
Return to Mimaki

The drive toward the north-west side of Japan felt like they had entered a different age. The vibrant red, yellow and orange foliage, amongst the deep green mountains and fields, were unspoiled. This world was too picturesque for a time of war. 

Eiji had been driving them on clear country roads, where chances for police patrols were far less. They were able to stop for breaks without attracting attention.

Fortunately Himari had recovered from her fever as soon as they left the Kyushu region. Tyne cared for her and taught her card games at the backseat. 

Eiji his eyes forward. Always watching the road ahead for trouble.

"Snap!" Himari laughed, devilishly, as she swept aside her winning cards from the played pile.

"Well done," Tyne said proudly as he ruffled her hair.

She flashed him a hearty grin, showing off her milk teeth and the gaps where some were missing. 

Kids were resilient creatures. Eiji was grateful for it. Especially when she was being taken away from the place that might have been her hometown.

Day and night they drove. Breaking. Regathering fuel and what food was available for purchase.

Despite the sudden change to her life. Himari was content and showing a childlike happiness being in their care. Tyne was relieved to see her health faring well. She never mentioned on her mother. Whenever the subject was broached, the girl turned inward and instinctively changed the subject. So she was resilient, but not oblivious.  Eiji had figured that one day, Himari would be a woman who would want to seek out an understanding to her family's death. It was a day he hoped he would never see.

They drove aimlessly. Eiji constantly mulled over the purpose of finding Tyne's wife. He had promised the man he would do so, but had no idea where to begin. Tyne made a suggestion to head towards Mimaki when they were discussion starting points.

"Are you sure?  Don't you want to find your wife?" Eiji solemnly asked Tyne.

"You know I do. We know where your partner is. So let's go to him. I owe you that much." Tyne reassured Eiji with a cocky grin. 

Eiji realized it was a long time since he had seen it.  

They drove with a set destination in mind. Passing through barely touched mountain roads and terrain that the Blended Beauty was able to handle.  

Eiji's mind was a whirlwind of happiness and anxiousness at the thought of seeing Hinata again. What was he doing? Was he still over feeding Tama-chan? He pictured Hinata leisurely tending to their plants in their herb garden. His lover's face smeared with dirt from his hard work, and long hair plastered to the sides of cheeks and neck dripping with sweat. Arousal warmed his body at the thought of his lover's welcome home. It was just as well Tyne and Himari were asleep in the backseat.

Tama made a small noisy to bring his mind back to his present situation. She had made herself comfortable on the first passenger seat like the queen cat that she was.

Common mountain ranges, trees and natural scenery whizzed passed them as he entered familiar terrain belonging to the Nagano prefecture. 

"Hinata." He spoke his lover's name as the morning sun rose over a mountain range. 

His fond thoughts of home were interrupted by an unexpected checkpoint. He slowed the car. His heart raced at the sight of those gray or black uniforms belonging to the secret police. What were they doing there?

"No. It can't be!" His mind panicked on the thought that maybe he had stirred trouble for Hinata.

Those kenpeitai back on the train believed he held documents that his father were using to betray their country. Could it be that they had also come after Hinata? But why? The only connection Hinata had to that man had been him.

Eiji prayed that they weren't looking for him. He had to reach Hinata.

He slowed the car at the checkpoint and calmed his mind with neutral thoughts to keep his cool.

A kenpei causally approached his side and tapped on the glass. Eiji wound down the window to allow the man to address him.

"Name and registration." 

"Here." Tyne handed Eiji their papers. He passed them on to the police officer. 

The officer glanced through and pocketed their papers. 

"Drive to the first village you see. If you don't. Well shoot you on site." 

"Excuse me?" Eiji frowned. 

"Unless you won't to be shot now." The kenpei cackled with eyes begging for a reason to test his guns that were holstered at his hip.

Eiji nodded and wound up the window. He slowly drove the car passed the blockade towards the direction they were ordered to go. 

"Are we going there?" Tyne asked.

"It's our destination." Eiji levelly answered. 

He felt anxious and concerned for Hinata. Why was the secret police in control of Mimaki?

"The secret police are in Mimaki?" Tyne gasped. "This isn't good Eiji."

"I know. Something doesn't feel right." Eiji bit his lip as he continued to drive them through dirt roads that led back to his home. 

The state of his home village left him gasping with outrage. This wasn't right. It should be here!

The village was void of locals. It was overrun by secret police vehicles and personnel. Shops were closed. Goods were being seized into loaded trucks. It was a place being readied for war. 

He parked his car before Honda's Bookstore and got out. His heart sank when the shop was closed like the others.  Through the window, he spied thick dusty around the till and on the benches. The placed looked like no one had been inside for days. 

"Hinata!" He cried out as he turned and sprinted down the road for his home. 

"Please be there!" His heart ached and mind pleaded as he neared the entrance of his cottage.  

He sank to his knees before a kicked in door and many shoji panels torn off their hinges.  His mind was going blank at the thought of Hinata being lost to him. 

"Takaki-san?" A voice called out to him with shock and surprise.

Eiji turned to see Yuri hiding behind some bushes. "Sakamoto?"

"Hurry!" Yuri called out to him to draw him into the bush. 

Eiji instinctively followed to hide with Yuri before a secret police patrol had spotted him. 

"You're supposed to be dead." Yuri coolly noted of Eiji crouching in the flesh before him. 

"What's going on?" Eiji asked, baffled.

"Kenpeitai was chasing us. Anyone who was connected to your father." Yuri solemnly explained.

Color drained from Eiji's face. His father was the crux of his torment again. "You know about him?"

Yuri gave him a wry smile. "Yeah."

"Where's everyone else?" 

"Not here." Yuri answered. He gestured for Eiji to follow him when the coast was clear. 

"There're others with me. I have to go back to them," Eiji said as he bolted for the way back to the car. 

He saw two kenpeitai questioning Tyne. Himari was timidly watching from the backseat of the car. She had Tama on her lap.

"TYNE!" Eiji shouted when one of the kenpei pulled out a gun.

Tyne skillfully disarmed the man. He dived back into the car to start up the engine. 

"Stay seated!" He called out to Himari who timidly nodded as she held to Tama. 

He reversed and drove towards Eiji, avoiding the shouting and gunfire aimed his way.

The car skidded to a halt. Eiji and Yuri got into the backseat.

"It's okay." Eiji reassured Himari who was understandably scared. 

The car sped down the road. 

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