view he was seeing right now. The beautiful crystals were something that was on the top of the list of most beautiful things he had ever seen.

Jax looked around him and saw his older brother looking around until his eyes finally rested on someone or something. Jax knew what was happening and in the next instant, Ban started to run without saying a word. Everyone didn't know what was happening including King. But King wasn't about to let his target get away from him so he followed right after him.

Jax was still thinking about what to do he didn't know if he should follow or not. But in the end, curiosity got the best of him and decided to follow Ban and try to catch a glimpse of the woman who his brother loved. Jax slowly turned to Meliodas before saying "I will go look what is going on"

"That's fine" Meliodas replied.

Jax slowly took out one of his kunai and threw them in front of Ban and in the next instant, he was walking right next to him.

"I'm coming with you," Jax said while smiling.

"Beats me kiddo," Ban said in an unusually serious tone.

King was shocked when he heard the word kiddo when he was watching the sins earlier he didn't know who the guy was with them but when he heard kiddo he knew it. A slightly shocked scream came out of his mouth,

"Jax is that you"

Jax looked behind him and saw King slowly flying there while following them,

"Oh yes it's me, nice to meet you again King Nii"

Have fun reading.

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