

And so the 'How to stop the war' strategy meeting began.

"Do any of you have any ideas on how to do that? You have the grasp of the situation in your clans, so if you don't mind, it would be better to share the information." I'm not part of any clan, so basically I'm the only person in the dark.

The atmosphere around Tobirama tensed a little. So he is still not fully convinced.

"Uchiha clan has a little more than 600 members left, including all of the women and children. Those who are heavily wounded easily surpass 20 and the numbers of those who need more time to rest and recover are around 100. Our total fighting power is around 300 people in total, including all of the wounded." Madara decided to start first. He sensed the uncertainty of younger Senju brother and revealed their capabilities to show that he is being serious about this peace.

Tobirama turned away for a second, embarrassed a little. Hashirama smiled when he saw the changes in his brother's behaviour and was second to spill the beans.

"Senju clan has around 1000 members, including woman and children. Heavily wounded are around 50 and those who need more time to recover are 150. Total manpower is approximately 600, including wounded."

Madara's face showed some shock at the numbers. So Senju has an advantage in this war, huh. It's bad news for the Uchihas.

"Looks like Uchihas are at disadvantage here...."

"Seems like it," Madara confirmed.

With those numbers, Senju would eventually defeat Uchiha clan and I'm not sure if any would be spared. Just what could we do to stop that from happening? Could I use my magic to help? How should I do that?

" Do you think that if they know that they will be eradicated, the Uchiha clan will accept the peace treaty?" I turned my head to Madara. I've got an idea and I need a little more information to confirm whether it is possible or not.

"Probably. Uchihas are very protective over the things they care about, but I fear that it will also have the exact opposite outcome."

The three of us looked at Madara a little confused.

"Uchihas are protective, but they also proud of their power. You asked when we fought if there is more to our eyes, right? Well, there is. Different stages of development of our Doujutsu grant us some additional prowess and if it evolves into Mangekyou Sharingan, they get a lot stronger. But, there is the cost. If Mangekyou is used to many times, the user will turn blind, but many neglects this when they get the power."

He looks back at the camp in the distance," We already have quite a few members with Mangekyou. They and many others are really proud of their strength and probably will never give up. They will try to fight in the war and even if we do manage to make peace, there is a chance that that group will lead to a new war. "

"Why is it always so difficult with Uchihas..."Tobirama facepalmed.

So their spirit must be crushed. Not the cleanest way to win, but many lives are at stake here.

"Then, what if we show the consequences of their actions? The outcome of this war or the war that might happen because of them? What if we thoroughly crush any desire to fight."

Now it's them who look at me in astonishment.

"It might work, but, Malika, how do you plan to do that? If you want me to use Genjutsu, it will be impossible. I'm strong and skilled, but not to the point where I can put 600 people in illusion. Besides, all of them are shinobi to some extent, so if they combine their efforts, they will easily breakthrough."

I showed them a confident smile. I've got the necessary information.

"I told you that I'll help, didn't I? Hashirama, Madara, for how many days can you make your clans rest and not engage in any fights?"

Both of them exchanged glances and Hashirama answered.

"Probably three to four days."

"That's plenty! So.."

"What are you planning to do?" Tobirama.... whatever. At least he is no longer pushy.

"I will put them in an illusion. To the Uchihas I'll show the outcome of this war and other possibilities. Also, I'll switch them with Senjus in that illusion, with feelings and memories of that clan. Uchihas will see the despair and feel the emotions of another side. When they will be released, they will be unable to fight with the same vigour."

"Senju will go only through the place swap. If we show them the outcome, they will rethink the necessity of peace talks. 'Why to bother, if we have an advantage?' or something along those lines, will definitely appear. What do you think?"

The three of them discussed my suggestion between themselves and came to the conclusion that this might be the best course of action.

"Do you need any preparations for the illusion?" Madara asked.

"Yes. That was the reason I asked for how many days can the fight be postponed. I will need to get the memories of each and every individual in both clans."

"Is it to make the illusion more accurate and realistic?"

