
What a Coincidence

Jay tightened his grip around the katana.

"That's my boy," the female voice faded as power surged within Jay's body.

Feeling the sudden spike in power, Waller and his men's eyes narrowed as they raised their weapons right away. He didn't know what was going on in the boy's mind, but he for sure felt the murderous intent, and right now was no time for hesitation.

Waller's men fired right away. Bullets coated in crimson light immediately flew towards Jay, and Jay swiftly dodged them as he charged forward and rotated his body in mid-air.

Everything seemed to be calculated precisely as he spun through the bullet rain with his katana repelled any bullet that came his way.

Waller came to the front with a long blade he pulled from his back and slashed vertically towards Jay. Surprised by the sudden attack, Jay put his katana out horizontally to block the advance of that blade into his Kokoro. When the blade collided with the katana, a sharp and deafening noise was heard as a shockwave radiated from the center.

Knowing how sharp that coated katana was, Waller concentrated all the GN particles he could amass into his blade, so he wouldn't see an awkward moment of his weapon breaking while it was on the offense side. In addition, he also wanted to give his best shot to breaking that katana. He was getting goosebumps from seeing that devilish purple katana in crimson light, which also seemed to be the only means of attack of this young boy.

At that instant, his two men immediately switched to daggers as they charged in from the sides as the captain pressed his blade down at the target and kept him in place.

Right now, both sides of Jay's body was completely vulnerable to flanks, and there was no way for him to move in time.

Four sharp daggers coated in crimson particles thrust towards him from all directions.

"Jay!" Christian and Elon shouted as they sprayed their rifles at those mercenaries. The mercenaries were injured since they concentrated all of their particles onto their weapon, leaving their body open. However, the momentum still carried those daggers into Jay's ribcage through the bones.

The two innovators were also severely injured, as they tried to roll behind cover. Waller was just in Elon and Christian's blind spot, and he immediately jumped back and ducked behind cover as well to try and stop the bleeding for his men first with his GN particles.

Seeing Jay falling onto his knees with four daggers in him, Elon and Christian immediately went berserk as they sprayed at the car those three enemies were hiding behind as they tried to get to Jay and drag him to cover as well.

"Run..." Jay tried to open his mouth but only coughed out blood. He was too reckless and didn't think his plan through. He just felt the urge to charge forward after feeling the surge in strength.

"Am I going to die?" he mumbled to himself, as he felt his consciousness fading.

"AHHHHH!" the murderous intent intensified in both Elon and Christian, and the bullets they began shooting out also looked as if they were covered in red halo.

The bullets began penetrating the vehicle. Caught off guard, Waller and the other two didn't even react in time before they were riddled with bullet holes.

"Alright, perfect~" the female voice sounded again. With her help, the daggers literally just popped out of Jay's body as it began to heal. Jay felt the pain fading away, and he just couldn't be more shocked.

"Shouldn't innovators be really rare or something? How the f*ck are all four of us innovators?" Jay asked Aurora in his mind. Although he was glad that everything turned out okay, he could not be more confused right now.

"Well, that you have to ask your foster mommy. But yeah, the situation of you almost dying stimulated them and sped up their awakening. Awesome, now I don't have to babysit you 25/8, 366 days a year."

"I literally just met you today..." Jay was speechless. Well, Aurora's answer literally just gave him more questions.

"Jay! Are you alright?" Elon and Christian ran towards him and checked on his injuries, and they were shocked to find the wounds healing and closing up on their own, at a speed noticeable to the naked eye.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine now, thanks for saving my ass though."

"Okay, thank god. But hey, did you see anything weird from your angle? I felt this strange power arising inside of me earlier, and it seemed like my bullets were doing a lot more damage," Christian suddenly said as he inspected the barrel of his gun.

"Yeah, I noticed it too. Those guys were innovators like you, and we usually can't injure them even with my QBU. However, this time, the bullets not only shot through their Cadillac but also those three innovators." Elon noticed that something was off too.

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