

With that said, he pushed open the front double doors. The foyer was dimly lit and visibly decrepit. It wasn't run down, but it hadn't been cleaned in months by the dust. The living room was visible from where they stood. Every piece of furniture had been covered with thick cloths. However, this was a backdrop to all the men in black who carried thick military cases around.

Thick cables ran through the hallway, half of them ran off to the servers important company. Fiance, logistics, and other highly sensitive information he had long moved into his home. The business world was violent and unforgiving for those who reached his heights. It wasn't unusual to deal with corporate spies who'd seek to steal Cyril's code or schematics for her medical pod. It was his way of protecting the companies profits. In turn, kept Cyril alive with her multi-million dollar medical bill...

A bill he'd gladly take on if... If she could come back to him...

"Sir?" His personal guard was beside him now.

"Yes?" Edward cleared his throat. "Was I doing it again?"

The guard nodded, and Edward continued on.

They passed by the several men, all of which stood at attention as they passed by. They turned a corner and entered Edward's study. It was a windowless room with a hologram picture on the wall. It was a picture of Cyril and Maddin enjoying a nice summer day. It was one of Edward's favorites. He pulled a chair behind his large real wood mahogany desk, then brushed his fingers through his thinning hair.

None of the two men sat in the seats across from him.

"Are you sure this isn't overkill, Sir?" The man in black asked.

"No," Edward replied weakly. "Nothing can survive. Not a single server must survive."

"Would could wipe the servers," His guard said. "Just to be safe."

"No!" Edward looked up. His anger at the notion gave him the strength to challenge it. "My daughter is in those servers!"

"Sir, not to be disrespectful, but the Yo--" He was cut off by Edward's glare.

"Died?" He huffed. His scowl, once a fierce thing, not looked forced under his withered appearance. "I'm aware that she is dead. But her avatar is just as much my daughter as her real body had been as well. Those servers are her grave as much as the one under her tree!"

"I'm sorry," The guard bowed slightly. "I misspoke."

Silence filled the room for a moment.

"Its fine..." Edward sighed afterward. The anger was still apparent on his flexing jaw. A jaw that was soon covered by a hand. "What am I doing..." He asked himself. By his tone, both the men knew it wasn't meant to be answered.

"This is crazy..." Edward said as he rubbed his eyes. Despite the guard noting his bad complexion, he seemed to have aged more in the span of a few minutes.

"It is," The man in black commented. "But you weren't known to do things sanely."

The old man chuckled at that.

"I would agree," The personal guard chimed in. "Look at what he did for the Young Mistress? Crazy, yes, but it's the Bailey way if there was one."

Edward looked up and nodded with a smile. A genuine one.

"Well," Edward began to chuckle. "I got one more in me. I'm going to let them remember why I use to be called the Black Dragon of America. They want my treasure? Well, they can have it. Along with fire and brimstone."

Edward's eyes glinted with cold malice.


Mr. Harrison stepped out of the Chevy Suburban. His umbrella in his left, and a small Subway sandwich in his right. Front and center, his potbelly slightly jiggled as he planted both his feet on the driveway. His eyes looked over Chairmen Bailey's home. He felt mortified, but curious, both equally wrapped up in one large fat package. Mr. Harrison never forgot who he worked for.

Some sort of Mafia, or gang, or something... Maybe the Yakuza. He didn't know. What he did know was his boss was some sort of terrifying man. Said to crush a man with his bare hands. Mr. Harrison wasn't a man to believe in petty rumors. He had seen a glimpse of the underbelly of the company; that was enough to kill even the mere thought of taking advantage of him.

Mr. Harrison was a man who loved dogs, food and traveling. Moreso when he could take his pets to travel to sample the cuisines of the world. To do such, Mr. Harrison had developed a keener eye for details. Such details had made him quite the board member.

All these small details also led to one thing... Why was he called to Owner Bailey's home? Did he figure out that he had been secretly hiding snacks in the company vehicle? Or did he find out that he had charged his company card to cover a meal the other day? He meant to put the money back, he only 3had just forgotten his card at home. The money should have already been put back in fact.

He cycled through all the possible scenarios in his head. Even the mundane ones. He had too. He'd seen plenty of crime dramas, and usually, one didn't get summoned to the boss's home unless they were about to be killed; or praised...? He hadn't done something to earn Chair--


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