"Yes. I'll need two days for that. Tomorrow, I come to the Uchiha clan and the day after tomorrow, to Senju and scan through their heads. It won't take long, but my mind is not a limitless container. When I'll get the information, it will be as if I lived hundreds of different lives at the same time, so I'll spend the rest of the day sorting them out."

"And how much time will the illusion take? A day or two? Won't they notice the change in time and begin to suspect the other side even more?" Tobirama analysed everything that I said and asked a very important question.

"No, they won't notice a thing. Two days from now, I cast the spell and dispel it almost immediately. In reality, less than a minute will pass, but for them, it will be years."

They nodded but stopped in trucks after my words that followed next.

"All of this will take three days, so on the fourth day, you three must pretend that you know nothing a lead them to fight."


"Wow, Hashirama, calm down. I didn't finish. The reason for that is, your people will be a little hesitant to fight, yes, but later they will disregard that and fight seriously. Hashirama and Madara will have to fight without holding anything back and at the end make it look like a winner doesn't want any necessary bloodshed. I don't think that your past friendship is a secret to anyone, so when they combine the events from their 'visions' and the proposal for peace, they will probably give up."

Silence hung in the air once again. Tobirama and Hashirama were discussing this while Madara just stared blankly into space. I waved my hand before his face and saw a smirk forming on his face. It soon grew into a grin and he burst out with hearty laughter.

"Hahaha! I'll get to fight Hashirama who won't hold anything back! It's wonderful! However," he suddenly turned serious," even with Mangekyou, I don't think I'll be able to hold out for long against this guy's full power."

If the fight will be way too one-sided, people won't impressed. That's a problem.

"Is there any more evolutions of your eyes?"

"Well yes, but it's hard to achieve."


"One has to first: awaken Mangekyou Sharingan and second: he or she will have to transplant somebody else's Mangekyou. This will lead to Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and the user will no longer be losing their sight."

A troublesome detail...

"Madara, do you have Mangekyou?"

"Yup." He activates his Sharingan and three comma-like markings started to rotate, creating a totally new pattern. How many times do I have to become a victim before the beauty of those eyes???

"Let me take a look at them."

I came closer and pressed my finger on his forehead. A tread of magical energy passed through his skull and examined every bit of the brain, eyes and nerves that were connected to them. I moved my hand away and sat on the ground.

'So the reason they lose their sight is that chakra that is being sent from the brain is too strong for the optical nerve to handle. So the reason why they don't go blind after transplanting another set of eyes is probably because of the nerve re-growing and becoming a lot sturdier after getting into the contact with chakra in the transplant.'

The answer came to me and now I had the solution.

"Madara, close your eyes. I'll make them EMS, but the process might be unpleasant." He followed my instructions without any delay. Hashirama and his brother sat at the side and watched the process.

I send my magical energy inside of his eyes, reaching every nerve in them and started to reinforce their structure. They became a lot stronger. Since I was using mana instead of chakra in the process, I was a little afraid it won't work, but it did so it's okay.

During the whole process, Madara felt his eyes itch and his head hurt. It wasn't on the level of unbearable, but definitely unpleasant.

As soon as I finished, Madara opened his eyes and a new pattern appeared in them. He sat up and surveyed the surroundings. A wide grin appeared on his face.

"Hashirama! We will have a great fight in three days! Let us make it a show worth watching!"

He turned back to look at me. "I'll be waiting for you tomorrow. I'll be counting on you!" And he vanished. I saw him reappear several times before he entered his camp, that was asleep long ago.

"Elder brother, how did you two end up as friends....." Tobirama muttered looking at the place where Madara stood a few moments ago.

"I think we will be going as well. Do you plan to stay here for a night? You could come with us." Hashirama stood up shaking off the dust of his pants.

"It's alright. I'll be staying here for the time being. You should go. Bye, see you after tomorrow."

When they left, I made a tear in the space and pulled out a tent and a sleeping bag. I have them in my space, just in case something similar happens when I travel.

Hi! I hope you liked the chapter! Let me know what you think in the comments and maybe give me your power... support

Check out mt other book:

"A traveler that changes the world"

See you all soon!

mdrmcreators' thoughts
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